Why is fish confused?
Monster Musume
Other urls found in this thread:
She's a terrible character
>wake up
>realize monster girls aren't real
>get on MM thread
>same 400 posts over and over.
>getting closer and closer to the dark days of /mgg/ which i feel i am in a minority of remembering
Just end me
Some new pages featuring Sheep and Cow just showed up. TTF, what are these?
>Muh threads
>Reminder Ms. Smith is Best Girl.
That reminds me, we haven't gotten anything new manga-wise since that brief chapter where they're taken to the con, right?
You're dead
>i feel i am in a minority of remembering
I member.
I love Draco and I am going to make her my wife!
Looks like they're selling their milk in the con
How much longer is this manga going for? Is there a projected end date yet?
Preview of the new chapter. It's at the expo so like I thought tons of cameos. That page is a farm "Milking experience" I'm guess it's going to be actual cows and pigs not the girls like MC and Miia seem to expect.
Polt is there too I'm in the background again ignoring some other Kobold she's showing off new training equipment and helping people get /fit/.
The art is a little funky on this page though...
Ah. I never saw (or bothered to look) to see if that colored cover with Miia/Cerea had more to it.
Thanks. More sheep is always great.
I meant sheep.
>A spider woman will never cocoon you in her web and have her way with you.
Crab said there was no end in sight in an interview this past Summer
>letting another woman touch you
Part of me is happy about this, but another part of me is pondering on the possibility that he's going to draw it out as long as he can to prevent himself from having to choose an ending.
No matter how it ends, someone will be upset
Until he will lose interest, which is soon
Looks more like she couldn't control herself around my guns user.
I'm ignoring her feeble advances.
>choose an ending
All signs point to no ending. He's been trying to ignore the marriage chapter it seems.
Best girl reporting.
>TTF's face
>"Fuck off you're not Polt"
Looks more like youre trying to hide your erection.
No ending will still piss people off
>He chooses a single girl as a winner
He has fans of the other girls at his throat
>He chooses a harem end
He has everyone who doesn't want a harem at his throat
>He makes an open end that doesn't really reveal who, if anyone, won
He has people hoping for a single girl victory at his throat.
Crab is fucked, no matter how he ends this
Why set up the marriage ultimatum so early if he's just going to be a bitch and avoid it?
>forked tongue confirmed
>Will still piss people off
A lot less people will be pissed off. The easiest route is to just ignore marriage and have things trail off like Ranma.
Your late.
>all those kobolds
I want to become /fit/ and train with them hoping it leads to sex!
His late what?
Art seems very off
And looks like that kobold wants to get closer to you
wear a bra ffs
> Reminder Suezo is best girl.
Fucking newfags
>hoping it leads to sex!
Are you kidding me? Kobolds are nothing but professionals. They didn't gain a racial fortune equal to that of the Jews by sleeping with their clients. The only sexual release you're getting at that health club is from the circle jerk in the men's shower.
Give me the male Kobold already
They are just bitches in heat looking for the knot.
Looks like it's just that big panel. Crab probably doesn't have too much experience with drawing fitness stuff.
She can try but it ain't workin'
So, uh...
Season 2 when, now that the OVA is out of the way
Stop posting this... thing.
Dude, we've already seen her tongue. It's longer than a humans, but not forked
I'm gonna take a guess and say probably around June-August next year. OVA come out this month which obviously means they're working on season 2.
>but not forked
They were dark days.
And we are inching closer and closer.
Just last thread there were mentioned of MGE.
You can't use the anime when the comic came afterwards. You can count that anime scene as an error in the character design.
Miia has a forked tongue.
Meh that's the animators fault. Crab has forked so it is forked.
I'll concede this one.
Miia had a forked before the anime came out. Crab decided to change it at some point since she's got that tongue by the time she's wearing the villainess costume in the Luz chapter.
I'd say the earliest would be winter next year actually.
OAD 2 comes out next april too which covers the last chapter before the mother arc.
He always draws me with a very stern expression. Probably my fault the reference pictures I sent didn't include me smiling...
That Kobold obviously wants my guns though. Can't have em. Polt eyes only.
I feel the urge to watch the anime again, but that will make me want to listen to the character songs again, and I don't want to get sucked back into that right now. God damnit
Which cow makes the best milk?
A version for roaches instead of ants.
>blush lines
What a slut
Quick! Throw frisbees at Polt
>Why is this Kobold touching me
>I'm just here to lift
>I hope Polt sees how much I can curl
>I wish I took more scoops of pre-workout
>I wonder when I can talk to Polt.
Definitely not that shit cow.
hold up, its been awhile since i been here but... since when TTF is part of the manga?
Those blush marks on your face don't lie.
If you can dream it, you can meme it.
Those are the legit bags under my eyes. Crab drew em last time too.
Chocolate cows?
Why would bags not run parallel to your eyes? Those lines are on your cheek.
Or cheekbones I guess
Face it. TTF is a cuck that simply WAN(ts) any kobold pussy he can grab
Nah those aren't the same. Face it. You and the qt behind you are sharing a moment.
Y-you too
If this series ended tomorrow, what kind of ending would you want?
I think I would want a Miia ending
I think Kyara has the best tasting milk if I remember right so yes, chocolate cows
I thought it already ended at 12 episodes.
A satisfying ending
A 60 page fully collored orgy with darling and the 7 main girls without any kind of censorship
>ttf cheats on polt, driving her into the arms of chad thunderknot
It's beautiful
The crabman comin'
Fuck you and fuck him.
No fuck you
It's Tragic
>sagging tits
I want to marry this snake.
Sagging means they have been recently milked. The udders will firm up as they fill. Eventually they will be swollen and sore, such that she begs to have them drained.
That is not at all how they work. Tits arent water balloons
>"I don't know how breasts work"
>but me, I do!
Better be no Luz again in the Expo chapter.
Just look up a video of Hitomi Tanaka where she leans over
I know what sagging really is
You got a very jew nose going on there TTF
>Hitomi Tanaka
Nothing wrong with a weeb at a convention
We need to forget the Kitsune. She's already a who.
Wait, didn't we see the guy on the left before as well? He looks familiar.