Justin Bieber Caught Saying Racist Stuff

Bieber in a Video at 0:08 said

>"why are black people afraid of chainsaws? Run-nigga-nigga-nigga"

at 0:15 he sang a song he made called "one less lonely nigger"


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WTF i love bieber now



wtf I love justin bieber now.

heh me and my friends used to tell this exact joke when we were growing up in lousisana

He went full pewdiepie

that fucking n*zi will be hanged!!!

Stop being flippant. It's one of his alters, or he's trying to save his sorry ass when the day of the rope comes.
You don't get as big as he is/was without doing dark shit. Whether, that's receiving or giving, (or both) who knows.

He is BTFO niggers and roasties. Hes literally /ourguy/. All hail almighty Bieber. Deus Vult

He is a confirmed right-winger, you dumbass

You can take the leaf out of his country but you can't take the shitposter out of the leaf.

poor bastard got buttfucked by jews too many times.

what a goat

lol Usher probably wrote those lyrics.

Hey get ready for this one:

Bieber got pedo'd by Usher

That's a word you learned today?


wtf i love bibz now

We knew this for awhile I thought. I think this came out around the same time he pissed in a mop bucket? I think that’s when we knew

everything he does in this video is based and justified
>tfw i am a belieber now

I unironically love Bieber now. This explains all the media hit pieces on him over the years.

wtf i love syrup now

He's a shithead because he's been passed around for years

Never thought I'd make a defense of him

Everyone hates niggers
how is this news

Just another hollywood shill


He is a traditional christian. He btfo almost all women on his concerts. He decides to cancel his tour, because he "needs time with Jesus", ultimately to become a good husband. He shares his astrological ascendant with Napoleon, Mussolini, Casanova and Hitler.

>quads confirm
Is it ok for us to say it out loud now?

Checked. No seriously we had a race riot in this country where whites bombed niggers with planes.
>The 1921 Tulsa race riot was the result of economic competition, and white resentment of black successes in Greenwood, which was compared to Wall Street and filled with independent businesses. In the immediate event, black people resisted white people who tried to lynch 19-year-old Dick Rowland, who worked at shoeshines. Thirty-nine people (26 black, 13 white) were confirmed killed. An early 21st century investigation of these events has suggested that the number of casualties could be much higher. White mobs set fire to the black Greenwood district, destroying 1,256 homes and as many as 200 businesses. Fires leveled 35 blocks of residential and commercial neighborhood. Black people were rounded up by the Oklahoma National Guard and put into several internment centers, including a baseball stadium. White rioters in airplanes shot at black refugees and dropped improvised kerosene bombs and dynamite on them.
>Numerous eyewitnesses described airplanes carrying white assailants, who fired rifles and dropped firebombs on buildings, homes, and fleeing families. The planes, possibly including six biplane two-seater trainers left over from World War I as well as other privately-owned aircraft, were dispatched from the nearby Curtiss-Southwest Field outside Tulsa.[1][23] Law enforcement officials later stated that the planes were to provide reconnaissance and protect against a "Negro uprising".[23] Law enforcement personnel were thought to be aboard at least some flights.[1] Eyewitness accounts, such as testimony from the survivors during Commission hearings and a manuscript by eyewitness and attorney Buck Colbert Franklin discovered in 2015, said that on the morning of June 1, men in the planes dropped incendiary bombs and fired rifles at black residents on the ground.

How can we make this happen again but on a larger scale?



>>"why are black people afraid of chainsaws? Run-nigga-nigga-nigga"
That's a good joke

Usher raped Bieber

>german flag

It should be headline...erryday

Tell everyone in Chicago that welfare is over.


You got that right, cockshiner

That would result in the greatest chimpout of all time. They would start spewing into the north side and stealing/fucking everything in sight. All the liberal anti-gun hipsters wouldn't stand a chance.

It's almost like... He nows that roastie are stupid and retarded bitches....

i feel like justin is going to end up dead with the michael jackson treatment. he quits music to become a christian, which is good, except he runs into the arms of hillsongs carl "nothing wrong with abortion" lentz. and he exposes the pedos in the music industry. hes probably worth more to them dead than alive.

i hope he quits hillsong and finds a real church with some real teaching.

This club would find a soul pure enough to wield it once more.



Kek, nice


there seems to be little interest in Usher being a pedo and molesting Bieber

wouldn't want to cost (((anyone))) their profitable music properties, let's just follow JIDF saying nigger over and over again

(((Scooter Braun))) knew if not involved himself

The Master truncheon of virtue can only be wielded by those who always watch their keys

kek, I got in trouble at school for telling that joke.

It's the only joke I know in english.
A half Central American Amerimutt told it to me before he went to college and went full SJW.
I still go on his facebook and ruin his BLM posts while making his black friends lose their shit.

Bieber knows whatsup.

they are all reaming him and giving him drugs. church creep too

My thoughts exactly, but actually is he /ourguy/?

>"why are black people afraid of chainsaws? Run-nigga-nigga-nigga"
bretty good to be honest senpai

I have been talking with a friend from Qatar about why Blacks are so hated around the world. They wouldn't be if there were more Black Billionaries, but all blacks are financial failures who eventually burn away their fortunes or useful idiots like Ben Carson or Martin Luther King.

Obama was basically semi-competent because of his good half but no ever brings it up. They like to pretend he was one of dem good boys who dindu nuffin.

shills really on some pedo apologia ITT

>hurr muh nigger joke from 10 years ago nice one JIDF /ourguy/?


come on you faggots you were posting a ton here a minute ago, what's the matter JIDF too (((Scooter Braun))) for you?



We spread the shit out of it from Sup Forums way back when.

> Dwarf
i just lol'd, that's cold man

Yeah why did he do that?


Justin Bieber is a christcuck that hates abortion and wants to double the nigger population.

I would do it too, get out of here with that "muah dwarf, I'm your biggest fan, Bieber!"

Fuck man all of his fans say that, and they have expectations for him, how he has to act. At least he is honest, and says I do what I want, little faggot.

>why are black people afraid of chainsaws?
Are they?

> Traditional Christian
> Have sex with prostitutes



Yeah I thought everything was pretty funny besides the dwarf. Bieb took pics with all the regular people and didn't even glance at the imp.

Feels bad man

It's only a matter of time before his accusers come out now.

He should probably stop wearing makeup like a complete fag.

Same for Neil Harris

Isn't that what ((((Christianity)))) is all about?

delete. this. not a request



onya biebs

((((Lentz)))) church is also satanic as fuck and promotes all kinds of degeneracy

Remember when he ran over that paparazzi? That was a black guy.

fuck I like jb now


Old news

I cant take Sup Forums seriously when you retards flip-flop faster than a slinky going down some stairs.

Justin Bieber is a degenerate Jew controlled, nigger loving leaf.
He feels comfortable enough saying this shit because he's been around and influenced by black Hollywood culture for a decade.

Being racist is hip these days.
You finally meme'd it, Sup Forums.

every celebrity wears some make up and neil harris is literally a fag

Based Beiber

Beiber is married?
good on him if true.

Pray for the little guy.

Justin is a cool guy
You should download his music for free

Damn maybe whites do owe reperations x

/Our pop star/

Lets meme him till he officially joins our side


He's hilarious. Shame his music blows.

Old fucking news.

He's definatley /oursoyboy/


You wish little maple nigger lover.

Bieber is a fucking chad,just a bit skinny

he is troll
i love him

>Sup Forums is a belieber now
Fuck this shit I was just here for Trump.