They really are trying to force God's hand arent they?



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how do you perform a successful head transplant on a corpse? does it come back to life?

Can you "force" god, in any sense at all? Didn't god know this would happen, when he created us? If he didn't mind us transplanting organs then why would he mind this?

they attached the nerves, spine and everything successfuly as a trial.

now they just have to do it on a live person.

Transplanting organs? Are these madmen trying to play god?!
Fuck off luddites.

This is actually pretty big news, a happening if there ever was one

Muh desert camp fire story wont be happy if you do this transplant.

How do they know it was successful if both people were dead?

what if the person dies during the procedure? will that count as murder?

You can test the nerves of a dead body assuming it has been well kept post mortem.

>can drastically improve or even save lives
We need to eliminate christfags from this board

Fuck off faggot scum, let REAL progress rain on us

Nigger what? People die in surgery all the time. Doctors get sued, but never tried for murder.


Call me when they successfully attach trumps head to hillary's pant suit shitting body

Now trannies can get the body they want


How come this is possible supposedly, but we are unable to fix paralysis in people who sever their spinal cords


>They really are trying to force God's hand arent they?


When can I get my head put on a cute girl's body?

Not even a tranny, i just wanna play with tits all day, also experiencing the other sort of genital pleasure would be cool.

This wasn't a true success. The person isn't alive again. It's impressive, but actually transplanting a head is sci-fi at this point.

There are some questions you shouldn't ask.

Well, get ready for the wave of missing persons cases since the rich elites will need a young, youthful body to transfer to.

They'll be paralysed.

its that crazy european surgeon who fucks up all the time and has done nothing to prove his theories again

Nerve cells only regenerate a few millimeters in total, and there isn’t a really well established method to connect them once severed.

Because they just want to know how to keep their heads alive as long as possible.

how would that even theoretically work? your brain would still be male with input sensory being female.

>force God's hand

God is almighty. No-one can force him to do anything.

Yes - crazy that this will be the first surgery with a risk of death.

they are frauds looking to bilk money no one and I mean no one takes these jokers seriously in the medical community

This was obvious long ago my man.

T. Not in the medical community

Because a break and a cut are very different.
Broken nerves are frayed and damaged to the point of being impossible to repair unless the victim is within MINUTES of surgery to mend them.

On the other hand, if you are in a controlled environment, and sever the nerves with obsidian scalpels (mono-molecular perfect blades), the cut is so clean that you can friction weld the severed parts together and the body can heal what is just a normal tear to it.

how are you talking about God when you don't even try to love everyone you hypocrite

being an organ donor sure a weird thing nowadays. from actual organs to docs playing frankenstein with your bits

Imagine the new dick is smaller. That would be a bummer.

Ask the hordes of mentally ill men and women who are going to pay for body swaps with one another.

I think death is the obvious worse choice here

This is the doctor. Dr Evil???

Yeah thats pretty crazy

This is a triumph of science over GOD!!!!!


Only if redd*t leaves first

So soon we will see old billioners in young fit bodies living forever?

Holly craparonni, poor thing.

You're retarded.

>God doesn't exist and morality is fictitious
>but we're supposed to care about saving lives

Woah, so this is the power of secularism

Probably not since brain diseases are still at a dead spot right not.

I know that

There are probably enough young people dying regularly for the rich elites to just take the dead bodies before they decay.

I don't know but they should try it.
Might keep trannies from being useless suicidal dilating retards if they can just get their head put on an actual body of the opposite sex.

Why try to stop progress?

Don't be the conservative equivalent of liberals whining about automation.

real science in this video

I don't get it. If they do on a live body will the new head be able to control it? How accurately? Why haven't they done this on live monkeys yet?

Explain why "saving lives" is a good thing, without appealing to made-up "morality".

How video game was pretty great

Because regulations for animal tests have gotten more stringent since the 60s and 70s

Call me when I can put my brain in an Adrienne Barbeau bot.

So wait is the head the donor or the recipient?

Trump 3030

unethical science is BEST science.

The future

Kind of disappointing since my dad passed away from stomach cancer a few months ago. Would have been nice if he could have moved his head to a new body.


No he's this guy

Oy, bad goy, knowledge is haram.

>t. Mengele
You're right though.

>human head
i only hail to robodog


nothing unethical about animal experimentation.

They were clinically dead AKA vegetables kept “alive”

The transplant on a living patient is planned for december, this was the general test to evaluate how long the operation can last, or the kinds of difficulties the team could face.

I call bullshit on this, there's like thousands of nerve connections to the spine and I'm supposed to believe they've got every single one of them right ? How ?

yaldabaoth have no sympathy, sick and twisted creature

this, there's something fishy about this operation.

In a secular society we might as well all be ancap objectivists keeping child sex slaves, because who's going to judge us?

>literally can't comprehend why you should be nice to others unless sky daddy invites you to his sky garden as a reward for it

THIS is some classified shit. But the US did it worse. But achieved sucess.

Embarrassing that a site espousing intelligence and critical thought posts about ‘god’. Your weakness of mind undermines the hyperborean evolution.

I'd let you play with my tits all day, user.

I'm sorry Leaf

Soros is next in line for his head transplant, to young and agile body

>t. Mengele
CEO of Soap and Lampshade Inc.

Sky daddy a pagan God retard. kys filthy atheist, you are worse than Christcucks, you are slave to your emotions and your reptilian brain.

interesting. by in total, is that over what time span?
i've had nerves regenerate after dormancy period of over a decade. don't know the gap distance but at the time of severance it was more than a few millimeters by visual inspection


LAUGH ALL YOU WANT but Mengele had in his hands vampires and werewolves to experiment upon. So did the soviets said. It was enough to dig graves so they were onto something.

God will burn.

That ugly mug on a young body. Why not a brain transplant you gullible retards?


Isn't that Steve Jobs, good friend of Hideo Kojima?

This shit has been around for so long. It was going to be viral marketing for MGSV but the actors working with Kojima started to get ballsy and stupid and kept trying to take the ARG in their own direction and it never really took off so Kojima went his own separate ways.

They come back and try again every now and then.

Automation is a serious problem though. So is cybernetics. And so is artificial intelligence. Technology will destroy humanity if it continues to progress unchecked. Social media has had massive negative effecta on society, and that's one of the most benign advancements in technology we can expect to see in the near future at our current rate of advancement.

Progress isn't inherently good. Regression isn't inherently bad.

>successfully performed
>on a corpse.
It's pretty hard to fuck up anything when the person is already dead

Explain it.

poor doggo
is it real or just another one like that alien autopsy thing?

All you guys and your belligerent Christ loving cockfaggery

Who’s to say god didn’t want this to stop different forms of cancer? We earned it

Just like slavery is possible, this is also possible; the body of the donor will become the slave of the recipient but in this instance the agency from the recipient is completely lost. Man is disregarding the teleological nature God has imbued us with and as most of us here can already recognise; we will suffer the consequences.

The ONLY correct answer is glial scar tissue. Solve that and permanent paralysis becomes a thing of the past.

t. DrAnon

As in at that spot. I’m not sure if you were to cut a nerve Cell in two spots only a short distance away.