Any Italian anons here able to explain this party to a dumb burger?
What's their endgame? Do they stand a shot at coming out on top in the 2018 elections?
5 Star Movement
i'm not italian, but basically it's an anti-EU populist party, not really super conservative, but they have the right idea that isnt extreme enough to push away normie voters
I've heard them described as having a "rightist façade over a leftist basement under an anarchic roof"
And nobody seems to be able to grasp a coherent political or economic message coming out of the movement
Meme party built almost entirely around the concept of being free from corruption and civic duty, which is a good thing, especially in Italy, but hardly enough to actually build a solid movement, ergo the absolute bottom of the barrel populism and de facto indecision on almost any matter of importance.
In practice it's also full of lefties and liberals.
it's a party founded by a comedian, that's all you need to know
five star movement + northern league government please
>Any Italian anons here able to explain this party to a dumb burger?
We would need to understand it ourselves first...
Basically it's a left wing populist party with some light anti EU stuff and an electorate made of brainwashed conspirationists
Mish mash of idealists and opportunists.
Grillo can barely keep it together because it's not really made to represent a political idea which means everyone is at odds with everyone and they can't take a position on shit.
I'd say Grillo leans more on the right but most of its members are definitely leaning on the left.
Honestly nobody knows what to think about them, not even themselves, I'm pretty sure they would implode if they ever managed to get to the government due to internal strifes.
>nobody seems to be able to grasp a coherent political or economic message
>implying there is one
What about their two mayors, Raggi and the Turin chick?
Raggi is ok, the Turin chick is turbo-leftist pro-veggie feminazi pro-islam
Raggi is such an incompetent bitch
She fakes headaches, and keeps building fucking immigrant centers
Raggi is a retard and managed to ruin her own credibility for basically nothing, to the point she was exculpated from her previous accuse and then accused again for being a fucking idiot and causing the misunderstanding to begin with.
Honestly she's the perfect example of what the M5S represents.
centrist meme party financed and supported by the kikes, they will lose
TOPKEK you have "Fag" in your ID
Fug :DD
get a load of this finocchio
They’re a mess. They have no endgame. They barely have a starting game. You could vote for them saying that it serves as a “protest vote”, but even so they manage to be worse than the usual politicians.
So what is the best Italian party currently?
M5S is a honest liberal uncorrupted party.
They have their democratic views and mostly are ok, but they blew it big on immigration. Why? Superiority complex? What the fuck Grillo? Mavafanculo.
And that is why they are a meme and retards like Salvini and even Berlusconi can pull up some votes. Shit, even the retard in charge made some changes in constitution so the non-elected, all corrupted and investigated party and nobody elected presidente, re Giorgio Napolitano can pull strings like this is their kindergardten, everything included.
Meme country - all facade and beneath just incompetence, but with nice manners.
Do you think Trieste is Slovene clay?
>What's their endgame?
they don't even know themselves. Meme party
A privately owned meme party and nothing more.
Literally worse than the establishment it's supposed to replace.
Their Leaders speak for slogans and pre-made arguments so people vote for them for the same reason muricans voted for the Donald.
That's pretty much everything you need to know
In the beginning they were anti eu/euro, now totally pro, they were anti corruption and shit like that now they got lot of law trouble. Same laboratory party as tzipras, podemos, just gate keepers. In Italy there's only one party with different ideas, really anti eu, and it's Northern League (actually no more "northern", just "league").
Sorry for my bad English.
Meh, things change just on paper. Shit gets stirred much more here than in any other country, so you get used to all sorts.
A territorio libero Triestino would be something powerfull in this region, because fuck all those leeches, but we can't have nice things, can we?
Also fuck all this identity politics.