Hello Sup Forums,

As a Persian who was born, raised and is living in Sweden I just wanted to remind all of you frail, scared little suburban cuckolds, since you seem to have forgotten, that Sweden is the greatest country in the world. Our country is superior to yours in every single way possible. So the next time you want to speak about our country you will remember this post and remember that you better speak about it respectfully. And if you ever see anyone here speaking disrespectfully about Sweden you will report them, hide their post and never reply to them.

And if you are a Swede that speaks about Sweden disrespectfully you will cease to do so immediately. You do not have the balls to stand for your opinions in real life. I am bigger, stronger, smarter and more attractive than you ever will be. So if you keep speaking like you do I will come home to you and I will insert my big thick Persian cock in your sister's, girlfriend's and mother's tight little wet pussy and fuck her nice and slowly until she comes so hard that her toes curl up and her eyes roll back as she squeals in delightful pleasure from every thrust I give her. And as I slowly stretch her out more than she has ever been stretched out before and she climaxes more intensely than what she thought was possible I will release a huge load of my warm gooey baby batter deep inside her, which will impregnate her and nine months later she will give birth to an amazing child with much superior genetics to you. And this child will always be a reminder of your failure to take my advice and love your country and all of its people.


Other urls found in this thread:


The only time you see a Swede who doesn't sound like a whining little bitch, who loves his country and won't let anyone talk shit about it on Sup Forums, and he is a fucking Persian. What the fuck is wrong with Swedes, are they genetically bound to be cuckolds? Honestly, every time I see a pathetic Swede post about how much he hates Sweden here on Sup Forums he sounds like he would kill his own children to please his American masters. They're so fucking predictable and pathetic. OP you should breed as many beautiful Swedish women as you can, so they can give birth to strong-minded children. Hopefully the cuckold gene all Swedes seem to have is recessive and your children will become like you. Good luck and godspeed Persianbro!

post your big thick Persian cock

Congratulations OP, you are a slightly higher value piece of trash.

Still trash, but there are absolutely leagues ahead of Africans and Mudslimes.

As a Jew, happening upon this website today has been one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life. I used to think that the Democrats were exaggerating about the level of racism out there.
Sure, I've always known about the underlying biases and prejudices that right-wing people have. Part of being Jewish is being faced with those realities every day. But this level of bigotry and outright vitriol towards myself and my family merely because of the religion and community that we were born into? It truly is sickening to realize that there are people like this out there in the world. I guess this has reaffirmed what I've always known deep down. If 4channers are not controlled, they will be free to become the hateful and antisemites beasts they truly are. I can definitely say that my drive to stand with my Jewish brothers and sisters against bigotry and neo-National Socialism is stronger than ever, so thank you for showing me today who you truly are.

Nice pasta got more?

Blow it out your ass.

go back to arabia saudi ,go back to your progenitors land

That was surprisingly hot. I would not mind you doing that to me OP.

Won't you change your ways, user? What has my people done to you?

You and your family have likely done nothing, but the rich Jews destroyed the West.
If you surrender them, we may show you mercy.

This swedish guy was tellin me, oh scandinavians are all based and tough, over '6, and 97% of swedish women have swedish bfs, that the race mixing is a Sup Forums meme-

-that don't explain why Swedish girls have reputations as cum guzzlers

This is wierd fetish that swedish penis bros have



Please rape and impregnate every damn SJW there is over here to teach them a lesson.
I'd love help you but I don't rape any woman of my own, superior, aryan race.

At least 40% of all Swedish guys are leftist beta cucks, and "97%" of Swedish women definitely don't have a Swedish bf.

Why is this a thing?

You claim to be better then provide no proof

What's more likely: several hundred distinct civilizations--separated by both time and geography--would independently and coincidentally reach the same negative conclusion about a (totally innocent) group and decide to completely fuck with them in ways they don't with other groups...OR...maybe, just maybe, the Jews are completely innocent.

How's the old expression go? If everywhere you go smells like shit, then it's time to check your own shoe.

Don't forget Hollywood and social Media stuff as well. They want to tell us what we are allowed to think and say. Their weapon of shame on you PC bullshit is less and less potent every time they threaten the public with it.

Im not buying this shit, samefaggot.

Fucking larp threads