Isn't it time for the UK to stop their illegal occupation of the MALVINAS and return it to its genuine owners?
Isn't it time for the UK to stop their illegal occupation of the MALVINAS and return it to its genuine owners?
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Daily reminder that this is what Argentineans believe
No fuck off we will kick your fucking arse again
another 3rd world shit hole that needs to be bitch slapped
See here
>3 votes
I support Malvinas son Argentina!
drumpf btfo
Argentinutangs being buttmad over the Falklands will never not be funny
Is the Belgrano still your countries only submarine :^)
It's time for the UK to stop existing. Their people have literally ruined the world.
Isn't it time for SPAIN to stop their illegal occupation of CATALONIA and return it to its genuine owners?
Too bad you lot surrendered before we could let these mad bastards have some fun with you.
It's pretty easy m8, all you have to do is send over an invasion force that doesn't get its arse kicked.
Go on, you can do it! Think of all the sheep and penguins you'll have!
stop with this retarded shit, falklands are 10 times better under their rule than they would be under ours.
>reee it's closer to us so we should own it
Stay mad Hans
99% of the people on that island want to be part of britain though. it's also full of anglos
>99% of the people on that island want to be part of britain though
>Implying it isn't literally 100%
3 retards ticked the wrong the box
That was to prove it wasn't a rigged vote.
Give us back OUR iselands so it could be poor like us
Are you kidding me
The referendum question was about whether the Falklands should remain a British dependency or not. The people who voted 'No' wanted either full incorporation into the UK or functional independence. No-one wanted to join Argentina.
fukken based
Even if the brits left the islands to their previous owners theyd go to spain not argentina
You have no valid claim on the Falklands other than butthurt
I thought Italians were tight with Argentina and you would always have their back...?
Only two countries have a legitimate claim to the Falklands:
1. Spain. Used to be owned by them until they pulled out in 1811 due to pressure from the Peninsular War. To this day, they don't give a rat's ass about the islands
2. Great Britain. They have owned the islands near-continuously since 1833.
Argentina has never had sovereignty over the islands, and they never will.
Im going to take a nap. The apes that cant forget.
Sure, go ahead. :^)
Make them. If you can't then STFU.
Fuck off nigger
Was going to post this. Never would I had thought argentinians were that butthurt before watching that.
t. boot argie
No. Islanders want to belong to UK, and who wouldn't? Leave them alone.
>genuine owners
the penguins?
to put it very simply, come and fucking get it XD
So are you saying that you would accept the Falklands annexing the Argentinian mainland? I mean we can run Argentina better than the current shithole that Argentina is.
But we're your friends now :3
That was before Italy become a Muslim shithole
Not the same, mainland Argentines generally don't want to be governed by foreign governments. Islanders do want to be part of UK.
But yeah, if you ask me personally I think it would be cool to be part of the Commonwealth. Not that it makes that much difference to me personally, I have Spanish citizenship so I can already leave if I want to.
Why haven't you then?
You're not fooling anyone, you are most likely responsible for this.
I agree, the UK should give them to Chile, which is closer to them than argentina
I've been waiting a while to be able to post this.
I Know Americans are bad at geography, but come on.
I'm studying computer science. Will leave as soon as I get my degree.
This is embarrassing
Stop,we have bigger fish to fry other than some islands
Try and UK will beat you again fuckin' aborigines
they're called the fucking FALKLAND ISLANDS you thick argie cunt.
and if you want em, come get them!
oh wait, you tried that, and we pwned you.
yeah, nice try faggot. gg and fuck off.
>genuine owners
the butthurt
the salt
Falklands islands are only for white people.
Sorry Argentina.
Kys KEKtalonian
Found your submarine yet?
Bit Bleak, we would never start a war
I like how they picture the little argentinian as a total indian, but the english kid is completely aryan
>forgets the episode, where americans got assblasted because of a gay colored truck
at this point in time the Falklands a pretty much the part of great Britain which floated away and should have its own mp
Hola, 100% Brit here. Personally I think we should give the Malvina's back to the Argentines. After all, they are closer to Argentina and we are not an empire anymore.
t. 100 Brit
t. proxyfag
if your a 100% brit then show your comment to the other 100% brits on the island or you know turn off your proxy.
So should the US give Alaska to Canada?
fuck me do none of you autists get sarcasm
What makes it illegal
>give Alaska to Canada
if at all to russia, if you want to be historically correct
Well Argentinia is a black country so...
Couldn't even find a proper flag to burn. WTF didn't know Argentina was a third world country...
What's the last flag, Carlos?
>"oh fuck"
Well yeah, but he was arguing proximity
I sank one of your submarines the other day., its on its way to meet Belgrano. Stay mad ;)
>being so fucking dumb you almost kill the hosts of Top Gear for a 3 letter license plate
Would love to see the Queef of England and fuck face philip and their two pedo sons get the gaddafi treatment.
But some user said today she would die in I am looking forward to that.
>and return it to its genuine owners?
Can you prove your country is the genuine owner? Of course you can't.
What the fuck are you doing here, bitch? Get the fuck out. You do not belong here. Bitch. Go do mandatory military service. Fuck you. Whore. Get independence or join Sweden. You fuckers
surprised argies even have internet to post this shit
Been a while since I've seen one of these threads
A que paises tenes en mente emigrar?
Cuantos aƱos te faltan para termibar la ingenieria?
t non white
There's not much there, why do you want it so bad?
Oil fields under UK control.
Spanish empire
Is a swine inbred family like hers (hemophilia ridden) still considered white, Mohammad?
BTW, I will report you to your government. You should not be on this highly illegal site! Sometimes we post pictures of illegal weapons , like butter knives.
It is time to quit whining, stop being a childlike society and throwing a tantrum because you lost the war game.
You do realize you had a Muslim president and now you have a Muslim first lady right?