Guns are made to kill people and serve no use in modern society.
Lets talk guns. Prove me wrong
>Prove me wrong.
Didn't read sticky, borderline trisomy 21 victim intellect.
Report and sage.
>Guns are made to kill people and serve no use in modern society.
but killing people is sometimes necessary even in modern society and a gun is the best tool for it.
>get all horny at rapid fire
What is it about liberals being freaked out about people being able to defend themselves?
>guns are made to kill people
no shit, what a completely asinine observation. Are you implying some people don't need to be shot?
The use is killing people, and sometimes people need to be killed. QED.
This kraut gets it.
sometimes people need to be killed
>semi automatic
how does this term still exist and why is it the lefts fault?
I like guns. Your penis serves no use to modern society, so why not cut it off?
So you think women deserve to be raped? They deserve whatever men want to do to them, that's what you think? Yes, guns are for killing, duh, because some people are too weak to do it barehanded. But I guess you think they just deserve to die for being women.
I own guns to kill people and maybe food. Why else would you own them?
Doesn't this guy live in Maine? I thought they loved guns?
they do have a use in modern society, some people need to be killed, Stephen King for example
Says the man who's body was destroyed by a motorised vehicle.
Why isnt he mad at the motor engine? It kills and maims far more than guns. Vastly more.
He is just a faggot coke snorting degenerate who might have written a few interesting books but isnt a well rounded intellect and has no right to comment on society.
how can you be so right, and so wrong in just one sentence?
Maine is pretty cucked because nobody there has ever seen a minority so they vote Democrat and don't understand why everyone hates darkies
You contradicted yourself.
I hate how conservatards think they need to be able to spray school children with their semiautomaic guns, NOBODY ACCEPT THE MILITARY NEEDS SEMIAUTOMATIC GUNS RETARDS
"No one needs guns" means "women should be defenseless".
Not the kind who just live there "to get out of the city". They're like Henry Winkler in that KotH episode.
Guns are made to defend yourself against niggers with illegal guns.
Because they want their victims to be defenseless, duh.
Full auto is to protect you from your (((Pedofiend))) Gov who put your children's on pizza
>Guns are made to kill people
>serve no use in modern society
>Nobody but the military needs semi automatic guns
So only Trump's goons should have them? What if Trump orders the military to commit the Day of the Rope? What if fash goys start carrying torches in your town? And the cops are all racist, should they have a gun monopoly?
This perfectly demonstrates the child-like retardation of people like King. Killing people is not inherently bad. Sometimes killing a person is the most moral thing to do. Getting rid of guns does not get rid of murderers or tyrants, and all faggots like King are advocating for is handing a massive advantage to murderers and tyrants. Fuck King and fuck you.
>Guns are made to kill people.
Yes guns are made and always have been made to kill things. What is your point?
>Serve no use in modern society.
Hunting, self-defense, and fun are just a few uses. No need to go on your point is already moot.
Slide thread, move along anons
Stephen King also thinks that no gun should have more than a 10 round capacity because if you need more than that to defend yourself you shouldn't have a gun.
>Gunslingers carry two six shooters.
Stephen King has only one purpose.
He rewrites old episodes of The Twilight Zone by adding characters and plots from Hee Haw and Gomer Pyle USMC.
Bonus: Steve also lifts from movies.
I ont have to prove anything. If you come to try and take the guns, we will SHOOT you. Its not a threat, its a fucking PROMISE.
Don't you love it when you can use Peoples own logic to show them their own stupidity?
Surrender your guns retarded wussie degenerate...we only want your good
A gun is a weapon. Not a killing machine. Same as a blade, a rock, a baseball bat.
Nobody needs a semi-auto or a 30 round magazine
modern society is made for killing. if you can't kill in one or the other way it is you who die my friend.
sad but true
Shocking, they're coming for semi auto's now. Just like we all told you. First it's "muh assault" rifles. Then it's muh 30 round mags, then its all semi autos, then its you only have a right to 2 shot guns then its ALL GUNS, you don't need them!! Meanwhile police are corrupt as fuck and come 30 minutes too late after the crime.
If police and banning weapons were so effective, why are prisons still so violence places where people get shanked to death and ass raped?
I have a single action .44 magnum that can blow someone's head completely off. And its not either if those. But tell me more about semi autos and high cap mags.
Bill of RIGHTS! Not the bill of needs motherfucker!
Stephen King is a liberal whackjob who isn't worth the paper he's printed on.
Former fan.
I like guns. Literally the only reason required
Stephen King is a good writer, but he knows fuck all about anything else, and he's a high-caliber douche. Can't stand any movie adaptation deviating in any small way from his books, but always happy to see the paycheck.
>all I need is muh single action .44 magnum and one shot
>I've been in a gun fight before and I twirled my pistol around like John Wayne and shot the bad guy's gun right out of his hand.
Fuck off faggot.
>Semi-automatics only have two purposes. One is so people can have fun, the other is killing people.
>Garden pools only have two purposes. One is so people can have fun, the other is accidentally killing children.
>Playgrounds only have two purposes. One is so kids can have fun, the other is accidentally killing children.
>Skateboards only have two purposes. One is so people can have fun, the other is accidentally killing them.
Yeah guys, no fun allowed, anything that can lead to someone's death and serves no practical purpose is banned from tomorrow.
line in the sand needs to be semi autos as they can pierce military police kevlar
as soon as semiauto rifles are gone they can easily ban the rest and send immigrant somali police in to kill the rest of us
> semi-automatics
> rapid fire
The absolute state of the left
Says a POS who never experienced having to provide quality protein for oneself and be healthy, or eat the shit food that can afforded in a system of economic tyranny and be malnourished.
>Blasting at the range with a hard on
>Killing people
>Putting down rabid niggers
>Putting food on the table
Leave it to a kike pedophile miss the most important parts
No shit, sometimes killing people is necessary.
Fucking nogunz need to leave.
I never said it was my only gun. I have a 9mm and a rifle as well.
>What is it about liberals being freaked out about people being able to defend themselves?
Answer your own question.
They intend to be the mass murderers.
Good luck hitting someone with 6 shots at 2am, half asleep, in the dark of your house, and in a state of panic, revolver faggot.
Yes, of course. Of what other value are they?
>The man that writes and glorifies murder, torture, kidnapping and all around unethical, unmoral things is talking about how evil guns are and how they are not needed.
I'm laffin', literally laffin.
I get a chub every time I shoot my firearms at the range knowing that it triggers cucks like King.
Oh shut up. Get out
Handy rule to understand the Left: It's okay when they do it.
Wow, so you're saying my .22LR AR15 can pierce kelvar but not my .308 bolt action, simply because the AR15 is semi auto? Do you even know what the means you stupid nigger?
I am not noguns
I am a gook. in our history they sent police of a different ethnic goup to kill us.
kind of like them hiring somalis to kill australian people
you need to keep semiautos because police are incompetent but don't enjoy complete material superiority... yet
fudd holocaust when?
reading comprehension, you fucking mullatto
>state of panic
>implying I'll miss
>implying I have no certification/training
>implying I only own revolvers
>I am not noguns
And yet you think semi auto is what determines ballistics. Sure sounds like you don't have a fucking clue or a gun.
He's right, semi-automatics are bad.
What we need is full-auto.
>line in the sand needs to be semi autos as they can pierce military police kevlar
> semi autos as they can pierce military police kevlar
>semi autos can pierce kevlar
WAT DIS ROOK RIKE YERROW BOI? Fucking stupid gook.
Suck my red blooded throbbing American dick OP. My rights aren't negotiable.
>implying I'll miss
Statistically yes, you will miss. Enjoy your TV getting stolen as you bleed out.
>I'm incapable of clear and unambiguous speech. When someone calls me out on it I just pretend they're retarded
Nice work fellow human(?).
It's amazing how ridiculously hateful and racist these left-wing monsters are. How they consider themselves morally superior is beyond me.
It's one thing to support gun control, it's another to paint all gun owners as retarded rednecks.
bold action rifles cant lay suppressive fire capable of deterring police platoons
three shot large caliber rifles are not practical deterrents
are you people purposefully retarded
the semiautomatic mechanism is their target. not the caliber. defend it at all costs, even if you have to kill politicians
fuck off you retard
>i have no clue there are dangerous animals living on our planet
that's real nigger behaviour
What a great writer. Easy to see how Goosebumps books are so popular
Holy shit, you're the dumbest fucking bug person I've ever met. Are you so fucking stupid that you can't understand that I'm telling you the action of the gun has nothing to do with it's ability to penetrate body armor like you clearly said in your post?
Here let me put it in gook for you.
Dis burret onry matter, not dis action. Ching chong ning fong you're a fucking moron.
I live in the U.K. What the fuck is a gun?
If I can hit a target at 80 meters with 1 hand I don't think those statistics apply to me. Or anyone else who spends time practicing.
If you are in a dark alley and someone walks up to you with a gun, how are you going to protect yourself? Do you pull out a spoon?
It is obvious that guns are tools to used to kill but to just focus on "kill" and not as "self defense" is highly juvenile and ignorant.
In nearly every mass shooting event, there is nobody around who are armed which allows these psychopaths to do great damage. This is all due to gun laws that restrict the people's right to self defense, therefore I am to argue, with great success, that gun laws are ridiculous and that all people should arm themselves and know how to use their guns properly.
I do have guns and none of them are registered. I carry them hidden without any permits. I am not governed by permits because the Constitution strictly forbids any legislative action such as licensing or permit to restrict one's Unalienable Rights.
I do not encourage others to do so unless they clearly understand how to stand in court and block their legal presumptions. This means that one must understand the differences between a U.S. citizen to that of a Citizen of a several State of the United States of America. If you do not know these systems, then it might be wise to start studying first.
All those out there who are promoting any form of registration on guns, they are operating outside of the will and intent of the Sovereign People and any act which trespasses upon them, is a violation of the law.
>There are guns designed to kill people!
Wow, fucking insightful observation from a listerine chugging coke head.
You're either retarded or pretending, either way enjoy your last you.
>What is it about liberals being freaked out about people being able to defend themselves?
having acess to guns legally kills more people than it saves trough self-defence
>Guns are made to kill people
No shit. And animals.
>Serve no use in modern society
Self-defense and home security isn't a part of modern society.
>1 Post by this ID
That is my 2 cents. Saged.
>Guns are made to kill people
Woah, really? I never would have guessed!
Self defense and home security isn't a part of modern society?*
This fucking bait will get three hundred replies.
>Stephen King is often hailed as a left wing intellectual
>Advocates for pedophilia, treason, and political violence
>Thinks semi-auto is rapid fire
My man. You know your shit I must say. Studied this stuff for quite awhile. Just wish more people would. Might actually achieve real personal liberty.
One van wasn't enough.
you're a retard. no one is trying to ban large caliber rifles. they are trying to ban the semiautomatic mechanism in rifles. hence you need to defend the mechanism
are you a shill? fuck off
Refridgerators only have 2 purposes. One is to keep food cool so it doesn't spoil. The other is to preserve dead childrens bodies for satanic rituals.
No fucking kidding, hopefully soon. Start with Hick45
They can't even ban semi-auto firearms in Canada. I think you'll be alright.
Yeah a .300WinMag bolt action has no chance of piercing body armor next to the dangerous .223/5.56. You’re an idiot.
second post best post
Washed up old hack writers of garbage books have only two purposes. One is to be skinned alive. The other is to be skinned alive.
steven king writes books with pedo orgies in them