Says increasingly nervous British Brainwashing Company
Says increasingly nervous British Brainwashing Company
We lost man.
Get over it. Our time has passed. We are no longer socially relevant.
can get a BBC flag?
Never, defeatist shill.
There's too much irony here, it's so funny that I can't even laugh.
>BBC published article about that dumb shit
Seems to me like it took off just fine.
>British taxpayers' money goes towards this article
Just fuck my country up.
Have they already connected the EUSSR flag to 4chin alt-trolls?
>'Sup Forums BTFO on Swedish flag petition; influence at new low'
>headlined on premier (((media))) company
How will we ever recover?
Sup Forumss autisms make the news again......what the fuck even is this timeline?!
My guess is the media thinks that by probing our asses they can "expose muh manipulation" and try and keep people from falling for it.
>literally came up with a hoax to manipulate people
>calls BBC brainwashing
Not even defending the BBC, just pointing out your Jew-tier hypocrisy.
reminder that the author of the article is basically plugging his book about Sup Forums
says the nervous shill
Hipocriscy is the price to pay for power. We didn't write the Rules, Saul Alinsky did and one of his most important rules is to make the enemy play by his own rules. Which is essentially making sure they're too prideful to use the same dispictable tactics.
instead normies would end up here and eventually get redpilled lulz
lmao do they really believe we put DT in WH
>decline of Sup Forums
lol wtf, i thought that 'campaign' was a shitty shill one anyway. It was never going to work. what do you reckon the odds are that it was the cunt who wrote the article who made the campaign?
That'd be next level batshit insane. BBC journalist false flagging as Sup Forums to false flag as a lefty who wants to change the flag of another country because of oppression just so he could write an article about it to sell his book.
Somehow the more i read that the more likely it sounds. We even know the campaign started in the uk..... wait... am I that journalist secretly typing out what I really did just to make it look like some weirdo making up a conspiracy? Guess we'll never know my fellow MAGAPEDES.
There's ideas for pranks and stuff posted on here every day, almost all of them fail. We've had some bigly victories though
Wut? When the fuck were we "socially relevant " and who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
It makes it funnier.
What you mean that simple meme? The likes of which are created daily by the hundreds?
That wasn't a campaign. They would know if it was
>BBC article publishes flag of a hoax that had barely 100 people decrying it as a failure
This is why they will fail, they either don't understand propaganda of the deed or that any publicity is good publicity or maybe they're just so embroiled in buttfrustration that they have forgotten about this.
>decline of Sup Forums
The sea level of the ocean of piss is dropping or something?
>failed to take off
>article in category "BBC Trending"
really makes you think
its like they are not even trying
i didn't know pol was an extremist board, i suppose everyone here is a neo nazi stormfront tier nerd
Hint: They're doing it on purpose.
Everything here is a satire. We're all actually a sect of peaceful Jainists.
A major news network is monitoring a Korean children's cartoon image board?
This is the ultimate example of the failure of modern news media. What shameful embarrassment.
But a word of warning for you limey coward brits. Please note the language. "extremist." They're preparing to have Sup Forums black listed in your country.
hahahha look at them put it out to a bigger audience of normies that Sup Forums cant reach
have a look at his twitter feed. he's obsessed. he mocks conspiracy theorists but he's basically one himself
apparently retweeting shitty vice articles is what a "senior broadcast journalist" does these days.
>you limey coward brits.
the writer appears to be an american who came here to study and never left
and he studied at goldsmiths, which despite its name is basically an islamic state enclave. so probably he has a bit of stockholm syndrome
The moment you acknowledge us or react to our shit is the moment you lose and we win. We got major media companies having their dipshit interns view this site looking for clues and stories.
The fact we got them here shows were a force to be reckoned with. Meanwhile we're doing it for free while you tie up resources to counter us and figure us out.
Yeah man I think its time for all of us to just log off and go to bed. Nothing to do/see here...
Someone employed on tax payer money was payed to write this article.
I think the ultimate irony will be in 5 or so years when that flag is raised over Stockholm anyway.
The more they quote the source, the bigger the chances normies start lurking here.
All this public exposition should be enough to confirm that Sup Forums is or will be infiltrated
BBC sey dey no know da powah ooh wedem 4chins sey dey um spooky funfun autisum thinkacrime place many bad a joo joo cucka swedistan too meny kekkek *leaffy shake shake* dinosoar wite debil metink a silly funfun 4chin wey dey lika skyfire rockstone a blodclot da di dum sun. We dey wonder whether dem obsoleet they chokechoke info no mor
Bu.... But what of our reputation?
bbc shitting bricks because they know rope day is looming
how are there not bombs on his chest and detonators in his hands?
>failed hoax
>BBC reports on it
His current professional existence is a manifestation of shitposting a figment of Hillary’s imagination. A literal living meme. Best timeline.
>no longer socially relevant
implying we ever were
Sup Forums is amorphous, decentralized, chaotic, and disorganized. Part of this place hates a thing while another part makes it the cornerstone of their life, while the rest don't give a fuck and instead are bickering over entirely different shit.
Anyone who refers to Sup Forums as if it's a singular organized entity is a fucking retard or a shifty salesman.
We lost man.
Get over it. Our time has passed. We are no longer socially relevant.
>Sup Forums. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. The extremism of its collective autism screeches across space and time, resounding in a great, galactic reeeeeeeeee
>implying we ever were
implying there's a "we"
more people = bad
here's what Sweden is actually like boys
>Sup Forums is over!
>makes article about Sup Forums on the single most mainstream outlet in all of Britain
We got em by the balls
Anyone with knowledge of the industry have an idea what this guy is paid?
>A failed 'Swedish flag' hoax shows the decline of the extremist Sup Forums message board
You infidel dogs of the BBC, this insult of our message board shall not be tolerated. Respond to this post with an apology or your mothers will die in their sleep tonight.
Extremist Sup Forums Message Board
You've reached the level of /x/ that shouldn't ever been possible
Can't we get that flag here on 4chingchong at least?
weren't they just freaking out over the IOTBW thing on all the news channels?
we wuz relevant n shiet
Let him sell the book and let more normies come here. We will redpill them all
>let him sell his book
Shut up mike.
>advertising our point that sweden has been overtaken
thanks bbc
>agree with prank
>go to Sup Forums
>never return to MSM
I spent way too long on this.
And I still fucked it up.
Clearly not since this cuck is reporting it. Get a life Mike you sad cunt.
>Sup Forums is declining
>makes article about it failing
>it got deleted before it got too big
>Sup Forums memes now get on BBC news on a daily basis
Yeah haha, t-totally declining r-right b-bros?
He will do it anyway. But basically Sup Forums was advertised by BBC. The level of paranoia of this jewrnalist will bring here a lots of normies.
>that massive traffic bump during the summer nog riots and almost daily chimpouts of 2014.
Kek, that was a comfy time.
so this soy boy basically browses /pol to find something interesting and then debunkes it. did really anybody with more than two neurons thought this would go through into serious discussion? its sole purpose was made, maybe Sup Forums will catch an eye from couple of normies which is good thing at the end of the day.
Follow in my footsteps and cancel your TV license.
On the cancellation form, clearly state that you understand the laws regarding the TV license and thus will not use your TV or PC to access any live feed TV sources, BBC iPlayer, or any BBC website.
Make sure to say that you are aware however that non-BBC catch up TV isn't live feed TV and thus you do not need to physically remove your TV from the premises as you will NOT watch any live TV.
Request that they DO NOT send you emails or letters demanding payment as you WILL NOT give in to these demands so long as you do not make it necessary to legally have a TV license.
Also request that they DO NOT send you enforcement officers for reasons previously stated and that you WILL NOT accept them onto your property to harass you for simply owning a TV.
>Optional extra:
If you really, really want to be sure you'll be safe, bring up that anything like a PC or mobile phone could in theory be used to break this agreement but that it would be unreasonable for them to expect you to remove these items from your home, thus, it is unreasonable for them to expect your TV to be removed as things like DVD's or games consoles still require a screen.
Not me in the video, but a good example of how to deal with this:
we were once socially relevant?
>Literal state of BBC
>pic related
That's it boys, pack it up
btfo wendling
>way too long
wrong brother, kes were had, thank you
The state of the middle-class always using the BBC
Andrew Neil got triggered and BTFO yesterday by an )RT reporter
>falling for such obvious kikery
never come back
We must synonomise BBC with big black cock to normies. Normies love the joke, I've tested it, and BBC would probably be stupid enough to take the bait.
i got them to fuck off by reminding them that i was paying for a tv license for months before i realised i didnt even need to pay for one and i want to talk about a refund.
i havent watched 'tv live at the time of broadcast' at home for years
for real, I like this idea
we need journalist flags so that newfag journalists expose themselves by posting under "CNN" or "BBC"
plus it adds a whole 'nother dimension of satire to our shitposts
do it faggot
They’re just sending us more blue pilled fodder for our red pilling machines.
Every MSM interpretation of Sup Forums I've ever seen just doesn't get it.
I was in the same boat. I literally paid for years and years because, well, they expected me to do so. Well, I've had enough and said fuck you, I won't pay any more.
I work fucking hard and get paid fuck all, I don't want to pay for something I don't use.
Still have my Sky subscription, still record the very occasional show and 100% plan to watch the second series of Westworld when that comes out, but I won't pay a fucking penny more.
I'm also "lucky" that I'm in a flat above the ground floor, with my door behind a nice solid gate. If they want to come at me, I'll either ignore them or say what I said in my previous post; you don't need a TV license to own a TV, only to watch live TV. Prove I watch live TV and I'll pay, but since I don't, they can't, and I won't.
It'd literally just be a picture of a black cock for the BBC, for the ultimate laffs. I mean, hell, people who work at the BBC wouldn't even think twice about that being their flag.
The best you can hope for is that they get the most basic shit right, everything beyond that is pure fail most of the time, it makes sense really. These normalfags wouldn't have found this place in a million years and if for some reason, there is a journalist out there that also has in-depth knowledge about Sup Forums then he knows better and will hide his power level and write about anything else, Sup Forums brings only calamity in the end.
id say to anyone who denies we're a self policing slave class to go out of their way and openly say you dont pay a tv license to somebody in public.
as soon as i breath a word about it im surrounded by people who know better, who fall over themselves in a hurry having to explain exactly why we pay and that everyone else pays.
often see on here people lamenting what a sad fall from grace the brits have had over the past 100 years but thats not really the case, even in the days of empire the population at home was 95% retarded drone who never saw any benefit from empire in their lives, the situation remains the same as it always has.
Top tier OC, mon ami! Over 9000 internets have been deposited in your rectum.