Which one of you shitlords did this?
>A woman says she was slugged in the face by a racist lunatic on the subway — all because she asked him to stop “manspreading.”
>“He proceeded to press me against the wall and manspread me excessively,”
>“When I asked him to give me room, he yelled ‘Bitch, you ain’t nothing! I’ve raped white bitches like you, fucking cunt! You ain’t nothing, you fucking bitch!'”
>The man then socked her in the mouth, bloodying her lip and knocking her head into the wall behind her
I asked manspreader to stop, so he punched me in the face
Other urls found in this thread:
>Mans not hot
Bitch got what was coming to her.
She claimed she was slugged but I didn't see any slugs
Wouldn't you just spread your legs farther if some SJW told you to close them?
Then just shoot them if they touch you
God bless
It was a black man.
Imagine my surprise.
This is why police exist. Don't provoke strangers because they might be violent and unhinged. Common sense
It's never okay to hit someone just because they're a cunt. But if they hit you first...
"while riding the N train"
Starts at 1:00.
What a shock!! She approached an unhinged-looking stranger on the New York subway, said something annoying and got assaulted! WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING?! Poor thing!
> things that didn't happen
what did the cameraman say?
Roastie's first red pill.
Damn gurl, u should learn how to stop running ur mouth
>you just hit a lady bro
holy shit that guy should he shot in the face
This is the only acceptable response to,
"Would you please stop manspreading?"
Balls Lives Matter!
Anti-manspreading is code for anti-male testicular genocide!
>starts shit with a nigger
what the fuck she thought was going to happen?
Niggers are fucking hilarious.
he said noone wears steve maddens anymore talkimg about her shoes then she chimped out
Fuck, apparently he was charged with assault, but after seeing the video, the district attorney dropped the charges. WORLDSTAR literally saved his life.
>libshit getting beaten by feral niggers
Is there anything more perfect?
Classist rhetoric
these people are literal apes
What the fuck is wrong with these mentally ill dykes? Do they not understand we have a fucking dick and balls between our legs? Fucking oppression
Seems like the feminist/BLM intersectionallity meme isn't working-out.
If only we could wrap it up and hand it out to the rest for Christmas.
>‘B–ch, you ain’t nothing! I’ve raped white b–ches like you, f—ing c–t! You ain’t nothing, you f—ing b–ch!
It was a fucking nigger nigging.
It did happen. There is a video of of the aftermath fagget
>Bitch, you ain’t nothing! I’ve raped white bitches like you, fucking cunt! You ain’t nothing, you fucking bitch!'
>Americans defending this based black rapist
can we stop with this archiving bs? im sure the new york post will survive and make money regardless of if i go to their website or not. The interface of these archive sites is a nightmare to deal with. stop this aggravating bs
I get his point. Women don't understand or appreciate the level of freedom they possess in social situations. Taking up space is the only refuge you have as a man, when everyone around is bent on taking away as much freedom as possible from you.
>admitted to never slapping anyone before
he slapped that bitch with the force of 1,000 FA virgins
My man!
Manspreading is fucking bullshit. We have cocks, that's why we open our legs. I'm going to do it wherever and whenever I want
It just took a black guy to have the fucking balls to say something about it, and I'm glad he did.
Fuck both of you
That's pretty good but citiots getting killed by feral niggers is the best. The nigger should have just stabbed her to death.
Niggers be nigging.
Roasties be roasting.
The world turns.
Order is restored.
Dominicans are always based
>only black men have the balls to stand up to feminists
>doesn't care that he bragged about raping white bitches
lol holy shit Americans are pathetic
This is still the GOAT nigs nogging video.
>saying "manspreading" in public is as distasteful as saying "beta cuck"
Grow some balls you weak pussy. Or at least stop crossing your legs like a woman.
>don't archive it Sup Forums bitches like a woman
>archive it Sup Forums whines like a women
Jesus. Here is the link. For future reference you can get the original link at the top of the archive page.
She's been taught all her life that blacks are peaceful and just have bad things happen to them because of white privilege or something
Gomrade can't be racist. He's black. She's lucky he didn't add her to the rape list.
"I just transitioned and my mutilated man-pussy requires oxygen to 'heal' properly."
Then direct eye contact for the rest of the ride.
I manspread all the time you moron, I take issue with niggers who brag about raping white women. For someone who lives in a country where black men rape 20,000 white women annually, you really should too.
Why can’t people just mind their own business? This cunt probably tries to control everyone in her life.
can i see more videos of women who hit men only to get there ass beat it well get me hard
It's the most retarded thing coming from america this last 10y. It beat every LGBT crap.
Why the fuck do you think male reproduction system is outside of the body ? To keep it cool.
Spreading legs help to cool male gonads. Crossing decreasing fertility.
You fucking retards. Yes goyim, don't spread your legs to chill your balls. Don't reproduce.
Again, you're a pussy.
While this whole SJW obsession with 'manspreading' is pure hysteria and leftie retardation, it's just savoir-vivre and common courtesy to at least hide your genitals with your hands by holding them in front or something. It's rude to force others to stare at your crotch, especially, if it's a woman. And if you have no arms then just cross your legs.
>>archive it Sup Forums whines like a women
No, it's not Sup Forums. It's that one lazy low T soyim that needs force fed links.
A hand is acceptable, maybe even a newspaper!
>"We need more amazing, goodhearted men out there!"
So let me get this straight: you intentionally sit next to and start shit with a random guy by using a gender-based insult on him. When he overreacts, because you have no idea who this is or what his mental state is, you praise ANOTHER man for saving your dumb ass from the situation you fucking started?
Maybe just don't be a cunt next time?
>TFW I can't tell if the nigger was lying or was truthful.
Keep sucking nigger dick, cuck. Maybe one day you'll be manly like them.
He manspread all over that bitches face.
Someone post a link to the video that isn't jewbook
preddy guud
dis here is still king of bus fight vids
>racist lunatic
that meme wasn't suppose to extend further than the internet, she deserved it
>Why the fuck do you think male reproduction system is outside of the body ? To keep it cool.
Wait, so you sit across from a woman with your legs spread and your greasy hands concealing a growing bulge in your trousers while smiling and saying m'lady? Are canadians perpetually 15?
I bet he shouted "MAGA VOTE TRUMP!" then did a roman salute after punching her, too
shut the fuck up with that cringey soyboy meme you literal nigger-faggot
no its not a matter of that. its that its gotten so freaking annoying, it started off as "hurr durr dont give the leftist sites views" and its gotten ridiculous now, every single site is only posted as an archive. Its like people archive for no other reason but to archive. stop being such nigger faggots and just post the original link and leave it up to the "people" here whether to click on it or not. This archiving bs is literal cancer
Nah, it's just a crazy nigger that was looking to beat up a white woman.
Here is a jewtube link for your viewing pleasure
>Amber Lamps
>attacker was black
>Which one of you shitlords did this?
>he asks on Sup Forums
That dude at 1:36 lol
I recognize that jacket...
the curious thing is that the woman asking him to stop "manspreading" is probably a proponent for the open borders meme and wants muslims and all the rest to just come and integrate into the world with her.
>Liberal feminist getting culturally enriched by relaxing.
This needs to happen more often. I guarantee she's racist now.
>hurr durr I can't even copy/paste the link provided in archive
>read my emotion laden whining about it
Worthless soyim.
>Its like people archive for no other reason but to archive.
Worst of all are the faggots that don't post an y links at all and just screen cap.
Shut up cunt.
Archivers are based.
D-DD DOMINATED! Reality check: Niggers hate PC
>Niggers and shitskins are now voices of reason in the West
You realize Sup Forums is made up of shitskins right
Everyone clapped.
t. 8Yr old
Next time I ride the bus not only am I manspreading, but I'm going to slather Miracle Whip on my manspread and laugh maniacally.
snowballsunderwear * com
Fucking heebs, keeping the white man down.
In other news, Women are crazy in the head.
That Black gentleman taught her some good manners.
>video links to kikebook
No thanks
I have to admit I'm torn here. In the old days, the nigger would have been lynched, and rightly so. On the other hand, in the old days, ladies weren't roasties and didn't use words like "manspreading". Hmmm, it's a tough one... they should probably both be lynched.
Bubububut I have slept with tones of black guys.
How could this had happened?
desu any cunt trying to get me to move would just make me want to get in her way more.
I wouldn't hit her though, since I'd rather not go to jail, but nigs gonna nig
>Fucking white knight jumping in. Swings like a girl, falls and gets stomped.
That was the second best part of the video