Yuri on ice

Who will win next week's short program?

Other urls found in this thread:


>OP image
Very good.

I think Yurio will, since we'll probably get a bunch of backstory. He'll lose the FP though.


History status: made

>bringing Sup Forums memes into Sup Forums

You're really cancerous.

>retarded op

This thread is fucked.

>retarded op
>This thread is fucked.

The retard was told to fuck off the last thread and it's still trying to force non Sup Forums garbage here.

>mudslime dickriding

Otabek, your time is now

I wonder if he has finally found agape or will he just have the technical skills down?

Newfags, man.

Is this the point where the janitor starts taking out the YoI threads like last week?

has this gay shit been posted yet

This episode was another one of beauty.

This thread should be abandon. Someone make a new one without shitty Sup Forums memes

>be Anya
>leave your loser boyfriend who is a bad kisser
>have to be in the same competition as him
>sit down to watch some skating with your fiance who makes you happy
>soon it's your ex's turn
>his program is all about his obsession with you
>feel creeped out but do nothing
>next day
>watching the next round of skating
>ex does it again
>leave with your fiancee in the middle of the program
>he fucks it up after that
>serves him right

It seemed like it wasn't the agape part that was his problem, since he was able to visualize his grandpa, but him wearing himself out by the end. Now that he's built up his stamina and technical skills, he should nail it.

we could hardly have one of these gay threads without it

There is one already

New thread here

Still not sure if it was a kiss but hell I'm fine either way. They made out on the ice.

It had some good character development with Victor and Yuuri dealing with some issues (like Victor's newness at being a coach) and over all was a fun ride.

She's a rotten cunt.

No, his problem during the performance itself was that he was focusing too much on the technical aspects because he wanted to win. He apologizes to his grandpa during the Onsen on Ice match for not thinking of him.

Move to the other thread. This one has a cancerous op.

>show filled with cucks and fags
I can see why normalfags love this show

Both issues feed into each other, I suppose. If he was not so tired he might have been ablet o think of the artistic aspects me.

What the heck was even his costume.

>Move to the other thread. This one has a cancerous op.


Don't let outsiders take over the threads


>We will never see the side skaters again

Actual thread here >>

Anyone else impressed by Suwabe's voice acting in this show? Maybe I haven't watched enough of his roles but he sounds... different? than he normally does as Victor, I can't put my finger on it.

Especially last episode with drunk Victor and this scene where he sounds so cutesy. Some scenes his voice sounds cute as fuck. 'Cute' is a word I would hardly imagine using to describe Suwabe's voice.

I'm not moving to a thread where some retard keeps spamming it thinking that's somehow better than an ancient meme reappropriated for an anime.

I didn't like those two together at first, but now I think it's a cute idea.

Imagine Kenjiro going to cheer Yurio on, making him embarrassed and blush.

I've been really impressed with him as well. He usually tends to get by on plain old sex appeal which he has down pat, but he seems genuinely invested in his role as Victor and it shows in his performance.

Move to the other thread. OP is a tv/ meme sprouting faggot,

Haven't seen any of his other work but he seems to be doing a good job here. His English is adorable.

who fucking cares

>No Taco ever again
Can this get any worse. Also fuck off I'm using this thread since you guys are angry over some dumb OP image.

Of course, since you are the cancerous OP.

Yeah, just take his acting in Utapri this season. The character he does there his his "typical" Suwabe voice but Victor really is special.

Their personalities would really clash, but then that could be interesting to see. Yurio seems to work best when he is bouncing off others, like Mila.

Don't encourage cancerous shit like OP and go to other thread.

Holy shit, fuck off. You're more irritating than the Tyra Banks people.

Of couse you don't care, cancer.

>encouraging multiple threads
You're the real cancer

Guys if the BDs/DVDs do not come with a "making of" with Kenji Miyamoto dancing all programs SPECIALLY Mature Eros I'm gonna pee on MAPPA's door

This is getting weird.

We did not even get to see what Leo did to bomb so hard. What did he do to fail so poorly when he won his previous event?

>encouraging generals

>No more Taco
There's literally no words for the sadness in my heart.
We failed to protect his smile. ;_;

Also, staying here as well, because spamming is never daijobu.

let us talk about the homo in peace

Fuck off, cancerous OP. You don't belong on Sup Forums.

China/America OTP

All I want is an intimate dance scene. Like a classic romance song playing and Victor just grabs Yuuri and they just have a little dance in their room. Sappy and cheesy, but I'm a sap and a cheese.

Go here to talk in peace

I'll miss Taco a lot, but if it's between him and Phichit I'll always choose Phichit.

I think about that sort of thing, too. What have I become?

Summary of Skater and the King 2 when

Mspaint user was the one that posted 3DPD garbage in the last thread.

I'm going to be frank, Yuri's despair at the cheering and Viktor's immediate "Don't listen!" with hesitation was far more moving than the kiss scene. Something about the protective instinct.


Shut the fuck up

Can we talk about how good Phichit did? I'm proud of our Thai, Sup Forums

>I'll always choose Phichit.

So will Kubo ;_;

You'll get that, but on ice.

He was great. Hopefully he does well at Finals.

When will we see gook?


Victor/Yuuri theme song.

Fuck off Sup Forums meme cancer


Was expected since he was apparently going to be Yuuri's toughest opponet.

Yuuri seriously looked like Subaru in a few frames of the parking garage scenes

>You'll get that, but on ice

They're going to skate together to the duet version of Stay Close to Me, and it'll be romantic as fuck. We may even get an uncensored kiss at the end of it.

Honestly did not expect him to go past episode 7 after last week, but pleasantly surprised. It's cute that he is using songs from a film and it's squeal too. Shall we skaaaaate was catchier though

Next episode. I just want to see his dog.

Will never get over the false advertising with China and Thai.

>We may even get an uncensored kiss at the end of it.

Fuck, after today, it's possible.

do you think he did this

>tfw people used to think that this was a stretch and they wouldn't do it
Get bent.

>stil posting in a cancerous thread

I keep wondering where the hell we go from here.

We got an armblocked kiss in episode 7. We're probably going to get an unobstructed kiss by episode 12. So what the fuck happens in S2? Does Yuuri go to Nishigori for advice on anal sex? What the hell is next on Kubo's wild ride?

I'm betting that for the BD they'll move Victor's arm to make their lips visible. No idea why they'd censor it for TV, though.

Well, it's been doing extremely well ever since they announced the extras and the episode boosted the preorders even more. All these in top 200:
>*30位/*31位 (**1,803 pt) [*,*51予約] 2016/12/30 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ユーリ!!! on ICE 1 [Blu-ray]
>*43位/*44位 (**1,212 pt) [*,*32予約] 17/01/27 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ユーリ!!! on ICE 2 [Blu-ray]
>*44位/*47位 (**1,140 pt) [*,*30予約] 17/02/24 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ユーリ!!! on ICE 3 [Blu-ray]
>*49位/*49位 (**1,060 pt) [*,*27予約] 17/03/31 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ユーリ!!! on ICE 4 [Blu-ray]
>*50位/*50位 (**1,073 pt) [*,*25予約] 17/05/26 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ユーリ!!! on ICE 6 [Blu-ray]
>*51位/*51位 (**1,041 pt) [*,*26予約] 17/04/28 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ユーリ!!! on ICE 5 [Blu-ray]
>*61位/*70位 (**2,496 pt) [*,*21予約] 2016/12/30 ユーリ!!! on ICE 1(スペシャルイベント優先販売申込券付き) [Blu-ray]
>*117位/*117位 ○ (***,893 pt) [*,*28予約] 2016/12/30 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ユーリ!!! on ICE 1 [DVD]
>*191位/*204位 ○ (**1,452 pt) [*,**8予約] 2016/12/30 ユーリ!!! on ICE 1(スペシャルイベント優先販売申込券付き) [DVD]

Best boy when?

Did they change their minds after putting up the bios or will China turn out to be relevant after his loss? It's possible he breaks his sns hiatus and has something to do with Phichit's go at the finals.

But in terms of yearning so far he seemed to care about Leo more than anyone else.

>Victor said: “Osorosshia” which is the mix of osoroshii (terrible, horrible) and Rosshia (Russia) in Japanese



No you got confused by the hair style, final boss is JJ.

I'm starting to think that profile must've applied to Gunaghong's rough draft or something because he and Phichit barely existed to each other. They must've liked each other in the initial draft and then somebody was like "No, make it the Taco, that would be funner".

Instead of that, why not the actual plot of making it to nationals?
I'm actually just watching this for the incredibly beautiful animation


Their skate canada ova fucking when?

Is it weird that I find him really attractive all miserable with huge eye bags? I'm more into it than moe or eros Yuuri (not as much as angry Yuuri though).

What if worlds is S2

Eye bags are one of my strongest moes so I don't think that's weird at all

What were niconico ratings like?

It felt that it was a last minute change between the bios and the anime. Leo wasn't in the lineup until a few months later, feeling like he was a last minute addition to the cast.

But yeah, China-kun's bio made you think that he and Thai were closer than what is shown on the show.

>that spoiler
Wow, it must really be a treat for you then.

Taco seems like a very late afterthought.
He's not even on the main promo group shots.
Such a shame, because he was a very good character.

JJ > Pichit > Otabek

>that pic

My fucking sides

This is the only thing I want now. Even if after they do it, Victor has to fly back to Russia and we get a Bittersweet End, just give me this last chance.

Considering that Otabek is the only skater that gets introduced at the GPF, it makes him more likely to be final boss.

Makes sense but too bad they didn't edit it out. Still Leo and Ji were cute so can't complain.

It sounded in the bios like they had some sort of instagram affair.

When will Hosoya save us

I don't mind Taco but it's funny that everything else seems to have been true except the "He lusts for his friend Phichit".

No S2 I want this instead

Taco is a pure Christian boy who we did not deserve. He will always be StillAlive.mp3 in our hearts.

user sorry for not thank u before... I love U (OR)