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you guys remember when this was in dystopian future flicks set centuries from now?
i miss those days
Drag queens aren't trans and they don't think they're women.
Pretty retarded considering history comes from the greek word historia which means "inquiry".
>trap lingerie panties built around their feminine package
They do use it in character though which is fine.
Also, Violet was the last good winner. Bob is a nightmare, and season 9 sucked dick all around. Even All Stars 2, Alaska's win left a bad taste in everyone's mouth.
I honestly see more of transmetropolitan today than anything.
time drags on, unfortunately
The memes are becoming reality.
god i love my dead gay country
Do they really think that the word "history" comes from combining "his" and "story"?
>YWN get to touch Adore Delano's boipussC
Why even live
>Do they really think
stopped reading there. Bong watch this:
Cheers, I've seen that before. He's pretty much spot on. Most left wing ideology is just John Lennon's imagine with academic gloss on top
Adore is in the top ten of looking like a really good girl
i'd let violet fuck me and i'm not even gay
s/he looks great. i wish i looked like that
Most pastors I have heard in my life at one point or another have said history is His (Gods) Story.
That's an interpretation of the word that makes a lot of sense. It's not it's true origin though
I doesn't work when your whole face is make up
Ah, a fellow Patrician I see.
>great conquering heroes, gods among humanity
>artists creating breathtaking works
>complex works of philosophy and thought
>a dude wearing women's clothes
hahaahaha they don't even get to have that
I wish it were more like transmet/bladerunner/incal but i think humanism is as strong as ever
He's wearing so much makeup that he's still obviously wearing it in the after pic
>That's an interpretation of the word that makes a lot of sense
Eternal Christfag genocide when?
This, and 2000AD are hitting sickeningly close to home, and it makes me mad, it steams my widdle boots.
But drag queens arent trans.....
They know they are men its just a fetish....
Is there room in those panties for a bulge?
What are women going to put in that bulge pocket? Twinkies?
Men Expert.
Is that George Lucas or Danny McBride playing as the role of Kenny Powers tattooed on his left arm?
Also I am not buying items from a company that uses male models to pimp female lingerie.
Traps are gay user.
Serious question. Isn't it gender appropriation if its a dude claiming "her story" when its an admitted dude?
Liberals really can reconcile this?