Anonsubs at
Hella cute subs in a few hours if you're into that.
Stella no Mahou
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh wait, I just noticed there was a better version of those.
And loli Tama-chan is a miracle.
No talking about this show on Sup Forums. This show is too good for Sup Forums.
Why is Kayo so cute?
How's that fucking game going, Sup Forums?
get your kids vaccinated for the fujo-virus or this could be your daughter
Oh cool, I wasn't sure why there wasn't a thread for the new episode.
There was. It died an hour or so ago.
I fixed some minor typos and grammar errors in that nyaa version. I messed up the font somehow so I just copied horriblesubs settings. I thought about muxing it and making a torrent but my internet sucks and I probably couldn't seed it enough.
Hm guess I didn't look hard enough in the archives.
Maybe you looked too hard.
Delaysubs killed all discussion.
Where is the full ED at?
Also, Tama and Yumine flashback with the insert song actually fucked me up a little bit. It was really sweet.
>[161116] TVアニメ「ステラのまほう」EDテーマ「ヨナカジカル」/たまきとゆみね(CV.長縄まりあ・前川涼子) [320K]
That's all it is apparently.
Just how old of a man do you have to be for Tama to be into you?
>[HorribleSubs] Stella no Mahou - 07 [720p].mkv
I'd say not younger than 35.
Why so late?
I like the part when Yumine said she liked the manga MC, but Tama said the MC's father was better
>mfw watching this episode for the fifth time
Might as well watch it again I guess.
We're rediscovering that fashionable girls can be proper cute too after branding them as sluts for a long time.
Now I wonder if yurifags who have friends often fantasize about genderbent versions of them making out.
>yurifags who have friends
I don't understand
I like how there's no big difference between older and younger versions.
Tama will always be stuck in the stone age no matter how old she is
>Tama-chan at the end
Tama is so fucking cute holy shit.
Wait, are these non-shit subs? Are there any available for the first 6 episodes?
I don't think episode five and six have any but the first four episodes have definitely been fixed a la HellaStella.
Her mind is so dirty.
She even knows how babies are made.
All these girls can die from childbirth. Except maybe Kayo because she's a sex goddess.
How's daisuki release?
Fair if you are not autistic.
Didn't have any hella quality moments and the wording of some sentences was quite different from user's as expected. Also apparently senpai is a word that can't be capitalized.
Can't say anything about the translation quality because I'm dumb.
>Didn't have any hella quality moments
2ch nips didn't really like the first half of the episode, but LOVED the 2nd one
Impossible to not like the 2nd part. It was really beautiful.
She's perfect the way she is.
>she didn't even have a Game Boy Color
Holy shit.
The first part was pretty boring. I can hardly remember it and I watched the episode a couple hours ago.
The whole misunderstanding was not funny at all.
This series doesn't seem like it could pull off the romance misunderstanding type jokes.
At least it had some good out-of-context screencaps.
I wish this show had more /u/ in it.
The characters are interesting enough.
>had more /u/ in it
No. Get fucked yurishitter.
Calm down, dude.
Hella cute.
Silver Link are good with comedic silence.
Tama makes my heart smile.
Tama-chan is ideal daughteru material.
So Daisuki or anonsubs?
>D-pad is diagonal
Who the fuck designed these things?
I thought the first half was really funny.
You shouldn't even have to ask.
That's nothing compared to the Wonderswan which was designed for people with three hands.
Hooray for a kinda Kayo and Yumine episode.
Fucking japan man, it was predictable but funny as fuck.
Nice typo.
Oh fucking wow.
Some rip the ass, I want to compare them
Put the old men in the bag
Fight me.
Every girl in this show should wear their hair down more often desu.
>hey, oji-san, wanna come over and play? I've got retro games in my room.
Is this a semen demon?
My semen demon.
I like tomboy Tama.
You mine.
So that's why Yumine always says that Tama is the seme.
This is my kind of slut.
The semenest of demons.
>Inaudible fujoshi rambling
Why did this make me laugh so much
So far, which pair is you're favorite?
(lambda z : reduce(lambda u, v: u+v, ["%s x %s, " % (x, y) for x in z for y in z if x!=y]))(["Tama", "Shiina", "Kayo", "Ayame", "Yumine"])[:-2]
What is this wizard talk?
Can anyone translate the book titles?
I know the the kanji on the pink one means "love" so I'm pretty sure the titles are relevant.
Top one would literally be something like "a study of love" but it's the Japanese title of the film "Song of Love".
Bottom just reads "poetry".
Do your reps.
>tfw you haven't read your SICP today
愛の調べ "Melodies of Love"
詩 ~うた~ "Songs"
"調べ" is this context means "melody" so the right translation is "a melody of love".
Also, improved pairing enumerator:
(lambda z : reduce(lambda u, v: u+v, ["%s x %s, " % (x, y) if y!="\n" else y for x in z for y in z+["\n"] if x!=y]))(["Tama", "Shiina", "Kayo", "Ayame", "Yumine"])[:-3]+"."
Tama x Shiina, Tama x Kayo, Tama x Ayame, Tama x Yumine,
Shiina x Tama, Shiina x Kayo, Shiina x Ayame, Shiina x Yumine,
Kayo x Tama, Kayo x Shiina, Kayo x Ayame, Kayo x Yumine,
Ayame x Tama, Ayame x Shiina, Ayame x Kayo, Ayame x Yumine,
Yumine x Tama, Yumine x Shiina, Yumine x Kayo, Yumine x Ayame.
Feel free to use.
>"調べ" is this context means "melody"
Whoa, first thing I hear. Thanks for the heads-up, senpai.
Tama is so fucking cute. Her voice is amazing
>Yumine x Shiina
Now this is some good crackposting.
>the first part was entirely Tama and Kayo talking
Like sex to my ears.
Help me guys, I'm really stuck.
What level?
#28 fitting
>I'm still in 26
You did better than me at least.
We're going hunting nerd.
Before < After
What went wrong?
Getting tripped by LS users too many time made her retarded.
Presumably the legal department
So is she gay?
I forgot how exactly this goes, but you gotta bring the orange square up to where shiina is and align the square and rectangle.
>monster wins 3
Fuck yea, it's time the monsters beat stupid hunters.
Remember Rampage? Man that was fucking fun.
Only if you play it in the arcade.
Everything about New Game was better than Stella. Better humour as well better focus on actual game development process.
That said, Stella is nice- though i`d pass it compleetely in a season that woudnt be as sad as current one.