why do you incel virgins hate weed so much?
Why do you incel virgins hate weed so much?
>smokes weed
>has iphone
checks out
>Smoking cigs or weed inside
I'd kick the shit out of both of them
This, makes your house reek, it’s disgusing, you don’t have to respect your body but at least respect your domicile so others don’t have to suffer
It smells like shit, even worse than cigars
>that flabby arm with negative muscle mass
id say they deserve each other.
Why do you marxist communists love weed so much?
Christian virgin here.
I created my own strain of marijuana over the past three years.
What have you done with your time? Fuck around and get STDs?
Because they hate responsibility, and weed works just fine for that
because modern society is a dumpster fire
gotta love the reactions of these n*zis
>respect your domicile so others don’t have to suffer
>respect your domicile
Fuck off my house if you don't like it.
honestly, pretty easy to get laid if you smoke weed.
women who smoke weed will literally suck your dick for a hit. Im not shitting you.
It kind looks like they are "outside" at least that's what that table and potted plants suggest.
looks outside
cigars are litterally more fun than weed.
>smoke weed
>get a little happy/silly
>generally inferior to alchohol in every respect
>that's it
I've never been more disappointed than the times I tried weed.
Weed isn't a problem. Anyone who says it is is the problem. If you feel like you have the right to make decisions for other people, you are the problem. Especially if you're doing it because "muh degeneracy".
I prefer to reject the whores.
Drives them absolutely crazy when a virgin chad turns them down.
Those bitches love to take large hits and inhale about 5% of the smoke, pisses me off every time.
>weed didn't really do anything to me
Fuck off, faggot. The laws that let you make a plant illegal are the same laws that let the kikes win every fucking time.
weed sucks
I don't. I smoked weed for a long while. Having been off of it for several years, I really dont miss it. Its a plant people can do what they want with it. Dont make your life revolve around it though. And don't act like smoking a little grass makes you some kind of revolutionary rebel.
>look out window
>its clearly dark outside
Weed became popular in my neck of the woods when I was about 15. Around 1/5th of the people I knew started smoking a lot of weed and turned into pot heads smoking every weekend.
I'm now 30 and facebook searched up the names I remembered.
2 of them have a wife and kids, the other 15 or so are single with no qualifications. Most have a low-tier job at best, the rest are unemployed. None of them have any possessions worth more than $5 let alone a house.
They have accomplished nothing and are heading nowhere since we were 15. You can tell very quickly into a conversation with a heavy weed smoker that they are drug fucked, noone wants to hire them or give them a loan, they're not a lot better off than a crack addict in society. Most of them are addicted as well, they have nothing else and no one else, nothing to fall back on, they're fucked.
>virgin chad
doesn't exist
because weed drains the soul
because heroin is cooler
>mfw rwds go door to door smoking you degenerates
>look in window
>clearly indoors
fucking blind retard
Lifestyle smokers that need to attention whore their daily/hourly habit are pathetic.
It isn't the weed, it's the sack of cells that inhales it in this case.
If you weren't so stupid that nuance wouldn't have went over your head.
>1 post by this ID.
I would prefer for weed to be removed from federal law and the states decide about usage within their own territory.
But weed is lame and I'm going to tell everbody that it is lame. I also hate stoners for reasons that are clear to most people.
It wouldn't be pitch black inside if it was light outside you retard
>tfw make $150/hr. as a cannabis consultant as pol sperges out about how lazy it makes you
I assure you, virgin Stacy's exist too in Christianity.
this, i love weed but quit when i saw how fucking gay it has become, same with comics vidya you name it
>look into a indoor room that is unlit
>clearly dark inside
Look at the window, does the inside of your house have stucko walls with no windowsil or blinds on the inside? Even crackhouses are better furnished.
>smoke weed every few weeks with friends
>play a little guitar hero or watch a movie
>have a good time and meet up with the same people the next day to finish electrical engineering assignments
It's obvious that the people who scream "DEGENERACY" are mostly underage fags or bandwaggoners.
I stopped smoking after highschool because it just served to amplify my anxiety and paranoia.
>In Christianity
Shitskin get out
God doesn't exist either,
I dont
beta virgins cant handle weed lmao
I don't but I don't smoke because I have job that tests regularly.
>look into a indoor room that is unlit
>sun doesn't shine through a window
Turn off the lights in your house, go outside in teh day time and look inside, is it pitch black in your house?
Jesus christ you are fucking stupid
I don't I'm just not a degenerate faggot about it.
Because I dont get high bit instead I gay sick, god fucking damnit
Mediterranean master race for life.
And I will be marrying a white, Christian, virgin.
Stay jelly or repent!
Just listen to this stoner talk about psychedelics and science
Could care less as a whole.
I salivate for the day of the rake approaches
>Mediterranean master race for life.
Even worse you through away your heritage to follow a shitskin religion
Who the fuck has stucco and birdhouses on the inside of their fucking house. There is fucking conduit running up the house beside the window. You can see the metal framing which goes on the OUTSIDE of the window. The screen goes on the outside of the window, and you can see it because they are fucking outside. You can look into the house and it is not only not pitch black but you can see an object sitting on the windowsill. They do not typically put windowsills on the outside of the house. Christ you are unobservant and stupid.
stinks, I like being in control for the most part, and just seems all around tacky
nothing more nothing less
>being proved wrong
>hurr day of the rope
I forgot 99% of Sup Forums lives in the basement and doesn't understand how sunshine works
stoners are fucking pathetic
you salivate over anything, fatass
Pic unrelated?
When marijuana is a major part of your life and political cause you know you're a waste of skin. Kys asap
Weed is great because it makes it easy to filter out the undesirables.
>They do not typically put windowsills on the outside of the house.
I know, thats why they are inside
You can clearly see the object is sitting on the inside of the glass on the windowsill
meaning they are INSIDE
also most people put bird houses on some kind of stand or in a tree, not sitting on a fucking countertop
why do these faggots not make bongs? Smoking shit straight out of a pipe like that tastes like shit and is waste.
go down to the store. buy a gatorade bottle, stick a hose in it and you're good to go. These fag pipes need to stop
I did a quick check in the Sup Forums archives to see how many times the word ''incel'' has been used.
In 2017 alone the word has been used 3707 times. From 2014 to 2016 it has been used only 1591 times.
Where the fuck are you people coming from
sage for off topic.
>There is fucking conduit running up the house beside the window.
That is very clearly the seperation in the dry wall pieces you fucking moron, its just cut poorly
>Dry walling the outside of your house
I know Americans are stupid but jesus christ
By electrical engineering assignments you mean making potato batteries right?
weed fag here
i hate it because its addictive
extremely addictive
it turns out, that actually putting your entire life under a giant cloud of weed smoke is a really dumb thing to do
I dont have any firends so im not cool enough to smoke :((((
No but seriously. Everyone I've ever known who smokes it are dead enders. The few I know who stopped completely have improved their lives dramatically.
Too bad you haven’t quick smoking cocks.
the day that happens in the US is the day you get laid
>pic related
>Where the fuck are you people coming from
Literally and unironically they are from reddit.
Although the term may have been coined on /r9k/
I dont hate weed, but I do hate weed culture. I hate how proud people are that they smoke it, as if it is an achievement
there's potted plants and a bird house it's obviously a balcony or something
who the fuck keeps a bird house in doors
Jana is nearing 30 and still a virgin.
Shes living proof that Christianity can still work in America, if only the fathers would raise their daughters to believe in Christ again.
>the day that happens in the US is the day you get laid
>join RWDS
>first day is drug raids
>return to base
>right wing death slut waiting in my bunk
>mfw user was right
Christianity can solve a lot of the problems
These are understandable and valid opinions then. Godspeed, user.
Australians are the best. I want to move there.
because commies.
>who the fuck keeps a bird house in doors
its clearly on a counter top implying someone was working on it
>Jana is nearing 30 and still a virgin.
suuuuure she is
>why do you incel virgins hate weed so much?
Because people who smoke weed say things like "smoke sesh."
>Turn off the lights in your house, go outside in teh day time and look inside, is it pitch black in your house?
You would be surprised how slutty Christian Girls can be. They Will easily take it up the ass and suck cocks.
They only need to keep the hymen intact to be "virgin". And i think Girls Are able to get the fake hymen and be "reborn virgin"?
How is this persons life going to play out? Here is my prediction.
The girl of his dreams cheats on him. Instead of realizing that he was infatuated with a ho, he drinks and drives, eventually crashing his car dying. Girl goes on to keep on dating, not feeling too much guilt over her other man who died.
The window is flush with the exterior of the house. It is recessed on the other side to provide a sill and so as not to collect dust and water outside. You can see the frame of the screen, and you can see where it snaps in. This would be obscured if you were looking from the inside out. The object is both behind that and the frame of the window indicating that it is inside. Also, no one stuccos the inside of their house. Look at all of the potted plants sitting on the dusty terracotta/concrete. Look at the slats in the table. It is clearly a deck table. They are probably on their patio or something. Tons and tons of houses look like this on the outside.
Furthermore here is a picture from the same user witch is clearly outside. Same plants, same tiles, same stucco.
The "gateway" into weed is other people. You need to make connections to find a source, friends to smoke with, etc. Basement NEET generally has little experience with all of the above, thus he doesn't like it.
I've tried it a couple times but it's not for me. Got a decent hateboner for smoking in general from mom's cigarettes stinking up the house when I was young, may have something to do with it.
My life isn’t that shitty that I need to drown out the shiftiness.
>what if you need to relax
I pray
>right wing death slut
fuckin nice
>piece of shit laptop
>no headphones
>Game controller for cartoons
>Amateur hair dresser kit filled with drug paraphernalia
>Vape AKA Doucheflute
>Roller instead of rolling his own joints
I love weed..to sell it that is...
but use it myself? Never
Never use your poison on yourself,never.
>those bumps over the course of summer
Cause virgins can't empathize with how great and relaxing it is to smoke with a hotty and then getting nasty as fuck for a few hours.
>mfw I was convinced the grinder on the left was a un-opened yo-yo for about 20 seconds
they are obviously outside, take note of the potted plants and bird house.
Whoops did i say poison?
I meant medicine yeah...medicine....
you looking to buy?
Usually you hear this from crack and heroin dealers but okay, hard ass.
Try moving out of your parents house first faggot
I'm always amazed by how people turn drugs, especially weed and alcohol, a lifestyle. It's so ridiculous.
>Roller instead of rolling his own joints
That's a thing?
I have never met a high achiever that smokes weed
>be bong
>take the sandnigger acid trip
what is this immature ass mentality? what are you, fucking 14?
>oh look that guy smoking weed has an iPhone. iphones are gay so smoking weed must be gay now too.
>oh look comics are being made into movies...gues they're gay now
>oh look, triple A game devs are releasing a game every year, looks like I better stop playing vidya