What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Didnt embrace diversity.
they were pagan.
pagans die.
This. Those who cannot adapt to God's law will all perish.
Let me give you a clue
Middle eastern religion that isn't Islam or Judaism
>~1700 years later and pagans are still this mad
what went right? lmao snow niggers are the worst
Based christians wrecked their shit with the help of God
The real russians. Then the turkchinks hordes came and as a result you have adidas squatters.
Wrath of the Lich King was my favourite expansion
We asked for mercenaries and the west sent us hordes of unwashed barbarians. Fuck the west it deserves everything it's getting.
Leftist social engineering
What's the name of this artist? It looks gorgeous
I'm the father of Europe, Varg
begone, desert bringer!
I abandoned paganism. You can too, Varg. Stop being a snowboi and start wearing shoes with the rest of the civilized world.
Rome was civilization long before you moved from your mud huts and into wooden houses.
They still have Charlemagne's bones. They should clone him and let him lead Europe to victory.
you leave me no other choice
>this faggot thinks he's roman
we wuz hindus now?
>Rome was monocultural
>ave true to caesar salad
Why don't you take off the flag, Moshe?
Sandia Man From North America.
Basic Clovis-Solutreans.
Domesticated the camel in what is now New Mexico/Colorado front range 16K years ago.
Hunted the mammut from camel back.
First camel jockeys, European dudes in North America.
Younger Dryas Event ELE . North America wiped out.
Camel and super early humans cross the Behring straight into Today's Siberia.
Sweep Asia with camelopse.
Catalonia is a known haven for kikes. Fuck off back to the oven.
they didn't hold the line against mongrel hordes and socialism
>we wuz romanz
Isn't that hyperborea tho?
Mine too TotC
Patch was shit though
Is this "hyperborean realism"?
Fucking hell, who keeps making these. There fucking great.