Éire/pol/ - The Nation Survived Another Week edition

Thread theme: youtu.be/krZEfzKAhD4
National Party: nationalparty.ie/
Join the party and spread the word/memes in your social circles online or otherwise.

Learn Irish:

>Teanglann (Irish/English dictionary)
>Radió na Gaeltachta (w/o subs)
>Leaving Cert Short Films With Subs

Jewtube channels of note:

>National Party

>The Hateful Gaels

>The Don

>Gaelic Neoreactionary

>The New Ireland


Twitter Accounts to Follow/Shill:

>National Party

>An Páirtí Náisiúnta (National Party as Gaeilge)

>Justin Barrett

>James Reynolds

>Seamus Treanor

Other urls found in this thread:



>Half of Longford to be Mixed Race by 2050

>1972 killing of boy by rubber bullet 'not justified' - NI cororner

>Cabinet to Discuss Family reunification Plan For Over 500 Refugees

>Coveney calls for more clarity on border in Brexit talks

>PAC wants to grill RTÉ on stars' pay and licence cash

>Adams insists Stormont deal still alive despite pulling plug

>Gardaí must hand over all personal emails and notes about McCabe

>Taoiseach Says Ireland Will Not be Joining a European Army

>Dublin ranks 5th last on list of best cities in the world to emigrate to

>Ice sculpture among expenses as Department of Education spent €13k on retirement party

>tfw no eire gf


Fuck off they are ours!

Gentlemen, gentlemen
Following last night’s thread I made some more potential posters, would anyone like to see?

I will come over there, and YANK.com you personally if you don't give me access to yer nation's qts

Post em boyo
Try it!

>give me gorl NOW



This one is a special one for the repeal the 8 crowd

I like em

posting gearoid until we get a good fashy 32 county republic

Take them friend, use them to your discretion, irl poster campaigns, social media, where ever
>"""""misspellings""""" on the first one
that can be fixed, one minute

>Sinn Féin members are set to vote on the possibility of liberalising the party's policy on abortion.

>A motion will be put to allow abortions in cases when "a woman's life, health or mental health is at serious risk or in grave danger, fatal foetal abnormality and rape or sexual abuse".

>Michelle O'Neill will back the motion which will set the party policy for both NI and the Republic of Ireland.

>The motion also re-asserts opposition to the criminalisation of women who have abortions.

State of (((Sinn Fein)))


>The Sinn Féin TD was speaking after Gerry Adams went public this week on his personal view that it should be a woman's right to choose whether to have an abortion.

I will never understand how men can be such faggots on this issue.
you would think its pure white knighting and virtue signaling, but there has to be something else

Sinn Fein policy appears to be "we'll always support the opposite of what most Irish want"

Link btw


Are there any mainstream parties that are explicitly pro repeal, or are they all doing the same pussy footing maneuver as SF?

I just got reminded of the ridiculous "Vótáil Tá" campaign which was hilariously bad for being both supportive of gay marriage but also incorrect Irish and even I know this being a very very limited user of Irish when SF are doing this being mostly fluent it's disgraceful

Using Gaelic to promote faggotry Reminds me of this abomination

Using incorrect Gaelic to promote faggotry is horrifying from SF especially, Tá does not mean yes it is the verb "to be" so "Tá mé go maith" is "I AM well" it has ntohing to do with yes as they were using it. I think a direct translation would be "Voting is" or something as stupid but I could be wrong.

Someone needs to get a copy of Barrets book.
Has anyone seen one?

Probably hard to get considering he himself considers it an embarassment

Despite SF going on about the language parties like FF and FG have members with much better fluency. Even Adams struggles to speak when he's not reading from a script(not that my Irish would be much better)

This, should be a priority

one of the advantages of Irish being so underused is that it hasn't been infected with like English has in recent years

>infected with like English

Its probably too edgy. Pretty fashy if ive heard right.
Unfortunatly if the book is as described it could be bad for the national party, didnt think about that aspect.

he wrote it when he was only 26 and I heard him say that he's embarrassed by some of the stuff he wrote. However maybe he's just trying to hide his power level(which is revealed in the book) and I think he has gone out of his way to make it unavailable

really? I heard he self publishes and hell give you a copy if you write him

Maybe its not something we should look for.
Not publicly anyway. Might go hunting for it one day however.

The last one is very haunting and would certainly wake up a lot normies who are brainwashed by the leftist talk "this is just my body!"

It's basically ye olde fashioned as fuck boi, only new words are for things that are actually new. so basically it's a lot more pleasant than the mangled English you would be hearing on a day to day basis right now

soon the hell fire shall sweep the world, and all will be cleansed.

Use it my man, do a poster campaign
I should note that it should be primarily used on college campuses, high schools, voting locations
I like the sound of that desu

Well we still have around 17 years so no point of thinking about that now.

I'm talking about the wave of political correct speech in recent years that hasn't really touched the Irish language. In class today my sjw frog teacher was telling us why calling your wife "your woman" was sexist. Irish is still a very conservative language, how you say hello in Irish (dia dhuit) literaly means "God be with you" and the response to that is "dia is Muire dhuit" meaning "may God and the Virgin Mary be with you", can you imagine the sjws screaming if that is how we said hello in English. Also just the other day I heard someone say on tg4 "cad a dheanfadh mac an chait ach luch a mharu" meaning "what can the son of a cat do but kill a mouse" more language that would have people going mad in English but is still standard in Irish

Cool new learning links.


is also a good resource, your local library might give you access to this for free, that's how I got it at least.

>In class today my sjw frog teacher was telling us why calling your wife "your woman" was sexist

sounds like an absolute fag. EU was a mistake.

This is because the launguage is currenly on its death bed(not saying it will die). You wont see much movement in it.

>"God be with you" and the response to that is "dia is Muire dhuit" meaning "may God and the Virgin Mary be with you"
That’s beautiful

lol you have no idea. I would deport him back to France but I'm sure they wouldn't want him since he apologized to us for Napoleon(said he was horrible oppressive man). Just today for example:

Masturbation translates from Irish into english as self harm

Anyone watching Late Late for based Gibson?

Ulster master race reporting in

How's life up there lad?

Is he (((French)))?

Seriously? That's interesting.

Yeah the faith had a huge impact on the language

>Longford to be 50% mixed race by 2050
How can anyone be okay with this?
Based classmates tbqh, gives a little hope.

My knowledge of your language is very limited, but my favorite word of any language is the Irish word for love (macushla?)
The literal translation (if I’m correct) is “pulse of my heart”
There’s so much beauty and meaning in that word

Not too bad, pretty cosy. Though have feeling that eventually the DUP is gonna give into Sinn Fein's demands. Plus the abortion debate is really beginning to gain some traction here.

I hope you guys keep the eighth!

It's suspicious but I don't think so he has a french surname. He seems more like a John Oliver type

Fuck SF for refusing to work over that gay shit, the irony is if they spent more time pushing for a united Ireland they would get the gay marriage automatically stupid cunts wasting everyone's time

Not aware of the Irish for love will look into it, I am interested now.

exactly but they want to look "progressive" to young cucked voters.

a tune for you lads from the best of the best Planxty

Not even once.

Came across this today

SF should be shot for tarring the name of Sinn Féin nevermind the rest of the shit they pull

They're fucking useless desu

>fringe party in republic
>SJWs in NI
>support things catholic conservatives are against just to be anti-DUP

Banter: The Song

It's such a shame that parties like Sinn Fein and Fianna Fail that have the coolest right wing sounding names( meaning "ourselves" and "the warriors of destiny") are such cucks

not that I ever had a high view of Sinn Fein but I get what your saying.

it's a complete bollox considering the potential they had to start off with now when the old guard goes they will fall apart quicker than a blight infected potato

correct me if im wrong are fianna fail and Fine Gael not both socially conservative?

a classic

They only claim to be with Gael claiming to be more right wing to give a false sense of difference. so FF pretends to be centre left and FG pretends to be centre right

well were do FF and FG stand on the eight referendum?

I love that painting even though I hate both Catholicism and Ireland.

O'Duffy Abu! Cheers.

Nah lad you send this in a while ago.

Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?



You used the wrong flag for Ulster you tit!

Where in the US?

Why would an anarchist from the US hate Ireland and support an imperial occupation of a part of it?

Similar to the Tories in England they have no principals instead they are just floating in the wind their views changing depending on who's votes they're trying to get. On the abortion case both heads of each parties have been silent (they will only say "This is a very complex topic that needs care" ). The previous Taoiseach called the gay referendum with people from other countries coming to Ireland to vote a "beautiful thing" They are both in favour of mass immigration into Ireland, Fg put a gay paki in as their leader to show how diverse they are and Fianna Fail's new moto is "An Ireland for all"

was waiting for some Eire/pol!.
Limerick reporting in.


I know the feel bro.


Kansas City

I support self determination, I hate Catholicism because religion is retarded and Ireland because they follow it.

Greetings soviet!

UCD pls go

simply, it's not. he fought for an Irish land for the Irish men and Now, we're loosing it, Micheal cry's with eamon

Welcome new friend!

>I hate Catholicism

You're a kike

basically yeah.

You're implying that ancoms have any cognitive ability beyond kicking bins.

Christy was on the Late Late saw this and liked it.

Post the original version of that image next time.

I've been here representing stab city for awhile. Im not new!

Do me a favor and stay there

>UK flag

So you're not American?

Yes! we DO NOT need dirty commies in our country.