Boomer Memes

I want to make a collection of boomer memes. Help me Sup Forums

I agree with most of them but they really are a cancer and detriment to the movement. LIKE AND SHARE IF YOU AGREE! PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP IS OUR PRESIDENT!

heads will explode.

Boomers are just as cancerous as millennials. Gen z is our last hope

I'm gen z but no one listens to us cuz the millennials are so full of themselves.

It's true. God-damn, do I hate my generation.



dont be a cunt thats my mum and dad you are talking about lad.

I'm gen X and we are getting pushed from behind and the boomers are ....well just living longer and still playing ball.

We are the squeezed generation, and when its our time which is pretty soon we are going back to the fucking 80's

Gen X is the one that must reverse the change, we are the ones that knew life before the internet and before 9/11 and how better it was.

Its too late for the boomers, they cant do anything now, and they sort of created much of society's problems becuase their parents spoiled them rotten and so did society with cheap homes and cost of living.

The American dream, several billion wants that now., but can't ever have it.

We have to begin to prepare to defend what we have or it will end.

Turningpoint USA gets SO much cash to spit out the most banal shit I have ever seen. I wish I thought of that business plan desu

Do you ever hear the 'lets not saddle future generations with our debt' meme?

It makes my blood boil. Its basically saying we are turning off the tap for you

Its musical chairs and sorry user, you have no seat.

Fuck you jack im alright

Pull up the ladder.

Whatever way you say it, its wrong why is it us who has to pay now? And we take that advise from the ones who didnt pay for shit, they are telling us to pay for them and dont pass it on to the futreu generations, my God it makes me so mad, fuycking ponzi really.

what about leftsists memes?

Come on, cunt, that's shithouse and you know it

Shut the fuck you motherfucking white supremacist nazi.

How can we even compete?

Leftists are retards and most of their shithead ideas can be refuted by simply saying that they are looking in the wrong direction

They think marxism will bring equality of income and it will, it will bring everyone down to the poorest level while the richest get richer.

why do niggers need everything labeled? Do they need helmets and harnesses too?

>Basic bitch Stacy with a degenrate neck tat
>Desperate purity spinners grovel for more nice words from her.

Il have to browse my fb, alot of old boomers posting this shit, especially ones with cartoon charaters and some dumb quote next to it


>it will bring everyone down to the poorest level while the richest get richer.
man that would suck I'm glad that's not happening

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