Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
Every thread until this show dies.
Top 10 Worst Rated Episodes on Nico:
1. ARC-V 122 - 6.1%
2. ARC-V 130 - 7.3%
3. BTOOOM 7 - 7.6%
4. ARC-V 121 - 8.8%
5. ARC-V 129 - 9.6%
6. ARC-V 118 - 10.3%
7. ARC-V 127 - 11.8%
8. ARC-V 19 - 13.6%
9. ARC-V 120 - 13.8%
10. ARC-V 123 - 14.6%
I love you. Please do this every thread.
I find it unfair to rank ep 123 alongside the rest of that garbage.
That ep was legit fun.
I hope they print and buff all of Yuto's new cards.
The sad thing about this ranking is that there is a chance of it getting renewed with worse ratings.
But the japs legitimately hate "Yuri teaches viewers how to play Ancient Gears" because it comes with dead Asuka.
It makes me wonder why did they bother to bring her back if she going to do nothing.
>Yuri BMing Asuka to death with NA NO NE.dek
But that's what I loved about it.
Spoilers when?
So they could print some blue cards without having to think too hard. Her cards are better than Kaito's at least.
That's one of the biggest reason the episode is bashed in Japan.
The duel was Asuka's first and last decent duel in Arc-V, as her duel before that is the 1VS3 filler duel which was very random and underwhelming.
Another reason is that Yuri pulled Antique Gears out of nowhere, even though people wanted to see more of Starve Venom and Predator Plants.
It's a shame how much of this show's potential was wasted. I admit I'm still fond of the earlier seasons and I still like the characters (as who they were, anyway), but the staff just seems adamant on derailing absolutely everything. Reiji's personality doing a complete 180 in the latest episode was just the coup de grace.
Sounds legit.
Also, Neo-Cipher Dragons card artwork looks awkward, to say the least.
>say what you think
>get called an "Arc-Vfag" and other retarded things
You're extremely obnoxious. No, seriously.
You're accusing this guy of not being able to use logic even though he's actually being rational and his reasoning makes sense. Just look at it from an objective standpoint. Arc-V showed a lot of promise during its first year, then suddenly went to shit during its second. Why is that? There has to be an explanation, and no, "muh Ono" doesn't cut it. The direction actually stayed the same. The glaring problems mainly lied in the slow pacing and the animation quality taking a dip.
Arc-V was very fast-paced during the Standard arc, and while it looked average most of the time, it never reached Synchro and Xyz levels of off-model and sloppy animation. Now as we all know, the dip in animation quality can easily be explained by DSoD borrowing some of Arc-V's best animators, but the other problems are left unexplained. Why did they stall Synchro for so long?
Can you really say it's all unrelated to the movie's production when the borrowed staff left for DSoD at the very start of Synchro? Can you really say the movie's production is unrelated to the constant stalling in Synchro when the arc ended right as the movie was about to air? It's too big of a coincidence to be honest.
Now, I'm not attributing all of Arc-V's problems to DSoD, nor am I supporting the theory according to which DSoD is the reason why the show became so bad, but you'd have to, quote, "not care about logic" to think it didn't have a hand in all of this.
Ahhh...I wanna taste a spoiler.
It wasn't because people wanted to see Yuri's deck. It's because it was insulting.
Also they hate Yuri's backstory.
>poor me no one ever wanted to play with me as a kid because I was too good at children's trading card game
>fuck all these people I'll just card them and this bald man can help me do that
>Kachidoshi, a one off character from Standard has a more interesting back story than Yuri
Where the fuck did he go?
I'm convinced they didn't even have a backstory for him and they came up with it in 5 minutes.
Yeah, the mistreatment of Asuka and GX features in general was basically sticking the middle finger to GX fans, at least in Japan.
Browser problems, user?
Nah, I made a few ugly typos.
I wonder if any artists have taken advantage of the glowing nudist onee-chan spirit yet.
4Kids is gonna bloom-filter the FUCK out of those scenes.
DSOD didn't take many staff from Arc-V. Period. That's an argument that Arc-Vfags have been using for months. IIRC someone pointed out that maybe one or two animators who barely did Arc-V worked on the movie. You need to post all these staff members that were taken from Arc-V if you want people to take your argument seriously.
>Why did they stall Synchro for so long?
Because the show was given an extra year and they didn't have enough plot for that. So they stalled in the dimension that wasn't relevant to the plot so that they didn't have to do anything. Is Arc-V your first time watching a long running shonen? Animation dips and jumps are common. You animate well in the beginning to draw in the audience and then the less important episodes are animated with less talented and costly people. It's how they save budget.
>Now, I'm not attributing all of Arc-V's problems to DSoD, nor am I supporting the theory according to which DSoD is the reason why the show became so bad, but you'd have to, quote, "not care about logic" to think it didn't have a hand in all of this.
It didn't. They are two separate entities that have little crossover of staff. Ono is just famously bad for this shit. You'd have a better argument blaming Symphogear since it aired during Arc-V and they shared the same director taking his attention away from Arc-V.
I say Honesty Neos was a bigger middle finger. Judai still doesn't have a monster that could be an ace that's actually usable.
Then why aren't you mad that they didn't make his monsters good back in 2006?
>DSOD didn't take many staff from Arc-V.
Maybe not any important staff like the writers or directors but Ebina, Hara and Noh Gil Bo all worked extensively on the movie. Could have been some other good animators too.
Honesty Neos is a pretty good HERO support, but its a pretty bad Neos card.
A Neos monster that is easy to summon and actually be formidable on the field would have been better, like a remake of God Neos or a ACTUAL fusion Neos Wiseman.
Was there anyway to make Yubel not suck?
I bet drunk Yuri is a lot of fun at parties.
Animation isn't the problem with Arc-V. Animation isn't important as long as the episodes that need good animation get it which they do. Arc-V's problem is shit writing and those animators don't work on Arc-V much anyway. People will watch a slide show if it's interesting and Arc-V at its best didn't have better animation than Zexal.
Even the well animated episodes like Yuya vs Edo or Raging Dragon's debut got shit ratings because of the writing.
>Because the show was given an extra year and they didn't have enough plot for that
Why couldn't they just write another story arc.
Top TCG Sales Ranking October 2016
No.1 Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V OCG Raging Tempest
No.2 Duel Masters DMX-24
No.3 Duel Masters DMR-22
Or just finish the plot they already had going and use the extra year for whatever?
"people to take your argument seriously"
Aren't you the only one answering to my post though? Well, whatever. I'll start by listing the Arc-V staff that worked on the movie. Here's my source: imdb.com
>Hidekazu Ebina, one of Arc-V's most frequent animators
>Sono Kato
>Michinosuke Nakamura
>Chiyuki Tanaka
>Akiko Toyoda
This list isn't complete. Noh also worked on the movie. And since Arc-V and DSoD are both by Studio Gallop, we can safely assume that some(all) of the better studios went to DSoD.
But you're right. The animation is unrelated to the show's core problems. But you know what else the movie could have taken from Arc-V? Budget.
You mean the plot where eventually we'll find out about Leos shitty plan and reasoning for revival zero?
Because hiring writers to fill in gaps that don't exist is hard as shit to get done well, even for people that actually write for a living and don't suck at it.
What's likely is that they had a Synchro plot that already existed that was tight, cohesive, and fit into their overarching plot, but then were told "here's an extra year", and then they went "well fuck we need to expand one of our arcs" and Ono went "I do like my 5Ds references" and chose to expand Synchro.
That doesn't work in the slightest because their existing plot is very much an endgame plot, where it's do or die and nothing comes after. It'd be harder to write a conflict after the big battle without it seeming boring and tacked on and anticlimactic.
I mean, imagine fighting the final boss in a game...except now there's still like 30 hours of game left, and it's not even postgame content. You're just not done.
Yeah, then they could have spent a year on something at least amusing, like Yuri vs everyone.
Basically because of how poorly Asuka was handled and Yuri using Super Polymerization(something I honestly don't understand).
>Hidekazu Ebina, one of Arc-V's most frequent animators
001 008 016 024 034 045
054 062 072 081 089 098
That's the list I found. It's obviously outdated but he does like 1 in 8 episodes. He doesn't work on the show that often. If you can list the episodes everyone else did we can get somewhere.
>Yuri vs everyone
So far it hasn't been amusing at all aside from 123.
That's a lot. I seem to remember Kagami worked on DM less frequently than Ebina works on Arc-V.
And we all know how his departure affected the show. Badly.
I'll try to find a list of the episodes everyone else did on NAC.
They could of actually used Yubel in season four besides the final boss, Her entire existence is to be of use to Judai, to protect him the best way she can and we know she changed forms to do that better, why not have her change into Elemental HERO Yubel with a brand new effect and design so she can actually work with that? She's snarky as hell so she could of had Judai actually draw her up a design, hand it to Pegasus, they loved that motherfucker in GX, he was in every season make the card real and probably deliver it to Judai during a very tense duel or just before it where he shocks his opponent and his allies alike by summoning the new and improved Yubel that either wins the duel on her own or fuses with Neos to creat Judai's ultimate monster.
It's not enough that the show's quality depends on him.
If it wasn't delayed and dragged around by some near-pointless tournament, we would've known everything back in May.
That's what I've been thinking for quite a while now. The ending to this plot has to contain something that would make it hard to write a filler after-plot arc for if it was decided to extend the middle of the series instead of after, which begs even further questions on who decided to give ARC-V a year-long extension and did this person have any knowledge on the plans for the ARC-V's story?
>they went "well fuck we need to expand one of our arcs" and Ono went "I do like my 5Ds references" and chose to expand Synchro
I can see this as how it happened, sadly. Nobody over there thought of expanding all of the post-first year arcs into 4 26-episode arcs?
Seconding this. Any more of glowing naked Ray spirit?
Have you seen what happened to DM?
Prior to the production of the Millennium World
arc, Takahiro Kagami, Hirayama Hidetsugu, and Takahashi Kazunori ended up quitting. They were the best animation directors working on DM. Right after they left, the animation quality took a dip because the remaining directors clearly had trouble staying on model.
If you take Noh, Hara and Ebina away from Arc-V, then the exact same thing happens.
New Duel Links trailer.
That game would be good if it used the real rules. Total shame.
Trying to dumb a game down to sell it to mainstream audiences is not and has never been a good business strategy. I'm ready to bet that 95% of the players are die-hard YGO fans.
>tfw no nudist ghost onee-chan floating down to whisper promises of /ss/ in your ear while you duel
You're comparing 3 guys quitting to someone doing double duty. Ono himself did double duty so it's not like someone can't work on DSOD and Arc-V. Again, it's not like animation is the big problem with Arc-V.
>konami used "speed duels" format because they think that mobile players just want a quick game
>yfw normal format would probably produce faster games
Pendulum Summon!
yuya a cute!
Oh, god, please just go to Sup Forums I know it's fucked up but stop trying to turn every single board and thread into a election shit fire! Damn
Nice GET but how about you GET the fuck back to your board.
Who're you guys replying to?
By the way, what's currently happening to Shun? Last I remember, he was walking Ruri down from the tower.
Of all YGO series, A5 is the only one where I haven't picked out a fap girl yet.
That could change.
He's in a better place where they can't ruin him anymore.
Isn't he still passed out in the science room?
halfway through ep 120, sawatari's disk is broken and it's yuya and gongenzaka vs this BB guy. so..
does sawatari EVER get to fucking do something himself? i'm getting really impatient to see how his deck works. Like ffs i get that he's comedic relief but surely the writers can't hate him THIS MUCH...
more plz
The writers hate ALL the characters, user. Every single one is either derailed, dead, or forgotten about.
Sawatari walks offscreen at the end of this mini-arc and we haven't seen him since.
Being Shun is suffering.
Reminder that Shun is going to wake up and won't even know that Ruri is dead.
Well, this happened and he's been in that spot ever since. He was awake for a couple minutes since then, but is now sleeping.
I find it amusing when you guys post your (often strange) opinions about aspects of the show as if they were obvious or foregone fact
So why exactly did Serena not immediately taser Yuya,too?
Oi. We are strictly in a "no logic" zone.
Don't ask questions.
>It's actually not important at all because Rei will just talk to the Ruris about how to kill Zarc and send them back
How ass blasted would Leo be.
Let's set that aside for now
Isnt she from GX? I haven't kept up with Yu-Gi-Oh since 5Ds fill me in someone
All of your favorite GX, 5Ds, and ZEXAL characters return to fuck shit up
Arc-V has AU versions of past characters for legacy purposes. The Arc-V version of Asuka isn't the same person as the Asuka from GX, but their personalities and playstyle are the same.
Arc-V has 5 characters from previous series show up. 2 from 5Ds 2 from GX and 1 from Zexal.
>but their personalities
She does nothing but give people some yuri boners, both ways then dies. I like her new cybers,Through they still suffer the same problems all rituals suffer from. Resource management and a back up plan once all those resources are gone.
Then again, you could say the same for synchro decks.
What's the point behind bringing them back? Any plot reasons?
Nope, that was one of the complaints.
What were you expecting? This is the company that slaps Yugi on anything they want to sell to Burgerland, because those stupid fucks will buy anything they think is "just like old school YGO".
Sell new cards for old archetypes and, hopefully, pull in old fans.
The word you're looking for is "backstory". Asuka definitely acted the same way in GX.
Nope, Not once did she show the same infamous Tenjioun temper in Arc-V. Asuka was savage as fuck when she dueled and tended to get very pissed off very quickly by thinking her opponents were not taking her seriously or were scrubs.
Asuka felt like she was written Post S4 of GX. This is an odd contrast with Kaito and Edo, who both felt like they were supposed to be retreading their original character arcs, but fucked up in specific places.
Of course, Asuka fucked up by not being fucking relevant ever.