Get in here Sup Forums. We have important work ahead of us.
Get in here Sup Forums. We have important work ahead of us
and whats the problem?
It's true you know.
Whatever platform you're on spread the message.
All of the problems the west faces today have been either directly manufactured and/or enhanced by the anti-white policies of social media. It is time we shut down the anti-white tech matrix once and for all to give rise to a new era of expedited western progress by means of unmoderated speech.
I could do a better job on my phone, senpai. It needs more...
a e s t h e t i c s
You're right, that's why I've gathered you all here today. We need to brainstorm and create solid symbolism to spread like a virus to every corner of the leftist owned and controlled internet.
I think that's much less elegant than the OP.
I used ms paint because I don't have photoshop or something that could get the spacing perfect. I hope you all will use your own design and print these out and spread them everywhere.
If you have any screenshots of Facebook and Twitter not taking reports seriously for posts similar to, "Kill all white people", post them here. This is part of the plan.
This is a similar thread that is part of a much bigger exposure and power grab of the west's most valuable resources.
Real talk, who doesn't hate Christians in this day and age? Seems unfair to use that against Mark or anyone specifically.
Whatcha doin', Rabbi?
Fuck off kike.
Apple fires Diversity Chief for suggesting that intellectual diversity is important too.
Wrongthink has no place in Silicon Valley.
Kinda ironic to be offended that someone (supposedly) hates dumb Christians and at the same time being an anti-semite, don't you think?
Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg have stated the importance of tweaking the Facebook algorithms to help improve the public perception of black women of color.
These are dumb.
If you have Twitter go check. Right-Wing Twitter right now is pushing for the ultimate redpill. This is the endgame. If we can push leftists out of power we can stop the bleeding.
>Whatever platform you're on spread the message.
>All of the problems the west faces today have been either directly manufactured and/or enhanced by the anti-white policies of social media. It is time we shut down the anti-white tech matrix once and for all to give rise to a new era of expedited western progress by means of unmoderated speech.
YouTube hates much everyone
It's all a part of their strategy. They can get away with deplatforming and defunding right-wingers and other western men and women if they lightly and temporarily mess with some normie channels. It's about 95% anti-west, with 5% of the algorithm flagging people like Casey Neistat for legal backup. "Oops, we've had some troubles with the algorithm, see, it's not all Trump supporters who are being obliterated."
Suck a dick kike.
Take Sup Forums as an example. In an unmoderated internet who always wins? In a moderated internet who always wins?
If I woke up from a coma and didn't know Trump won I would be sure that Hillary had won given that leftist control of the internet and leftist wealth has skyrocketed since January. This is because Trump is terrible with tech and he's caught in the same hamster wheel trap that the rest of the right is trapped in. Social media creates the illusion of power and influence, but if you understand how their system works and how they set up their ToS behind the scenes you will understand just how fucked Trump and the right is.
Gonna screen cap.
Ooh nice one
When I think about how cucked the right is when we won the election and the right still says shit like, "the free market should build alternatives to the major leftist controlled social media giants" rather that, "Trump won, Zuckerberg should fear investigations from the Trump administration" it really makes me wonder what we elected Trump for in the first place and what people are doing calling themselves "redpilled".
Check! Tulane off list!
Love how they reveal the real them and dont even understand what they are actually doing monetarily, culturally, racially, and legally and lawfully.
See this one.
Too true. We do have some tech people with right-wing views but they are a minority. I mean, Myspace was owned by Murdoch and that was very much the dominate social media space for a couple of years until Zuckerburg overturned their position.
The only hope is to somehow break up Big Tech politically or a real gamechanger in terms of technology breaks their stranglehold. Thiel is actually working on breaking up Google at the moment but the Trump administration should be at work on Amazon/Facebook/Twitter. The problem is they learned from Microsoft's mishap and are throwing tons of lobbyist dollars at any attempt to reign in their monopoly power.
Trump is surrounded by the swamp. If he could just appoint a prosecutor and have a loyal team of prosecutors that would break up Facebook/Google and so on, he would do it. The fact is that he is penned in from all sides by people who are working against him. Even if he installs someone on the same page as him they will still be leading departments full of personnel put their over the years by Neocons or Democrats.
This is gold. There is a definitive separation of intelligence between white identity "redpill" and the true redpill that factors in the bigger picture. Richard Spencer and alt-lites both knock us back a step every time we try to create a voice for the west again.
It's unfortunate because there's a lot of potential wasted on trivial matters when we should be focusing on the original concept of the redpill. The red pill means to see the system for what it is, a well designed illusion. Jews, CIA, NSA, FBI, white leftism, BLM, Silicon Valley, federal reserve, Rothschilds etc. Focusing on only one node misses the structure of all of these elements dynamically combined and prevents us from ever realizing our true potential.
Facebook is the belly of the beast and whether or not we use it we're all working from within the "Zuccening era". Its tentacles have spread to every corner of the internet in one way or another.
When people moved over to Facebook from Myspace that's when everything changed for the worst. It used to be normal to say whatever was on your mind and express yourselves how you wanted. Once the concept of 30 day postblocks and account suspensions/disablings/deletions took hold of Facebook and the rest of the internet, things turned for the worst. Humanity cannot self govern itself and cannot speak out against the destruction of the west that secures the leftist tech monopoly more and more every day that we lose our voice further and further.
Some fellow tuga has been busy
I miss birb
"Early Facebook investor and founding president Sean Parker says the massive social network is "exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology" to attract and retain users' attention.
Speaking at an event hosted by Axios in Philadelphia on Wednesday, Parker warned about the unknown societal consequences of widespread social media use, saying he had become "something of a conscientious objector" against social platforms.
"The unintended consequences of a network when it grows to a billion or 2 billion people and ... it literally changes your relationship with society, with each other," the billionaire said onstage at the National Constitution Center during an event that also focused on his work supporting cutting-edge cancer research. "It probably interferes with productivity in weird ways. God only knows what it's doing to our children's brains."
The goal is simple. We use all of combined resources to punish Silicon Valley for removing our voices, our ability to successfully run a business, to hold and speak freely about western values, and all of the other sins that Mark Zuckerberg and many of his peers have dealt against us.
This is not only about our voice. This is an attack on all fronts. Think about owning a business. What kind of business could you successfully run without the ability to advertise on Facebook and Google? For those of you who have never run a business and/or advertised, I will tell you that your options are practically none. Especially if your leftist competition is getting organically boosted higher by the algorithm than you. It's a simple matter of political financial sabotage. If you're postblocked on Facebook, or suspended by Google, your business dies. These days in business the difference between staying afloat and going under can be missing 2 months a year of advertising. Single digit percentile edges being obliterated by leftist tech is the largest factor that will determine the success of any business owner.
So what free country do we think we're living in if our largest tech companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon, Paypal, can directly attack not just our voice, but our finances and be touted as heroes for their "moderation" and algorithmic boosting of leftist media/business?
Sheryl Sandberg is another one we're after.
This is beyond retarded, fuck off libcuck
What would you suggest? We keep posting the same memes about "Killary" until something hopefully happens? I don't hear you coming up with any good plans.
>Sheryl Sandberg
>thinks of Jews as a religious group
Kek, is this your first day here? Stick around and you'll find out they are best viewed as a seperate race that evolved to parasite off of other societies.
I mean if you posted this, and memed it successfully. Guaranteed dumb ass Niggers would comment on it revealing their vitriol.
>"Um hey.. Honkey az muffugas gibs me wellfare"
And then what? The whole, "It's Ok To Be White" accomplishes what in that case? Screenshots of blacks telling whites that it actually isn't ok to be white? And then what? You screenshot their comments and share them with your alt-right friends? Then what? What changes?
Taking on the leftist corporate monopoly is the endgame. Everything else is shit tier, especially if it doesn't work towards this endgame.
IOTBW is a great thing, but it shouldn't be the ONLY front we fight in.
If the kikes get their censorship programs going, you can bet your ass the only solution then will be hot war, resulting in major life loss in our side too, which should be tried to be avoided as much as possible.
The majority of the worlds wealth and power is owned by our enemies. Leftists, Arabs, Jews, not conservative Christian blue collar/small business owning men and women. Don't let pride blind you.
I see this pattern repeat endlessly. The left does something trashy, the right memes about it, the memes circulate, nothing happens, repeat the process the next day. It's the social validation hamster wheel that the right is trapped in with no willingness to gain long term leverage. The right in America as it is will not stand up and unify like what is happening in Poland. We have a fundamentally different problem. The American right wants to click the dopamine button all day long to feel like they're doing something for the west. If that's the case then fine, we can manage but we need to focus on the endgame. Corporate leftism needs to be our primary target and yes, it can be done at home in your pajamas from the comfort of your climate controlled home.
Times ticking Sup Forums. There's no going back if we don't start fighting for the endgame. We've let this go on for over 6 years and it only gets worse.
We all know by now what, "neo-Nazis/racists" means.
"Twitter gives neo-Nazis, racists Dec. 18 deadline—and could then kick them out entirely"
Lol, nice meymey
>You show screenshots to your alt-right friends? Then what? What changes?
t. discouragement shill
Exposing it (the anti-white agenda) to normies was always the point. Seeing as how shills STILL don't like this campaign, the confirmation that it's good
...that it's good continues
He is not saying to stop the IOTBW campaign, in all reality it should never stop, what he's saying is that unless we fight the anti-free speech in tech, we are fucked because we won't have a voice to circulate the memes along the normies.
I don't think this will work
but the butthurt will be amazing, I can't fucking wait
i must have missed that. if that's the argument, disregard my last (2) and forgive me for being such a faggot.
Your faggetness is forgiven fellow user.
We have until December 18 before Twitter purges anyone supporting western progress, and we can expect Facebook and Google to begin the same process. We royally fucked up by not tackling this issue sooner.
It's not enough to only spread memes hoping that lemmings will pick up on the nuances of the anti-western infrastructure and then all of a sudden stand up to it. This is poor psychological strategy. There is already a saturation of right-wing memes and it's not working. We need to do more than raising awareness about day to day issues and instead break the cycle wide open. We can't hope that something will eventually happen if we keep pressing the dopamine button of social media.
Corporate leftism/leftist tech manufactures leftists and pushes them deeper into their social feedback loop MUCH FASTER than we can convert centrists. This is a fundamental feature of the algorithms and they're only getting stronger. The truth is and becomes more relevant as time passes that our memes don't reach leftists in a manner that would cause them to break out of the stupor that the algorithms have neatly placed them in.
I hope this shit can be fixed without resorting to targeted attacks on the censorship brigades heads of the medusa.
Ballot box, soup box, ammo box.
Well they couldn’t be bothered to spend the money to bring Facebook (the internet) to Africa. Actually could you imagine what FB Africa would look like????
I think Elon Musk's rocket blew up their $300m satellite lmao Otherwise I have seen a lot of Africans and African pages/groups on Facebook. They usually post bestiality and other fucked up shit, and Facebook usually takes weeks before they take down the videos.
They want to bring the whole fucking African continent to where already exists Facebook and internet (the Western nations), why would they bother to get Facebook and internet into Africa?
Ahh.. Hell, nah. This is a step in the wrong direction.
Hello, "fellow white person".
This should be our next message. To show just how much Liberals even hate the word.
I worked on the font a bit. I think the font looks fancy. If it was tacked to a college bulletin board in the hall leftists would be attracted to the font and then read it and ragequit.
lmfao, not exactly what we're trying to do but I like it.
all of this.. this thread... these modifications.. these are all the reasons why this meme died. it only worked in its original form. the moment it mutated even an inch, it was already dead
yall niggas be kickin a dead meme
also, who gives a shit about twitter? you fag retards
Are you retarded?
How the fuck are you going to meme redpills into the normie brains when the kikes cencorship all dissidence out of the internet?
kys you fucking idiot
why do i give a shit about redpilling normies? normies are gonna be normies, regardless. when twitter inevitably fails & becomes completely irrelevant, all the normies will flock to some new, retard site. theyre always gonna love shit music, theyre always gonna love socialism, and theyre always gonna root for daenerys on GoT. its just the way of things
>meme died
>doesn't use Twitter so doesn't know what the #TwitterHatesWhitePeople meme is
>>doesn't use Twitter
youre damn right i dont use twitter
That's what we're saying. We're finally addressing what leftist tech has been getting away with for the past 7 years.
Now that's what I'm talking about.
Look at the edge lord faggot here.
Were you born red pilled you idiot?
If you're not a shill, I advise you go check your mental retardation.
We have a winrar.