Should fatties be euthanized? If so, what would be the cut-off weight?

Should fatties be euthanized? If so, what would be the cut-off weight?

Also, fat hate thread.

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Yeah but we should prolly kill the people who poisoned the food supply on purpose and fix it first
If they are still have planets after that then they can be put down

euthanization would be too kind, they deserve to be starved to death

I feel bad for them.
I am disabled too but I go to gym and try to fix it the best I can. I will never have a normal life no matter how hard I try. I know these ugly hippos lost all motivation to live. It's just sad to watch this.

>kill the people who poisoned their food supply
You don't get fat by like OPs pic by eating a 2000 calorie diet of poisoned food
You get a little chunky but not grossly obese

Please euthanize me.


Just take food away from them and make them fast until they lose weight.. just give them water and multivitamins.

Nah, just punish them severely with extra tax on anything with corn syrup, and remove healthcare accommodations.

Oh I'm laffin.

But who the hell would tap that thing?

>waaahh my whole body hurts because I weight so much

Starvation? No. Lampshades and soap? Yes.

>who would have sex with that thing
women can get dicks even if there is shit that comes out of their vagina

Whats your stats?

black guys seem to love really fat women, not sure why. Some african art works depict really fat women as being very fertile.

what ails you, leaf?

There should be a Final Solution for the obesity problem. The criteria for obesity is a 30 BMI. Anybody over that gets put in a very large oven.

The hilarious thing about this picture is that planet on the left convinces herself everyday that she's healthy and beautiful because she hasn't gotten to the size of that planet on her right.

>fat hate thread.
finally something worth browsing.



This. They're eating in excess of 7,000-10,000 calories per day. That sounds difficult, right, but watch any fatty limelight show and look at the things they keep in their homes, the amount of times they stop for fast food, and the drinks they wash it all down with.


Former fatso here.

Never got to this level, but was at 275 at my worst. Managed to get it down to 175, now at 225 and lifting hard.

I empathize with fat people, hell i used to be one. The biggest thing to help them is to let them suffer. You cannot be this fat unless you have a support system to encourage it, I would first focus on hardening the people around her to quit with the bullshit before taking on the monstrosity. You have to beat the henchmen before the final boss you know.


Euthanize fatties and the entire american population goes away





God will take them when He determines so.

Okay. I'm going to go make sure my jeans still fit now. (This is probably going to give me a nightmare)

Wouldn't a person have to eat like pure fat for years to get that fat? My diet can get pretty bad (& I drink too many sodas), but the worst I've ever been is a size 16 jeans. (12s are my "fat jeans")
How does this happen?

She was actually going to drown in a foot of water because she's so useless she can't get on her own feet. Shame she got help.



t. slightly overweight man, previously obese, who's still not eating a "healthy" diet



>Linda Bacon

chins up fatty

As someone who was quite heavy (220lb) and is now down to 145lb after intensive 1200-1500cal dieting, walking through an american grocery store now means i ignore 90% of the product on the shelves. I have to check everything. It should not be this difficult to make good eating decisions.


Take a page from the (((official))) 3rd reich handbook: Render them down into lamp oil and use them to light our streets

That dude needs to just walk out and disappear into the general population and spend time alone.

Save him, someone, holy shit.

Fat doesn't make you fat but it's calorie dense. You can become obese eating nothing but 3 crates of small clementines a day. Most of these 500 lbers are drinking several liters of soda and entire packs of cookies a day.


over 400 pounds = immediate execution
under 400/above 300 = work camp
300 = increased taxes until normal BMI

Someone should call the local child protective service

>free smells

I even felt like an abused child watching that lmao Jesus Christ, take her now.

>free smells


There has to be more to that than just a fat woman stuck in tiny waves. That has to be a downy or something.

what about people with mad muscle who are like 6'6"? we would have to set up mandatory visits with them somehow to make sure that they are fit and not fat


shill thread

obvious exceptions for the extreme fringe of fit 300+. steroids are degenerate anyways though so they should probably still pay the degeneracy tax

no one is 400+ and fit

everyone knows BMI doesn't apply normally to bodybuilders. Showing up at a weighing station looking swole af next to a rotund hambeast would quickly solve the situation

I wouldn't say kill them considering how most of them eat to cope with trauma. But they should have their rights taken away and be institutionalized until they can prove to be a productive member of society.

who's gonna pay for the lard institute? Nigga no, just shoot em, we're already paying out the ass for their health care in every western country

>Beached and drowning in knee deep water

I left my last job because I had to work with a fatty. Well, multiple fat people but only one that was a diehard fatty.

Her stats were 5'1 and 21 stone (I think that is 300 pounds for you Ameriburgers) She'd eat 3 sandwiches, crisps and an ice cream every break then complain all fucking day about her feet/ankles/knees hurting. She was decent at her job until she had to move more than 3 feet. She was a cat person with 0 sense of humour.

here in the US if you fire them they would just sue you for discrimination, win and then go on disability benefits the rest of their life costing the taxpayers millions

easier to just let them keep their job and pray every day that they have a heart attack

This is insane

Honestly, at least they're doing something

It's always Americans or Mexicans, really makes you think. What does the government put into their drinking water?

>who's gonna pay for the lard institute?
Genocide the sub-humans, free up billions of dollars now that welfare is obsolete.

that webm is from fetish porn


ahahhahaha. they never drink water. just two liters of mountain dew

Man, I would not mind to see her on the gallows

pulled the pin on the fat grenade, and she blew the FUCK UP!


Nevermind then


death to the fat goblin

This. Or turned into soap.


>dat jiggle when she corrects her bra
Fuck... would/10

Man the harpoons.

That sack of shit on the right definitely not even joking.

I don't think euthanized, I think all benefits should be cut except for a gym membership nearby. So they either lose the weight from not eating and living outside. A homeless person has enough embarrassment. Imagine being fat and homeless. Their pampered ass would be out there fat, unable to ride around on their scooter as it runs out of power. They'll get mugged more. It'll just be a much better world to see fat as negative

top kek

B-b buht whad aboud MUUUUH FREEEEDOHM? I'd institute health ID's that you'd have to swipe like a credit card b4 acquiring most items at the mall/whatever, in these ID's there'd be various personal parameters stored, so if you are diagnosed with obesity you would not be allowed to buy more than n calories a day. Until you are no longer obese.

When shtf, a fatty can survive months locked in the basement with only a supply of water.
NEETS hate this becuase they are jelly.

I was an ocean lifeguard for 5 years. These obese women would always get fuckin pancaked on rough days. have to take them out on a gurney

atleast they are making an effort to get healthy

Decent drawing but it stupidly says "tolerance" instead of "acceptance" which is what they call themselves, which is very different, maybe youre missing that bc not your 1st language

Hopefully they follow through with the release of information. It's frustrating when these stories end up feeling like a bad tv show where you always have to wait until the next week for the good shit.

Also this. No need to euthanize if the government had the right and ability to intervene with peoples self destruction.
State aided Self improvement is the future.

above 500 lbs is a safe limit to either killing them off or throwing them in a forced fat camp.

It's not hard.

Oh, this was funny!

Yeah that's a good metaphor for our society; let's let things get so bad that it's gonna kill us no matter what and then begin to address the problem

Even when my diet only consisted of junk food, I wasn't fat, just slightly overweight

Someone turned this into a Benny hill video with the 2x speed and the music. Beautiful video. Worth the watch.

next gen graverobbers

Have you ever been to America? Junk food is a vice, and all vices are encouraged in 2017 by all forms of brainwashing media. Fatties are victims of society failing.

Hahahahahaha wtf am i watching



its a fat fetish video.

also, if you're that fat exercise doesnt help, its 100% diet.

These have to be bongs

she's not 'plus' size, she's 'multiplied' size.

why is she in a 2 piece?

A fascist or NatSoc society would help fatties become healthy. For the greater good of society. Euthanasia is an old world idea. All People can be helped to be better.
Rigjt now we are all debt slaves and lots of people self destruct in many ways. All becuase of weimarican subversion.