I'm new to the series and have only finished the first part so far, but the further into the second part I get, the less interested I am.
Will I miss much in terms of actual world building and plot if I skip to stardust crusaders?
I'm new to the series and have only finished the first part so far, but the further into the second part I get, the less interested I am.
Will I miss much in terms of actual world building and plot if I skip to stardust crusaders?
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You won't be missing much of anything if you skip part 2 just do it
>bored of part 2
>expecting to be not bored during part 3
> skipping parts
If you don't like part 2 you might not like part 3 either. Part 2 also introduces the a main character that is involved in part 3.
How the fuck did you get through part 1 if you are that bored with 2? They really aren't all that different, and 1 had a more boring main character.
Either man up and watch it pussy, or do what you're going to do. Its not that long, I would just watch it and get it over with.
Maybe you just don't like the series though? Part 3 isn't going to be some bastion of entertainment even though its the most known part. Its actually pretty weak in a lot of ways, and if you don't like part 2 there's a good chance you won't like it either.
Part 2 was more entertaining that both parts 1 and 3. You're drunk.
I agree, though the first parts quality isn't that relevant since real shit starts with part 4. You just need to know who are Jotaro and Dio, basically
>the further into the second part I get, the less interested I am.
Kys, you tasteless human garbage. Part 2 was awesome.
Just don't read the series and spare us another shitty fan to deal with
>implying you aren't trolling anyway, fag
>"Oh yeah guys Araki totally doesn't pander
This happening draws so many wild conclusions and implications that it at least doesn't completely feel like
>Here's za warudo for no reason!
First of all, dont fall in the memes jojotards will drag you into.
if you are not getting into part 2, read part 3.
3,4 and 5 are best.
Read wiki to understand memes and major plot point of 6 and 7(ugghhh).
Then go straight to 8. it is very well written till now.
no point in reading a shitty part if it is not entertaining.
Do what ever the fuck you want. This is real life. You're gonna fucking die of existential misery the second you have to make a real decision if you need these people to tell you what to do. Maybe try reading the manga and seeing for yourself. Do you put that much faith in people they'd be able to tell you what you did or did not enjoy?
Fucking read it. I read some books backwards. Who gives a fuck? If you're worried about it, you're going about your life in a horribly misguided way.
Araki can't frame at all, that Johnny in the final panel looks awful
This might be the worst advice I've ever read.
Your taste is horrible, fucking kill yourself
The only part that you can skip is part 4.
i would suggest you dont skip stardust crusaders, or at least if you do watch some of the really good fights like d'arby alessi blindguy etc
>Read wiki to understand memes and major plot point of 6 and 7(ugghhh).
haha no
you kill yourself. there is no need to tip fedora over 6 and 7.
>these shounenfag memepinions
>implying jojo is better than any other shonens
woah m8, jojo fans have such better taste. (YOU)
Those are hard facts to accept when your understanding of a story (any story) doesn't stretch beyond 'fights' and 'not-fights'
well your meme master araki tried "bigger things" in 6 and 7.
but if you think those are the epitomes of manga and some masterpiece, really you need to get out of highschool
>manga masterpieces
>published in SJ
lol no
Definitely better than almost everything else in Jump, though.
Part 7 really fucking dragged but now that I've finished it I think it might be my favorite due to that last 3/5ths
Johnny is such a failure tho compared to basically every other Jojo but Jolyne
By your logic the only Joestars who weren't failures were Jotaro and Giorno
>hey, araki shifted to ultra. we mature now.
certainly better than moe garbage but nothing exceptional about sbr and so if you are out of highschool.
nice get
shame it was wasted on a post where you just broken-record about highschool, though. I'd say that's a fixation
Full speed ahead, faggots.
well regurgitating and recycling whole jojo story and taking double amount of pages is not making anyhting better.
Josuke wasn't nor was Joseph
Johnathan wasn't until part 3
>broken record about highschool
well i dont know how anybody can say with striaghtface that SBR and SO is some "exceptional" writing.
Well that's an incredibly uneducated opinion.
Keep going
Joseph was lucky, and Josuke was basically buying time for literally everyone else to show up.
Give me some green-text pin-points.
And I know if you just read the wiki or follow memepinions
fuck off.
part 6 and 7 fans are the usual meme slurpers and part skipping shitposters.
Thread for actual discussion, new ep's preview is out.
wtf i haet part 6 nd 7 now
That doesn't make them losers, ESPECIALLY not Joseph.
>reuse dio over and over
>cant be bothered to make new characters
No Jojo is really a loser by THAT defensive logic.
You come off so angry, it's hilarious
but that's not an argument.
Neither is I'm 'avin a big ol laff at you m8
that's the only thing this thread is about now