should i watch the original version or the american-localized version?
i've no experience with popcult in grorious nippon
should i watch the original version or the american-localized version?
i've no experience with popcult in grorious nippon
English is more interesting.
it's also famous for being quirky due to the stilted and mostly straight forward translation
Do you mean Sub or Dub?
I'd go with dub.
Fucking nostalgiafags recommending the dub
Watch the sub, OP, it's objectively better.
You should always go with sub.
/t/anime please leave.
it's mediocre and boring in Japanese
FLCL has one of the best dubs ever. Go with that.
>watching dubs
/r/anime please leave. You are on the wrong website.
What are you talking about, Mayumi Shintani is top-tier
You should do what says
Watch both
didn't the like actual director say he prefers the dub?
or was that some other series?
>reddit boogeyman
FLCL dub is suberb, keep crying about it.
It actually manages to keep up the fast-paced, frenetic dialogues that usually only the japanese VAs are ever able to pull off, and the themes and locales of the story work just as well for a western audience as it does for the nips, so it doesn't feel disjointed to have japanese people in a japanese city talking about exclusively japanese things speaking english.
The dub and the sub are equally good and in the end it doesn't matter which you go with on your first watch of the show.
>subs only fags
Have you even watched FLCL? It's the same as PSG, the jokes don't work as well unless they're in your own language.
I believe you're thinking of Cowboy Bebop, which is pretty famously quoted for that fun fact.
No, he did. IIRC on the DVD commentary he said the english performers gave the roles a bit more gravitas. The JP actors treated it more like a straight comedy.
FLCL is the best dub ever made. Fucking S+ tier.
This, Bebop and GITS SAC are the three anime where you are a fucking asshole if you watch them subbed.
Dub. When a dub is actually better than the sub you don't take that shit for granted, there's only a few of those per lifetime.
>act like a redditor
>get called a redditor
Epic, very epic. Fuck off.
That was my first post in the thread, but keep it up man, I'm sure you'll figure out this whole "anonymous imageboard" thing someday. Usually we recommend lurking for a while before posting though, friend. :^)
Sub make luluco more enjoyable.
Dub is better, watch the dub first
Spotted the nostalgia faggot
>tfw can't have discussion on this site anymore without le reddit boogeyman
The true cancer, ladies and gentlemen.
Check these dubs, faggots
Eat shit EOP.
Anime should be watched raw or with jap subs.