Fucking libtards trying to limit free speech again!
Fucking libtards trying to limit free speech again!
Once again, for the one hundred millionth time, conservatives being hypocrites. Why am I not fucking surprised?
And of course Sup Forums ignores it. If this were a republican who had a "fuck obama" on his car, and a sherrif would be saying the same thing, you people would be in an UPROAR making a thread about it every hour, with 300+ replies.
Say it with me Sup Forums, H Y P O C R I T E S.
0/10 made me sage
>Once again, for the one hundred millionth time, conservatives being hypocrites. Why am I not fucking surprised?
Imagine the outcry among right-wing window lickers if a sheriff went after a guy with a fuck Obama sticker on his truck.
Don't display openly the word "FUCK" because there are small children that can see it.
problem solved
>its ok to act like an animal in public
liberals everyone
>there are small children that can see it
Need a safe space, wuz?
>>its ok to act like an animal in public
>liberals everyone
You mean like those tea partiers marching in D.C. back in the day?
if your ok with it then stop crying about muh degeneracy
>s-stop using my dirty tricks against me!
shouldn't have started a fight you had no plans on finishing lad... did you really think you were just gonna walk away from dunkin' your balls in our pepsi without getting a punch to the throat?
>shouldn't have started a fight you had no plans on finishing lad
Exactly! Conservative pussies were shitting on Obama for 8 years now it violates their safe space if someone expresses similar opinions about sex-offender Trump.
It's indecent to go around with FUCK written on your car, and anybody who has political bumper stickers is 100% a cretin regardless of there beliefs.
I think he deserves a ticket, which he could mitigate by censoring the word fuck.
What are Obscenity Laws?
>It's indecent
I thought you Trumpanzees are against political correctness?
Person didn't get arrested for the sticker, they got arrested because they had a warrant for their arrest unrelated. It was a beaner fyi, go figure
>What are Obscenity Laws?
What is da 1. amundamunte, liberal pussy?
Because free speech doesn’t not mean your free from consequences.
No it's like laws for not going around naked.
Saying this idiotic thread.
>Person didn't get arrested for the sticker, they got arrested because they had a warrant for their arrest unrelated.
Sherriff threatening on facebook that the DA will bring charges for the sticker. Do you have a hard time reading, you retard?
kill yourselves you communist pieces of shit
both sides do it because both sides are retarded. libcucks try really hard to maintain that they aren't the retards which makes them even more pathetic desu
but Obama is a stupid nigger stickers we're ok?
r r right?
>And of course Sup Forums ignores it.
>conservatives take the high ground, fight with honor and dignity, refuse to stoop down to liberals' level of violence, intimidation, censorship, and intellectual dishonesty
>get trampled like a doormat and lose everything all the time
>conservatives have enough, give liberals a taste of their own medicine and start playing by their dirty rules
Obscenity Laws go both ways. Doesn't matter if someone is Liberal or not, they can be hit by them. Don't like them, then do something to remove the laws. But, then that would allow Liberals to act out and not give anyone authoritative backing against them when it comes to moral policing the masses.
So you think for a second that liberals wouldn't try to go after the guy's job, family, and freedom for driving around with a fuck Obama sign?
Hmm, there doesn't seem to be any words on those signs that are generally not said in the presence of children by mature adults. I doubt anyone would have a problem with this truck's decal if it didn't include FUCK on it.
this is just about decency, you can't put FUCK on your car and kust expect children to not look at it
Why is it that shitposters can never get it through their head that freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequence?
You mean white self haters talking tough until they see white men coming, then they scream.
Kids ride in cars and can read
>Kids ride in cars and can read
>haha liberals are cuck they need a safe space
>oh no he is insulting trump ! where is the police!
Rules for radicals bruh
>posting this thread
I told the first guy to fuck off and ill tell you the same. No matter how hard you try you will not rustle our jimmies with this dumb ass story. Our jimmies cannot be rustled. We are The Unrustlables.
I'm all for it. You have to understand OP, until the left comes to respect free speech again, there's no reason for the right to play an uneven game. Leftists, being children, must be taught that the same bullshit they pull can be used against them. They too cannot be allowed to get away with "hate speech".
Arrest her, and then arrest every loser in Austin that starts driving around with the same decal now to "protest".. Because you know they will.
pathetic jidf or ctr shill n slide bread...
>trying to prevent children from growing up degenerates is communism
I wonder (((who))) is behind this post
You ever get asked
>daddy what does fuck mean?
by a fuckin 7 year old?
oh, but I bet you're fine with that.
Conservatives where not even shitting that much. And that is really their problem. No tolerance politics should be implemented for socialists ASAP, if United States of Northen America want to preserve itself from being yet another latin american shithole with maduroconomy perspectives.
>I'm all for it. You have to understand OP, until the left comes to respect free speech again, there's no reason for the right to play an uneven game. Leftists, being children, must be taught that the same bullshit they pull can be used against them. They too cannot be allowed to get away with "hate speech".
Name an example of a conservative being prosecuted by the courts for hate speech.
TRUMP 2016
I hate this about Trumpfags. They get so easily offended and baited into shit. I'm on your side, bit stop being so easily baited and pissed off.
Bruh do you understand we don't have cuckservative/shartlib moral premises?
I want to crush leftists and their demonic Jewish overlords in every form. Why do you assume any of us want to play fair with those who want state enforced mutilation of our childrens genitals?
We view you as literal demons. The left is absolutely void of morality, therefore the left deserves an honorless death.
Nobody's pissed, just concerned about the lack of decency.
Nothing compared to how the state violently shut down a peaceful rally that was permitted by a federal judge.
cuckservative snowflakes at it again
>concerned about the lack of decency
>Sup Forums.org
mfw the owner of the truck was arrested for unrelated warrants because they drew attention to themselves
Chris Cantwell was denied bond based on his 'hate speech'.
force your enemies to play by their own rules.
I guess you browse Sup Forums with your mother.
You shills are retarded.
Faggot. Let them look classless without advocating to take away their free expressiom.
>I guess you browse Sup Forums with your mother.
>Let them look classless without advocating to take away their free expressiom.
I'm 6'5".
Wtf? Its free speech. I dont care what it says. Fuck that Sheriff
shouldve put a *hyuck* at the end of that sign
Agreed honestly. This moron should be able to put whatever he wants on his truck. Doesn't piss me off in the slightest. Just reveals he is an idiot.