What is the Sup Forums version of pic related?
What is the Sup Forums version of pic related?
Literally just replace gaming console with computer.
>Turn on American VPN
>open CIA proof browser
>hit b then enter
Lets pretend to be white
>*Cracks can of Zyklon-B*
>*Turns on oven*
>*throws in jew*
>Let's get to work!
>Cracks a can of refreshing "Hitler did nothing wrong"
>opens up erowid
>reads on thousand of dxm reports
>proceed to od on xanax
The state of my brothers everyone.
*Cracks knuckles*
*Adjusts gun*
*opens figi bottle*
*pause press conference*
*takes not one but TWO sips*
Let's MAGA
*Power on*
*Puts on helmet*
*Cracks can*
Let the meme war begin
You get a jew to throw in the other jews. Sheesh.
When ovening jews your only job should be berating and punishing this vermin.
>*unlock mobile*
>*get on Sup Forums*
>*leafpost with apus*
>*smacks lips*
>*turns on computah*
>*takes a sip of kool aid*
Kek fellow white man
>login on to Sup Forums.org/pol/
>pretend to be racist
*turn on SS marschiert im Feindesland*
*crack open an Ibster light*
*go on pol to shitpost*
*cracks plastic bottle full of rakiya*
*turns on pc*
*falls in depression because there are people who support communism after what it has done *
>"take my british bread"
>"take my kitchen knive"
>"get arrested by M16"
> Crack nigger skull on sidewalk
> Wife turned on
> Let her take this load
Time to hit the wealthfare
*open the door*
*get on the floor*
*everyone walk the dinosaur*
>wake up
>refresh page on Sup Forums
>see raid/hoax thread
"Let's get to work."
>*cracks whip*
>*turn on shitposting machine*
>*be fucking leaf*
>*spaghetti falls out of pocket*
>Arrested by M16
Wtf my froggy friend? Why are assault rifles arresting me?
>cracks open bible
>turns on wife
>takes kids to school
Let’s get to my career
>*opens shed*
>*grabs rake*
>*smell air*
>it’s the day of the rake
*turns on computer*
*types in pornhub*
*grabs dick*
Lets get to work.
>Alarm goes off
>Wake up to Erika German Marching Song
>Cries because country is going to niggers
>Cracks cock cage
>Turns on breeding bull
>Preps camera and wife
Lets get to work!
>opens milk carton
takes swig
>poor one out for mien fuhrer
>open photoshop
...mom! I posted it again
>scopes a white bitch
>grab muh dick
>rape that bitch
Let's kill whitey
ahaahhaha i thought i only noticed that! :)
>Turn off vpn
>Get in car
>Run over cia niggers
*opens pack of twinkies*
*pauses anime porn*
*looks around at mothers basement*
Gas the kikes
Race war now
>cracks neck after sleeping 14 hours and waking up at 2 pm
>throws away all self-awareness
>preps cognitive dissonance defense
Heh, nothing personnel kid
What is this 2007?
>*filters water
>*opens up bible
>*not an argument intensifies*
>>*throws in jew*
>not *throws in penny*
Missed opportunity for bants.
>Lets pretend to be white
why would you pick a USA flag?
ahh... reminded me of something