The "whites are more intelligent" myth

So Sup Forums, aren't black musicians like John Coltrane, Art Tatum, McCoy Tyner, etc (who are Jazz giants that could be considered equal to their Classical counterparts such as Chopin, Liszt, Beethoven, etc when it comes to virtuosity and musical ingenuity) proof that there aren't any differences in the levels of intelligence between other races?
Not convinced? Then you should see for yourselves.

>inb4 muh IQ distribution
The IQ distribution graph is a meme that doesn't take in factors such as socio-economic factors. Also, solving dumb irrelevant puzzles doesn't make you any smarter than others.

Other urls found in this thread:

> equal to their classical counterpa-

Stopped reading there

Have you seen this? Coltrane was a fucking alien.

Ted Nugent/Kid Rock > Coltrane

>Not convinced? Then you should see for yourselves.

Explain the Jamals of today, the gangsters and Detroit-level yard ape-ism.


>Niggers are more smarter because they can make sounds more better
>Niggers are stoned when making sounds
>Jazz actually sounds like shit and only niggers and faggots like it
Worst argument I've seen yet


>Jamals of today
Arabs =/= Black

And are you going to conveniently ignore the Sicilian gangsters and the white mafia members who wrecked havoc in the 1920's? Blacks weren't doing any of that back then.

>Detroit-level yard ape-ism
It's due to the economic decline of the city.

>Also, solving dumb irrelevant puzzles doesn't make you any smarter than others.

keep telling yourself that, tyrone

>equal to their classical counterparts
Absolutely not

>actually sounds like shit
Spotted the edgy degenerate Metal listener

not even bothering with the inevitable discussions of the merits of jazz vs classical etc.
You know you're talking about outliers do you?
There might be outliers in whites - you can see them not understanding statistics right here, if you are white then you are probably stupid as fuck if not baiting, or some dedicated white power retard who think all negroes are stupid.
The important thing reasonable persons discuss is the statistics - the modes, the medians , the averages etc.

>aren't black musicians proof that there aren't any differences in the levels of intelligence between other races?
No. While there are some exceptional black musicians and composers, there's still relatively less than in other races. Same with professions like chefs, or others that require combination of education and creativity.
>The IQ distribution graph is a meme that doesn't take in factors such as socio-economic factors.
Yes it does.

nigs noggin

Jazz sounds shit though.

Try asking this question on Sup Forums.

How so? Classical music is great but Jazz is more complex since you have 7th chord voicing used (plus 11th and 13th) rather than simple triads in classical and requires on the spot improvisation to play. Also to mention that modal Jazz in particular could be played in all 12 modes unlike Classical compositions which are written only in major or minor keys.
It truly is more cerebral.

I am asking a question about race here.

>Doesn't mention Miles

I just gave a few examples. He is definitely worth a mention too.

this desu

Who is the King of rock n roll?
> White Elvis
Who is the King of hop?
> White Eminem
Who is the King of Pop?
> White Michael Jackson. He was known before in Jackson five, but got famous on his own after converting to white.

Dey waz Kangs an sheeeet


A lot of jazz ends up being a 'bunch of notes' unfortunately, where it's that relentless spammy jazz.

Chet Baker was the best though

troll thread

Not a lot in this video has anything to do with Coltrane.

read plato's "ion", nigger

Jazz is a fractured form of music. If you think of 'song' as being a circle, moving from verse to chorus to verse to chorus, the bridge is the jazz section that completes the circle. It's useless to stay there in the off-rythym/off-time jazz section for too long. Like most progressive musicians claim, it is a mobieus knot.

blacks are performing monkeys and thats all they ever will be

>implying you need to have a genius level IQ to be a virtuoso

C'mon man. Especially jazz is more about feel than composing a masterpiece. Jazz is actually antithetical to songwriting. I can appreciate both things and do appreciate jazz and blues. That is not an argument against race realism, probably actually one that's for it actually. Blacks are probably more spontaneous than whites which can lead to excellent improvisation.

no, Making greatness within traditional forms is the true test of skill. Robert Frost is superior to your slam poets faggots even though he can't clap and take off his clothing and howl.

There are some great black jazz musicians. That obviously doesn't prove that blacks and whites are, as a whole, equally intelligent.

I think it's quite possible that musical genius is well distributed among blacks. That proves nothing about distribution of mathematical and scientific talent, instrumental reasoning, practical deliberation etc.

Also interesting to note that jazz produced so many virtuoso improvisers but not a single composer even close to the level of Mozart. Ellington and Mingus are great, but not even close to the level set by classical composition. Why?

You can't compare jazz artists to Beethoven, Chopin. Tchaikovsky or Mozart. You literally can't, it's a huge difference

>t. musical illiterate
Also orthodox jazz (it's what I call jazz that sounds like a computer made it through sheer rng) is garbage

>Arabs =/= Black
Jamal is a nigger name, not an Arab name. Also arabs act like Niggers so they're niggers too.

>And are you going to conveniently ignore the Sicilian gangsters and the white mafia members who wrecked havoc in the 1920's? Blacks weren't doing any of that back then.
South-Europeans are niggers, are you actually retarded enough to question why the part of italy that is closest to africa has nigger-tier inhabitants?

>It's due to the economic decline of the city.
Have you ever seen that happen to a white city? Stop being this ignorant and retarded.

>but not a single composer even close to the level of Mozart
>Ellington and Mingus are great, but not even close to the level set by classical composition
Because Jazz compositions are basically just frameworks of a piece/tune, and not complete unlike Classical which is written exactly from top to bottom. The musicians "compose" it by improvising and adding their own taste to it.

You can tell by the post that this retard can't even read music if he thinks a few niggers of what is basically shite music (the only actual good jazz composers were jewish) could compete with the likes of Bach, Wagner, Schubert, Beethoven, Mozart or Schubert. One Bach fugue is more complex, more beautiful, more rich and more deep than all of these nigger pieces put together

>>Implying that the nogs sitting on street corners listening to rap compare in any conceivable way to the organized crimes, close familias, and massive networks that the mafia consisted of

There's plenty of classical music that uses extended and modal harmony. Wagner etc. Most classic jazz harmony (bop and hard bop) is taken from bach and the American song book, which is taken from romantic classical composition like Chopin.

Jazz music contributed some achievements within western harmony (Giant Steps/Coltrane changes) but relatively minor. (Note that Coltrane changes are in fact an extrapolation of a common "bridge" modulation in American songbook harmony). Most of the harmony is taken directly from classical.

This is literally true.

Nobody worth a shit said blacks can't be smart OP. It's a matter of averages. Blacks average 85. Whites are 100 something. Read "The Bell Curve."

>artistic """intelligence"""

>Jamal is a nigger name, not an Arab name

Jamal is literally an arabic word you subhuman.

You realize in there is improvization in classical music too right?

>One Bach fugue is more complex, more beautiful, more rich and more deep than all of these nigger pieces put together
I'm sorry, but this is just a ridiculous claim. As beautiful and innovative as his music is, Bach has centuries of music theory development to contend with and just can't compare in terms of complexity.

Sup Forums and boomers fail to realize that the black to nigger ratio is fucked when compared to pre-70s western society.

State welfare and 3rd Reich Femnazism is to blame.

Nope they cant ,Because like most musicians nowadays they are standing on the shoulders of giants....(race has nothing to do with being a good musician, you study music and go for it....)
Mozart was a jew, how many just got triggered ?lol

Crappy video to be honest.

It hasn't been done at a high level for a long time


Jazz is for heroin junkies and art school faggots who dig through crates of literal garbage in the hope of finding a moldy Blue Note record to post on their 30-follower Instagram account.

>just can't compare in terms of complexity.
You have to be fucking joking. Bach has given every musical titan since him an inferiority complex when they study his work

>I dont know what an average is
kys you science denying cunt

Mozart was a catholic by faith and Aryan by blood. Show some proof before claiming he was a filty jew

I'm a studio musician for sony in Nashville and I was in redial classes up until I dropped out in highschool. I make over 100 grand a year but I'm far from smart. Musical talent has nothing to do with intelligence, my family is just full of musicians so I was learning to play when I was 4 years old. I actually don't think blacks are all stupid though.

>he hasn't listened to any concertos ever

fuck wrong quote

the sad thing is even white people are better at black people music when compared to blacks. bob james is way better than any black jazz composer and eric clapton is way better at blues.

That's all BS. He changed keys. that's all. He is nothing compared to Chopin.

I hate jazz!

t. what are cadenzas and how do they work

Technically hard to play, but sounds like utter shit.

>IQ is a meme
>Jazz isnt
most nigger thing i read all day

what are cadenzas and how do they work

Yes but limited compared to Jazz. You are mostly expected to perfectly play the piece as the composer intended to.
I never said Jazz doesn't have Classical roots. But, for example, hard-bop pieces also uses techniques/harmony from the Blues, Gospel area. Also to mention the exotic rhythms/scales not used in traditional Western classical music in some modal pieces (i.e Coltrane's A Love Supreme).

mathematically the argument you advanced was just cloud viewing... your looking dfor a pattern in aggregate that looks impressive to neets and numales that don't play instruments.

what are candenzas and how do they work


Modern concerto performances almost always use pre composed cadenzas. I went to music conservatory (lol)

Concerto is a piece for a full symphony that features one player on one instrument. Throughout the piece there will be multiple times in which the orchestra stops playing and the featured soloist improvises on the theme of the piece for 1-5 minutes

>John Coltrane, Art Tatum, McCoy Tyner, etc (who are Jazz giants that could be considered equal to their Classical counterparts such as Chopin, Liszt, Beethoven, etc
AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! You stupid fucking nigger!

It's not that there aren't Blacks above the mean, exceptional men and women who are way, way beyond their peers in intelligence. There are. Many, millions.

But that does not negate that the average is so low for the black community.

The real problem isn't race, it's intelligence. I feel the same way about stupid white people as I do about stupid black people because they act roughly the same way.

Stupid people are more dangerous to you and I, more dangerous to society on average, and consume more tax dollars. They are in every way the real problem.

This. Op is musically illiterate.

Rofl. Die.

Do fuck off and find out yourself, I'm not your bitch ..
Oh and he was thrown out of the freemasons...
find that too if you can....
Ignorant much?

Then you went to a shitty conservatory.
>went to a good overall school
>threw away 4 years with a bachelor of music in performance on french horn
>don't even like to play any more

>could be considered equal to their Classical counterparts such as Chopin, Liszt, Beethoven, etc when it comes to virtuosity and musical ingenuity

science says otherwise. Math and musical skills are related.

Jazz is fucking retarded.

Modern classical musicians can't improvise for shit. Sorry that's just a fact. It's a lost art. I love classical but jazz guys will cut your heads off in improv.

>love classical but jazz guys will cut your heads off in improv.
I could say the same thing about jam bands.

>socio-economic factors
butthurt nigger detected

While all of this may be true, it avoids addressing op's point: it takes significant intelligence to be a high level musician, and there have been many black high level musicians. Innovation or not, Coltrane was en exceptional player and musician in general. He successfully internalized the rules of those that came before him, learned to think in that manner, and then contributed to the vocabulary of a great western tradition. Say what you want about his originality, but clearly he was intelligent

Just because it was from an era doesn't mean the harmony had to be less complex, that would be saying a plat by Shakespeare can't be as complex as a modern play. In fact it's quite the opposite, most nigger jazz composers(like the ones up there) barely knew even basic harmony, the harmony of Bach would take years and years to perfect. The fact that these 3 videos are the best he could come up with shows how shite they are, these could easily be mistaken as someone just improvising with some jazz licks and chords. This is the equivalent of some rapper rapping over a 3 minute beat and then saying it's as complex as a play by Shakespeare. I sick of people who have no music education insulting the names of the great composers. To say that the shite up there can compete to this
is not just an insult to the composers both to you as a human being

>Jazz is fucking retarded.

Yet another nigger who doesn’t understand bell curves

THIS thread again?
Get new material for your thread farm, Sanjay

Shakespeare was a Japanese woman. Don't believe me? want me to give proof? well I'm not bitch go look for yourself

Great music does have a lot to do with intelligence though. Perhaps some feel the era, but most have some understanding of the era and write music that harmonises the form of it.
Wagner and Orff would be two examples of adapting traditional stories to the time, but there are many more who adapt with less overt stories.

this is now a Baroque thread

I addressed the point elsewhere - distribution matters, not all forms of intelligence are interchangeable.

Poor argument.
Jazz music is playing within a a particular key with literally no structure other than the "head" of the song. As long as the other musicians can communicate with each other when they are going to change, it all falls into place. Composition/arrangement is several orders of magnitude more difficult to do well, and undoubtedly requires quite a bit more brain power.
Virtuoso musician ≠ classical composer

Better than jazz:

They're not the same. Learn the difference.

Not really, jam bands can improv but they generally use simpler forms, harmony, rhythms etc. I'm not arguing for the superiority of jazz, just that classical guys can't improv the way they did back in the hey day, the way jazz musicians can now.

Instead they focus on super human levels of perfect technique. So the emphasis has just changed from improv to perfect performance and greater division of labor between composer and player. It's not worse, just different.

I wanted to post some live footage of Jazz legends. No need to be salty just because you like something else.

Stereotype much? Look at the works more closely. It's not that simple.

can you restart the thread and talk about the British are white myth?