Why is Demi Moore still free and not in prison?
There is a special kind of hell for child abusers
Other urls found in this thread:
>one of the hottest women on the planet coming onto a 15 year old male
>child abuse
Unironically pick one.
>a four year age gap
>child aboose
deb was a child sex slave she just doing what her jew masters told her she fuck that kid his dad made it happen guss who his daddy is user
This remembers me of this one incident at the marriage of my uncle
>be 13 little depressed shit
>hate everything for having to go to this marriage i don't care about
>french milf neighbour of my uncle is sitting in front of me and asks if we shouldn't dance
>"well ok then show me"
>she doesn't just dance like this actually presses her upper body into my face halfly
and her husband was still sitting on the table watching us
was i abused? if so that was the nicest thing ever
I wonder what you would say if it were the other way around.
seriously that kid was so fucking lucky it blows my goddamn mind
Women cannot be pedophiles, scientifically. Their sexual instinct is run by a desire to care and please - hence why many women are, for example, Democrats/liberals. Male "victims" don't exist since they are the ones who control the course of sex since they have gentialia that can be inserted.
Males are driven by an irrational to dominance at the expense of others - hence why many are Republicans. As long as males are pleasured, who cares about the female? A good example of this is seen in the news - Roy Moore and Bush Sr. fit the description
that's because men are inherently sexually aggressive and the realm of sexuality culimnates in violence if left unchecked or left to a female child to be responsible for
for young men sex (especially with a beautiful woman) is a coming of age, and when done with a women it emphasizes mans necesary feelings of domination and conquest
I pick this one.
Is it abuse when a dentist or orthodontist shoves her gigantic mammaries in your face while she works your mouth over?
I know the kid's dad was one of the four original owners of the Whiskey-A-Go-Go in West Hollywood. Philip Tanzini Sr.
>Male "victims" don't exist
You are being replied to by a guy who was groomed by his dad and made to suck his dick among other things aged 4/5
It's this kind of psychology of males can't be abused which makes me want to slaughter. And the cunts who tell you to grow a pair
>and asks if we shouldn't dance
It's >asks if we *should* dance
I'm fed up of people getting this wrong.
When I was 5 years old I fapped to my teachers and educators everyday.
If, as a fifteen year old girl, I'd been kissed by some hot 19 year old star of the day, say Shaun Cassidy or whatever, in public, with no personal risk to me, I'd have been on cloud nine for months. I would assume. I don't know any of my female contemporaries who would disagree.
well i'm sorry, you're mad a bit aren't you because this happend me to and not u2
that was funny, wasn't it?
>Male "victims" don't exist
meme flag alert
you are absolutely clueless about men, user
and women can literally be serial killers so they can definitely abuse children too, you idiot
Just because the numbers are different by gender as far as violent abuse goes (more men than women) doesn't mean some women can't do it. They most assuredly can.
So so sorry, user
if prime Demi Moore came up to 15 year old me and said that shit I would have creamed my jeans.
Asking if "we shouldn't dance" implies you were already dancing with her.
>not creaming in her jeans
greentext pls i didn't winkywonka yet
At 15 I would of headed straight to the john and would of flogged my dolphin if Demi Moore did that to me
>this will never be me
I'm done, I quit, I'm out
yeah, especially during that time you weren't redpilled yet about women in general, and then everything seemed so much more exciting
>be 5
>wake up in the middle of the night
>walk into my dads room
>slink under the covers and suck his dick
That's pretty much all I remember, I'm sure the other shit is repressed but he's a convicted paedophile so it's not false memory.
But if it happened now, his career would be over. that's the issue, you stupid hole. The double standard.
This is the best part of going to my dentist, senpai.
>Had the same dentist office for 20 years
>When I first went at 16, she was a mid-20s hot af redhead
>Now she's a titcow mild
>Her scrubs are always super v-necked. Can see actual nip if I look down while she's doing cleaning
If I was the type that didn't mind destroying marriages I'd probably have fucked her already.
so you abused your dad? wtf you cunt how dare ya, the poor lad
that doesn't sound at all like you were compelled to do it.
French women are loose af hahah
You slut
Boys can be abused by men, not women. And you're obviously mentally ill now.
KYS for everyone's sake.
yeah pretty weird because back then i really didn't get any of these "subtleties" of the husband watching her and everything, we were pretty secluded there because the other guests were all doing other stuff
>if it happened now
Well, good thing this happened thirty six fucking years ago.
Christ Almighty, I'm a faggot and even I want to be smooched by 19 year old Demi Moore.
What does a faggot do on Sup Forums? That’s like a KKK guy at the Love Parade.
>implying your ugly ass would even have a chance
22 year old cute teacher child rapists need to burn
Yeah I bet a 15 year old dude suffers alot by this...
Cause shes a famous woman. All she has to do is break down crying on The View and shell be fine.
makes sense, especially with the whole weird ashton kutcher relationship, and all the rumors about him
we need to face the fact that many hollywood "stars" are groomed-from-birth brainwashed sex slaves
come on Sup Forums tell us nice diddlying stories
Keep fighting amongst yourselves.
Do it. Do it.
this makes going to the dentist tolerable, i love getting tits pressed in my face / head.
This isn't child abuse, this is nice
Haha, saved
>one of the hairiest women on the planet
Bush is patrician
damn shes got a bigger bush than moldylocks
I'm curious user, if you're still here. Was there grooming before this that conditioned you to keep doing it, or how did it start? How it's written here is confusing
>four year age gap
Is that honestly that big of a deal?'
If she were like 35 that would be one thing, but they're basically the same generation.
He must have groomed me before I willingly went in his room and done this. How long was he grooming before I did this or how much was done I don't know. But thanks to the trolls for proving my point, trolls or not this is the general consensus
But you, bless you
m8 back then everybody had a huge bush
That is a merkin. She is a man.
The lack of compassion and humanity on this board is beginning to get to me. Look at yourself
I hope it gets easier for you to deal with that in time bro
I came.
no merkins eat hamburges and have guns.
Serious question: have you confronted him about it? Have you told anyone?
You ever had therapy lad?
That's the kind of stuff that doesn't go away without intervention, whether you're conscious of it or not.
I've had psychological therapy and it's helped me hugely, and I wouldn't have believed it possible beforehand. Flushes out all the poison from your past, like a weight off the shoulders.
Go to your GP and request a referral, will change your life mate.
Sorry to hear what happened to you, good luck in your future.
Ignore the trolls, you obviously know what I'm about to say is true but regardless, a reminder is always nice;
There's no way in fucking hell that any child could ever just inhibit that behaviour at that age on their own accord. Anyone who says otherwise is just as good as any paedophile who acts on their desire.
Fuck paedophiles, they all deserve a long, slow, painful death.
Haven't seen him since I was almost 7. And I tell everyone, in time
Told a teacher one time. She laughed at me and told me to leave the room
Do you have a normal sex life now? I hear abuse victims often shy away from intimacy or develop weird sexual fantasies, along with severe trust issues etc. I hope you're not one of them.
Fucken wew lad
Seen 3 therapists who all discharged me even after I told them everything in the link above. They either think none of this has had an effect because I'm quite well spoken, either that or they know it's something that can't be treated. But that's the NHS for you
I have a very pretty fuck buddy. I'm hypersexual though which sucks when you're single. That's when the rape and murder fantasies begin
>That's when the rape and murder fantasies begin
Holy shit.
thats just normal birtbonger-syndrom
>That's when the rape and murder fantasies begin
Don't worry, I may be more susceptible to these thoughts, but I'm much more kind, generous and loving to go through with shit. Unless I was to snap, and, having been through what I have and having not snapped already? I think it's a very low possibility
7.5 BILLION People + Automation = Extermination/WAR
Someone check my math.
Fucking hell mate.
Have you had any intensive therapy?
EMDR? Inner child therapy? CBT? Schema therapy? DBT?
You should be having a mixture of all of them, maybe more.
I have, changed my life. Not going to pretend there aren't still struggles but it has been huge for me.
Not all psychologists are equal. I was lucky in that I found one that has helped me trust again.
You deserve that too.
Keep looking and pursuing it mate, trust me.
It's not your fault mate but let's be honest here, that abuse made you gay didn't it?
No. But I'll check something else for you
I used to crush on Demi Moore so bad
Lucky kid
>15 year old
burgerbrain logic
Swap genders around and people would lose their shit
PTSD therapy was suggested but I don't really have the symptoms. The therapist told me I need to get my life in gear before I could have PTSD therapy as the danger is that digging up repressed memories would drive someone mad
I called her out on her bullshit
>ctrl+f "http"
>you were never sexually abused by hot older girls when you were a teenager
please kill me
>hurr what about durr
you act as if you have a point. you do not.
>german not celebrating /ss/
Get in the oven.
You need to be honest with yourself and your therapists mate, you can't battle with them too.
Go into it with an open mind, it's the only way.
It's natural to be combative, I was, but eventually you'll come around and trust that they're trying to help you.
Sometimes people just aren't ready for it though, to dig it all up and look into themselves to move forward and put it behind them, so it depends.
Take the list of therapies I've just given you and request to see someone who specialises in them, in recovering from abuse.
Trust me, they are out there in the NHS. You can be helped, but you have to be willing and ready.
And you have to find the right person. A proper clinical psychologist is the best bet.
Good luck lad. If I did it so can you.
stop reddit spacing you molested fruit
One time when I was like 5 or 6 one of the neighbor girls took all her clothes off and laid on my bed in my room. It was my birthday and when I walked in she locked the door and ran to get me on the bed. I don't know how old she was at the time, but she was wearing a bra for sure. Saw her shit behind her parents tool shed once too when I was walking to her house with her brother. Huge turd, completely 100% true story Desu. I haven't actually thought about it at all until very recently.
it’s almost like the sexes are different
Should mention that I have come a very long way since I last saw a therapist. I only used to like it because it gave me a platform to vent. I don't need that kind of platform anymore. And I'm not venting here, this is just replying to replies and curiosity
because everyone feels sorry for her about how hideous her fake tits turned out.