Operation Sweden Ouroboros
propaganda rules:
1. Refer to the Swedish government as occupying force. i.e. "occupying PM Stefan Löfven"
2. Refer to Sweden as an apartheid state.
3. Use these when discussing Sweden
Swedish Accelerationism
You guys are going to meme us into a caliphate. Thanks, assholes.
Your leaders are completely brainwashed, and the people have no will to overthrow them either democratically or by force. This is the only way.
The occupied territory of Sweden must be overthrown to allow the new Swedes access to the resources they need to thrive in a multicultural world.
I fucking love this, how can I help?
I fucked a swedish girl on holiday once. I swear these are the sluttiest women in the world. Total filth
You already did that to yourselves, Sven. This is a last ditch effort to wake you up.
I think there are two things we can try:
1. target a politician for labeling as not left enough
2. discuss Swedish politics using these terms in normie spheres. Start slow, but it should become mainstream in a few months.
Sweden will change its flag
When you disagree with the Swedish gov't they have their simple smug narrative, calling you a nazi and just carrying on with the destruction of their land.
The EU won't allow Swedes to stand up for themselves, they'd step in quick and shut down any rebellion.
We need new tools. We need a Swedish Spring
Tfw my gf is from Bergen
how diz make u feel Norgeboi
If we can get the Swedish Gov't to refer to themselves as occupying force, it will be a victory.
It's true whether you take the Swedish citizens side or the New Swede's side.
The Occupied territory of Sweden.
Well it appears they are on to us. bbc.co.uk
We should start slow, maybe using similes like
PM Löfven is *acting* like an occupying leader by not giving all the gib me dats, etc...
Only later to refer them with the full metaphor
Välkommen till
LOL, I saw that. I think it's a good sign. We should keep this up.
Free propaganda
Refer to no-go zones as ghettos, oppressed ghettos
Swedes are "settlers"
your stupid sweden 'operation' already failed.
you got totally BTFO by the other BBC, the one not currently fucking your wife/gf in the ass right now.
better luck next time, christmas crackers! :D
That was phase 1 of a multi-pronged project.
It isn't going away, anytime soon.
they still watching you, white boy
you try and fake news anything else, they'l rat you out again and again.
Either they're right and this has no effect, or they're scared of the effect it will have. Either way, it's worth it.
next time make a more credible flag and use only swedish for your posters, not english
doesnt this just mean we can take any ridiculous liberal movement, post about it on here and then say its Sup Forums behind it?
just spin the BBC report when going on twitter
>"even though the proposition came from the scary hacker 4chin, it's still a good idea! let's change the flag!"
Damn, I guess so.
Exactly. Bad move for BBC to even touch this, effectively endorsing it. Normies are so uninformed, they probably won't even read the BBC's article.
it didnt even start on here, you cunts just too it over to ruin it
>literal nazis
You are already a caliphate, genius
Fuck, does it take them literally blaring the koran over loudspeakers everyday while half the population is arabic and your PM is an islamic imam before you finally accept it?
we did nothing. Your people did this to themselves
nobody cares
the pedophile who wrote the article has a book coming out next year called "Alt-Right: From Sup Forums to the White House".
doesnt have a clue what Sup Forums is
Swedish Govt. is just standing in their way.
anyone third worlder who wants to walk into Sweden is just as entitled to the land as the OldSwedes
mates its so easy accuse the BBC of racism for implying that there is any reason why this could only be a ploy, and the the best thing for Sweden
Are you pushing anti fake-news laws in Sweden?
>Alt-Right: From Sup Forums to the White House
if we could just extend our attention span by 5 fucking minutes we could use the BBC report and really get some traction
Meme magic let us down bigly on this one. We need to operate this better next time.
I actually thought BBC just made it up for an article. They fucked up giving it any awareness.
>fake news
I don't see how. If user supports a certain flag and the majority likes it that's just opinions. But if OP really wanted to pull this off he would be organizing with Islamic communities in Sweden instead.
The weak must perish for the strong to flourish!
Death to Feminazi Sweden!
When the other Western Nations see Sweden finally collapsing they will wake up from the Feminazi nightmare.
I am sorry, you pussy-whipped Swedes have got to go, don't worry we sane Euros will take better can of your daughters and effeminate sons than Arabs and Niggers.
Let's copy strategy from the King of the Jews, Soros himself:
Like he did in Syria and Libya, let's print thousand of Self-Help Brochures in Arabic, English and French, for how to move to Sweden BUT from other European cities!
"Why are you still in Paris, Nigerian brother, don't you know that in Sweden they give you free housing, and all the gibsmedat and white pussy you can dream of?"
What other sick strategies should we pursue?
shit like this doesnt work on Sup Forums anymore because its filled with too many normies ree, only works on other boards elsewhere
Good to see I'm Euro, but we'd need a new petition or I can't properly print these folders and spread them all over.
This is the real version without your stupid troll bullshit
Muslims and Christians can be friends and Sweden can prove it
Lol, when will Mediamatters admit that the Swedish Govt. is an occupying regime?
It's for your own good.
my facebook acount got banned for a month for pushing this haha
@asaromson @annieloof @swedishpm @gudschy @vkawesa @AnnelieNordstro @FiJonkoping @FIGotland @uf_stockholm @CamillaKvartoft @AgnesWold @LisaGemmel @FiMiljo @fiuppsala @lisakpalm @MariaBorgstrom @Kvinnolobbyn @ManForJamst @Machofabriken @Kvinnolobbyn @fiboras @lundsfeminister @MalmoMJB @FiCarl @MalinBjork_EU @Feministerna @FiStockholm @ngfemgbg @fempers @FemiFiction @JessicaBLarsson @Gita_Nabavi @SisselaNB @CBillskog @margarethemuntz
here are some notable fem groups , don't copy paste, go through and find related people with keywords like FEM and POLITIK
The language of the Mediamatters article is so biased that Progressiveness is co-equal to Good, everything else, bad. Classic false dichotomy.
If progressiveness is so good, then accelerationism can only be better.
>Sup Forums did this to us
Your low-tier bait failed so hard, is being used against everyone that browse Sup Forums. Good job numbnut. 10/10 inside job though left winners.
how brown do you have to be to get gibs in sweden? asking for a friend
>Sup Forums creates chaos because they played colour in a flag for a day or two
>Sweden shifting their population demographics by greater than 20% in less than 30 years has nothing to do with chaos at all you fucking racist pigdogs alt right taylor swift two sip two scoop pepe email russian hacker twitter raping bigender anonymous pissgobbling fucktards
>baiting this hard
I suppose you believe in the false genders as well?
Sven, oh my old nemesis. Please understand, we take no pleasure in your doom. We would have enjoyed the crap out it if it was our doing, revenge, sore looser and all that. But seeing you destroy yourself is bittersweet. Sweet because destroyed you are, it's just not (((official))) yet. Bitter, because this, forever, robs us of the chance to ever to so.
Still, you will serve a purpose. You will be a warning to all other countries riding the multi-kulti train.
Start a petition to allow refugees to report for media matters, to use their office space to house refugees... etc. typical hypocrites.
We must stop this sick feminist disease from spreading.
We are putting you out of your misery.
You sick Feminazi zombies!!!
black as coal
i dont understad why are you so entusiast it doent matter who will win you are not part of the plan you always be the underclass to benefit the rest
Sweden must drop the shackles of their oppressive past!
are you retarded
this Sup Forums is dead for these type of troling
You deserve this for being the world cuck capitol.
You're ultracucks on a level never seen before.
This is what you get for having a fucking feminist government.
Swallowed whole by a GENUINELY patriarchal regressive ideology. You fucking fools.
Your only hope for survival is to go full Nazi party. But you're too cucked for that, enjoy your laughable consumption by Shitslam; the religion of retardism.
There's a good fucking reason there have never been any successful matriarchal societies in the history of earth; it's because it's the exact same fucking Darwinian nightmare as having all your vital organs on the outside of your body. It doesn't fucking exist because if it happens they die immediately.
Enjoy your dark, dark fate, Swedistan.
I am a Radiogender and will fry you with my ionizing rays if you keep that shit up. You mongrel 56%
>spreading thumbnail cancer
Jij bin een kanker.
Plz go
Pray daily to remove the occupying force that is the Swedish govt.
Time to turn Swedistan into an Islamic Caliphate
Sacrifices must be made
Try to put an end to it in Italy first.
i think the best redpill for black is to look at california which a mexican mayority and too think with ones you prefer to live with a white mayority (progresives ,racist...)or mexican
My father in law told me that swedish women got angry because no man wanted to fuck them, he warned me about them having STD's, I was like what I have a relation with your daughter, he's a crazy guy.
I think Sup Forums should change swedish posters' flag to that khalifa version
Too soon. That's not how accelerationism works. You have jumped too many stages.
We need some petitions to spread. Is something out there?
Browner than that brownest Europeans, anything darker than a Sicilian is certain to get welfare.
[+] Brown kids
[++] Brown wife
[+++] Brown pregnant wife
[++++] Homosexual
[ +++++] (((Syrian)))
[++++++++++] Brown lesbian with an infibulated cunt
Bro, this has already been covered by mainstream media as a fake Sup Forums troll.
Also, the swedish government doesn't care about petitions in our country, why the fuck would they give two shit about a petition from England, that has hitler signatures and other shit like that?
Isn't the operation a success already? The BBC made an article about it, there probably was radio and tele talking about it since yesturday.
I wouldn't call it a success
What happened to the IOTBW operation?
They already did this on radio as a test to check reactions. Blamed it on a hack. Was some ISIS "recruitment song".
Was pretty good desu
loll wtf...Sup Forums is crazy
>ID CucX
Holy shit, bong, ahahahahahaha!
You shall go first, you unashamed cucks, unrepentant CORNUTI
that's kinda hot. (opens fur folder)
It failed. Badly.
BBC mentioned it in the same article
"...And the Swedish flag hoax was just the latest in a stream of Sup Forums plots designed to discredit leftist activists, call attention to the alt-right or poke fun at the mainstream media. Recently Sup Forums users were urged to distribute leaflets saying "It's OK to be white". The pranksters hoped the posters, which were spotted in various locations around the world, would prompt a backlash by media outlets and (somehow) a counter-backlash which would convert people to white nationalism. The poster incidents were widely reported but the campaign's origins were quickly revealed."
all the 'operations' are fucking retarded 13 year old shithead LARPing. Literally nobody ever falls for this kind of shit.
>It failed
That doesn't sound right, because there was nothing to fail in. I'm going to take a guess that Sup Forums either got bored or the mods banned it.
Let's try it with another flag that symbolize Modern Sweden values.
Why is this bad? Inshallah we will dominate the north once again bror.
That's the spirit!
we're just speeding the process up buddy, you will still suffer in vein
poor little arab rape baby,unable to fight like a little faggot run to sweeden like their ancertors did 1000 years ago
It's weird that Mediamatters and BBC would encourage their readers to check out Sup Forums by sourcing Sup Forums, inadvertently redpilling untold numbers of their readership.
They will be their own undoing.
Has any Swede made any actual swedistan flags and flown them in public yet? Snuck up a town hall flagpole late at night or hung from the roof an apartment full of public housing refugees? I doubt people would rush to take it down at a Swedish university.
The fuck do you know about Sweden 1000 years ago. As Vikings we were cucked traders, the vikings you know of were all Danish and Norwegian. Sweden only became a superpower when gunpowder was used because then we could kill at distance. All our seized areas became trade colonies.
We are the Jews of Scandinavia. Except we can't fight shit.
The thing you lack is bloodthirst. Look at my country, we invented global nigger trading. we whipped these shitskins real good so they have the color scheme of an edgy OC.
My somalian Friend.
What matters is that people hear "Sweden" associated with "Islam".
Repeated over and over again.
Do you know what a meme is?
We will find other, even more outrageous ways to wake people up.