Nigger punches bitch in the face because she bitches about his "manspreading" he punches her...which is it?
Nigger punches bitch in the face because she bitches about his "manspreading" he punches her...which is it?
>black man status: WOKE
All men should unite in our fight against the vagina Jew.
She raised a bullshit complaint but he went apestyle and used violence
you for posting this garbage
kill yourself newboy
it's a bullshit complaint and doesn't deserve a violent response towards a woman.
Regardless of race, gender, whatever else, there was one primary rule broken here: you fuck with random strangers on the subway, you deserve whatever happens to you. Eyes front, mind your fucking business, and get where you're going.
t. lifelong NYC subway rider
Who the fuck sits next to a stranger in those tiny little seats? I assume the nigger came in and sat down there after she was already there, but why didn't she just get up and move? I wouldn't want to sit next to a nigger, especially one that looks like a bum like that coon.
>Who's in the right here Sup Forums ?
You walk out into a parking lot and see two retards you hate fighting in the street. Who wins? You do. Sit back, watch the two retards maul each other, and have yourself a giggle.
Neither, though the nigger aped out harder than necessary. Any excuse will do.
>“When I asked him to give me room, he yelled ‘B–ch, you ain’t nothing! I’ve raped white b–ches like you, f—ing c–t! You ain’t nothing, you f—ing b–ch!'”
Dumb feminists deserve to be mocked, and wild animals need to be put down.
There is a video right?
niggers gonna nig
if she wasnt a feminist, she would know this
i guess some people just have to learn the hard way...
he was being a dick with personal space, because he was looking for trouble. Then when confronted that he was infact being a dick, he hit her.
Because he is a man and more powerful than her. I suppose he thinks he can do that.
but when confronted by a bigger and more aggressive male he backs down and start to apologize.
In this instanced he should have been literally railed roaded for acting like a nigger.
Sounds like a total hole.
>but why didn't she just get up and move
Probably afraid to look racist for getting up as soon as a nigger sat beside her. Not that it helped. If her statement is at all credible, it sounds like Tyrone was looking for an excuse to go ape on a huwite girl.
The problem is, no one knows the rules anymore because the city has gotten safer and transplants don't remember the way it was. When you have someone who may have been looking for an excuse to get violent, which I will grant, and someone who feels entitled to share their opinion with randoms on the train, situations like this happen.
I back the nigger
Women are using minorities to give themselves power over white men.
Women need to learn what diversity is going to be like for them.
When its just Men vs Women, we win. Always back the Nog, infact , laugh and mock the women, seeing white men happy will just piss them off even more.
minorities attacking minorities. pottery
She says "Stop Touching Me" - Dont relax, nog gonna nog etc
She says "Stop Manspreading" - hehe part and parcel of a big city
I'm just amazed how there are still white knights in the current year.
Can you believe this asshole is assuming her gender like that?
Kill niggers desu
$6000000 says this is exactly the same type of chick who would go to a BLM rally
>that moment you forget you're not on Tumblr
>Stop Touching Me
This is correctly used when the person is intentionally touching/sexually harassing, usually with their hands.
>Stop Manspreading
This is used when you are an uppity cunt who feels like expressing your cunt power. You are probably aware that on a crowded subway, sometimes peoples' legs are gonna touch each other, but you don't care, because you are a cunt and you want everyone to know how powerful you are.
Golly, jeapers, I wonder why those two statements get entirely different reactions? They should expand the definition of rape to include being a brainlet so you get locked up permanently and can't rape my eyes with your stupidity.
Niggers are less likely to conjure up a verbal response in any two-way conversation, and finding himself in dumbfoundedness he panics. He then proceeds to physically fight his way out of the conversation. He still knows that he has lost the argument. In other less frequent (but still frequent) occurrences where the nigger is unable to verbally respond, he will rape the other party to show dominance.
A Study in Nigger Antics 1964
- Martin L. King
> I would EVER take the side of a nigger
Unless you can show me proof the lady who got punched is a literal coal burner. Women are retarded. We already know this. Doesn't mean they deserve to get punched in the face by repulsive niggers. Christ if that nigger had even looked at that woman 70 years ago, he would be swinging high in a tree
Both of them were in the wrong. Nigger for living his containment zone and the woman for leaving the kitchen.
what about if some bitch acuses you of something even if you didn't even touched her or looked at her?
there are crazy bitches looking for attention everywhere
I got nothing against that "manspreading" bullshit but c'mon now. What kind of a moron sits with his legs widespread in that tiny space. And of course the typical nigger gets violent when called out on his total lack of self awareness. Fucking chimps.
black man hits woman,
goes off next station
imagine if
white man hits woman
do you really think you were just going of next station? haha
I would simply look at her and say "Mam, please mind your own fucking business. We're all just trying to get home safe."
From there, I would just stare at her until she hit me (justifying a solid bitch slap) or stared at her until she moved seats. Not another word however.
t. D.C. metro rider
That's why you don't say anything to anyone. NYC user is more or less right about the unspoken rule (even if it IS a shame the rule isn't "kill unruly niggers on the spot) You myob and defend yourself only if totally necessary.
I have to side with the nigger this time
>Women are retarded. We already know this. Doesn't mean they deserve to get punched in the face by repulsive niggers.
Here's the problem with your whiteknighting. Women are retarded, yes. But legally, they have the same (more) rights than you do, and, on average, are far more powerful socially.
By continuing to clean up the messes they make, you give them the power to make even messier messes.
This is a giant shit-test, to see how long beta white knights (like you) will continue to give them a free pass to fuck up whatever they want to fuck up. If you just let them see consequences for their actions, they would stop. But no, just like you, there has to be a white knight at the end to save fair maiden, so she can continue to be a giant cunt.
>Sounds like a total hole.
In Japan, you're not even allowed to answer your phone on the subway. Everybody just sits quietly and gets where they're going, is Tokyo a total hole? user is right, people on public transportation need to shut the fuck up.
based negro
All the shit women blame on men is actually just niggers being niggers. Fucking dumb ass urbanite whores.
>you just hit a lady
>a lady
That was no lady. These whores are out of line. Yes, niggers are unreasonably violent, but this bitch needed it. You can't tell people how to sit. Now she got victimized like she wanted. She'll only get worse.
Really, fuck Jew York. Nuke that shithole.
>The victim, Sam Saia, said she was riding the N train through Bensonhurst
>the N train
If she sat next to him, fuck er. If he sat next to her, fuck him. Possession is 9/10th the law.
>who is in the right
bitching on a negro stranger like that is akin to poking a rattle snake and be surprised when it bites you.
Bernard Goetz is my hero.
Solid points here.
>56% white
her complaint was childish and should have ben ignored.
he didnt have to chimp out.
This. When a man does stupid shit, he expects that there could be retaliation. Women do whatever dumbass shit they want and expect no consequences.
>Implying it is ever possible for niggers to be right.
>her complaint was childish and should have ben ignored.
>he didnt have to chimp out.
This. Sometimes the answer is none of the above.
>nignog punches femicunt for acting like the cunt she is
>nignog gets arrested
textbook example of a win-win situation
actions > words
I don't care how much of a cunt the lady is, initiating violence unprovoked is abhorrent. Post like this is what deaftism looks like. Because of multicultralism, degenerecy, and jews words like harmony and friendship are thought of as childish fairy tales, while the reality is just supposed to be harsh, cruel, and unforgiving. The world may be cruel but the addition of niggers is totaly unessesary.
If he had just flipped her off and spread wider he'd be in the clear. He didn't though, and it's not safe for society to have hair trigger niggers like that losing it over standard vaginal discharge.
Its not abour right or wrong, this is a good teaching moment for the roastie, around blacks, never relax.
Hey, its me, the defeatist. I'm making a descriptive claim while you're talking what should be normatively preferred. I agree with you that the world should be a nicer place, and friendship is better than violence. I also know that people on the subway do not think like this, and if you put your well-being in their hands, you're taking a risk. This is why the best option is minding your business and not heckling strangers. If you would like to take to the subway to spread better ideals, be my guest.
Nobody is in the right.
But using violence because someone says something annoying is just not civilized..
>Racist lunatic
Oh sweetie blacks cant be racist
I'm siding with the nigger on this one. Bitch should know better.
One does not simply ride the N train.
The difference is nipponese follow the rules and social etiquette.
In NYC manspreading becomes an issue because of how cramped the trains get and how often they're used. Not a serious one but its annoying as shit to sit down and have some guy rub your knee with their knee and invade your personal space. You dont want to get up because youre tired and its been a long day, and you don't want to tell the guy to close his legs either on the off chance he's crazy and assaults you like in the video. So one guy gets to keep his legs wide while everyone to the left and right of him is forced to squeeze in uncomfortably, eventually leading to a couple seats unuseable.
the lady was still retarded since it seemed like a spacious train but violence was unnecessary
I'd be sitting 2 seats away with a "im not touching that with a 10 foot pole" look on my face wondering how two strangers can live with themselves acting like that in public
Manspreading is some bullshit feminists came up with and they think that gives them a green light to act up against any male they come across doing it. Maybe they will learn that there are crazy motherfuckers out there that will CLOCK THEM if they say something stupid because they think no one will hit them because they are female. There's one thing worse than niggers.. ok two things. Feminists and jews.
ill always side with a man over a woman
who's in the right you really are fucking asshole either your non white racist piece of shit or a cuckold but pitty shitskin who tries that in front of me i don't give a fuck who you are there's no excuse for a man to punch a woman in the face
Who attacked first? That person is in the wrong.
We are living in the end times. Welcome to the mouse utopia experiment.
>manspreading != pinned against wall
The journalist sucked and just said manspreading to get views. She says she was being pinned against the wall by him spreading his legs.
I can’t defend homeless niggers anyways
It's Jew York, fuck them all and their toy trains.
and don't sit next to the 300 lb sheboon taking up a seat and a half.
t. redline rider
That poor African American was being oppressed by that white bitch
based black man
both retards
I ain’t saying the nigger was right but I can understand why he did it.
That white knight fag who protected the hambeast.
Let every loudmouthed bitch get punched by a nigger. They need to find their place in reality.
Yeah, that nigger did mankind a favor.
the nigger for putting her in her fucking place
You would get stomped by the nigger. You pussy leaf coward.
>“When I asked him to give me room, he yelled ‘B–ch, you ain’t nothing! I’ve raped white b–ches like you, f—ing c–t! You ain’t nothing, you f—ing b–ch!'”
>I've raped white bitches like you
The eternal Anglo is right in that situation.
He should have just ignored her and laugh at her when she gets mad.
But what do I know. I have my own car.
Niggers should all be hanged.
Human females are the property of human males.
Human males don't chimp out unless they are degenerate.
Ever, EVER saying any subhuman has the right to chastise, attack, murder or rape ANY human female is treasonous.
That's like saying a stranger is allowed to slap your children.
Humans must take care of their own, in every way.
the nigger
you're the reason why feminism is out of control.
No this is the only correct response to a manspreading accusation.
The feminist is a lost cause who already hates white males. She will never pair with one, so she's worthless.
Nigger was right..
The only thing I hate more than niggers and jews are roasties, the "people" that enable the niggerdom and kikery in the west.
>two faggots relying on actual apes to control human females
Disgusting wittols.
Anyone who bitches about mansplaining or manspreading should be punched in the fucking face. The guy did right
>black guy is actually in the right
>women got what she deserved
>white knight needs to get punched too
Shoot em both. Fuck em all
neither because a civilized person would use private transportation
>A woman says she was slugged in the face by a racist lunatic on the subway — all because she asked him to stop “manspreading.”
an sjw called a person who isn't caucasian racist
There's your mistake, that isn't a 'man'.
That's an ape.
So what you are saying is "women spontaneously chose to be feminists" and "niggers should take care of my problems for me because I am a pathetic wittol".
Race traitors.
Fuckin right, they got it comin. Am i right, i think so. fuckin cocksuckers
Both were wrong.
The fat cunt for starting a fight over nothing and the nigger for falling for it and giving her a legit reason to complain.
Any smart person would have called her out on her bullshit then laughed in her face to shame her and shut her down.
If anyone wrong here it's that whiteknight faggot who stood up for her even when he must have seen her starting shit over nothing... If anyone deserves the rope it's that faggot for enabling cunts like her to act the way they do.
Guy sitting with his knees apart - not "manspreading"
Guy with legs at right angles - fuck you for taking up another seat. But also fuck women with gigantic handbags that take up another seat.
Can't believe im saying this, but for a change the nigger.
the moment I heard her talk I realized I wold have hit her too.
nigger blood runs deep I guess.
but fuck any woman that sounds like that, they belong somewhere else.
Both shit. She shouldn't have hassled him and he shouldn't have given in to his chimpanzee instincts.
>liberal whore that actively and consciously undermines everything good about your country
>drains your wealth and puts up a false front of love to burrow deep into your life to do the most damage
>Black man down on his luck
>Spent his entire life getting beaten up by other niggers
>on public transport because he is looking for a job
>gets turned down AGAIN because of his race
>gets on transport, has to bear the news to his daughter who he won custody over because her mother was a druggy
That black man is a hero. I hope every black man beats the fuck out of stupid white women. She was asking for it by being a cunt and she didn't even know the first rule about blacks...
See The media has brainwashed you into thinking something from a different species has priority over someone from your own.
Negros were lucky to sit at the back of the bus, it all went downhill from there.