Loli is simply awful. It's misogynistic and pedophilic. Why is this shit still allowed on Sup Forums?
I know that most of Sup Forums agrees; Loli is bringing the board down as a whole. Only the lowest of the low, such as anons who browse /r9k/, or Sup Forums, or Sup Forums masturbate to loli. By allowing Loli on this board, you are not only letting an outdated, misogynistic, and borderline illegal practice to continue, but you are bringing these filth from other boards onto Sup Forums.
There is simply no reason to allow Loli on Sup Forums. Delete it- I, and many other female 4channers will be much safer with it gone.
Jaxson Nguyen
Feminists will destroy anime. Their presence on the internet is increasing, as is their awareness. You heard it here first.
Be aware, be prepared. Hoard now.
Connor Diaz
while this post ready like some feminism stuff - I actually need to agree. Loli-threads are pedo-cancer and should be banned.
Josiah Young
Im ok with it if they destroy moeshit and idolshit
They would be doing everyone a favor
Anthony Diaz
>that image I, too, want Sup Forums to be like Sup Forums and have no fewer than 2 anti-feminazi threads up at all times
Jeremiah Morgan
Please do Sup Forums a favor and go commit suicide.
Alexander Sanders
>Loli is simply awful. It's misogynistic and pedophilic. Why is this shit still allowed on Sup Forums? > >I know that most of Sup Forums agrees; Loli is bringing the board down as a whole. Only the lowest of the low, such as anons who browse /r9k/, or Sup Forums, or Sup Forums masturbate to loli. By allowing Loli on this board, you are not only letting an outdated, misogynistic, and borderline illegal practice to continue, but you are bringing these filth from other boards onto Sup Forums. > >There is simply no reason to allow Loli on Sup Forums. Delete it- I, and many other female 4channers will be much safer with it gone.
Charles Williams
>3DPD whales mad that they will never be even 1% as good as anime girls
Charles Adams
Feminists have nothing against healthy programs. Brothers with little sisters neither. Mothers neither. Fathers neither. But I'm a father with two 5 and 12 years old girls and I'd love to strangle one pf these freaks who get off on pics like OP's. Maybe I'd sodomize them with a baseball bat before, just so that they can understand what kind of damage inappropriate and unwanted sexual abuse means.
Chase Nguyen
You're right. We should bring back /l/ and move all the loli's from Sup Forums to /l/ thus saving Sup Forums from you and your whining
Noah Cook
This. Their main weapon of destroying anime is yurishit because it's feminist propaganda. Soon, all men in nip will be turned into clucks like they do in culturally "enriched" countries and anime will be kill.
Owen Morales
Who redditgahara here?
Easton Williams
Reminder to sage and report.
Aiden Kelly
Bump so that the mod can see it.
Oliver Phillips
So while you're busy sexually abusing user with a bat, who was user sexually abusing? Surely not the drawing on his monitor?
Bentley Wood
>I'd love to strangle one pf these freaks who get off on pics like OP's. So high school girls? People in most of Europe fuck real girls aged 14-15 all the time and there is nothing you can do about it American friend.
Joshua Garcia
Cameron Adams
Miyazaki will make anime great again.
Christopher Garcia
b-but a report is a special (You)!
Henry Harris
Nah, more likely for them to do what they already do:
Push for yaoi and fujoshit, and pretend that it is because of Social Justice shit, instead of their fetish.
Sebastian Morris
Thankfully Japanese don't care what idiot gaijin and dumb whores think about their anime. :)
Nathaniel Cook
Good. Kill anime so I can finally kill myself.
Jaxon Martin
Having read the article I don't agree but it's not unreasonable
Camden Cook
>white western women trying to alter japanese norms
sounds like cultural imperialism to me, what a racist
Isaac Reed
Fuck off back to where you came from, retard.
Jacob Barnes
Nice gathering of secondaries we got here, it's now check em thread or loli dump. I hope you continue to enjoy your stay here.
Luis Torres
Nathan Watson
>sample Irony.
Carter Evans
Thomas Lewis
Mason Phillips
Just wait until the olympics
Jordan Thompson
A boy
Jaxson Parker
Dylan White
falls in
Jayden Murphy
Dylan Jenkins
Looks like someone got lost on their way to gamerghazi/tumblr.
Luis Hernandez
my my what do we have here!
Caleb Richardson
love with
Anthony Thomas
But love live is literally empowering: the anime. If only american feminist could take that stick out of their ass and their muhsogyny googles for a second and look with proper eyes whatever they are criticizing maybe they would be taken more seriously.
Never going to happen. Japanese feminists will protect anime don't believe Sup Forums lies.
Benjamin Taylor
Do they want to be BTFO by some japanese association again? Last time this happened a japanese women's org told them and the UN to fuck off and worry about the rights of real life women from arouns the world whose rights they're allowing to rot instead of fictional ones.
Zachary Lopez
I love how so many of you actually believe the olympics will kill moe anime and all, it must be nice being so delusional.
Jacob Myers
Where is the anime girl derailing image when we need it?
Connor Rodriguez
a girl.
Adam Richardson
Connor Adams
2D =/= 3DPD
Loli (and shota, for that matter) has absolutely zero appeal to me, but by definition, no real people are harmed in it's creation. It's easy enough to use a filter.
And shit like >Only the lowest of the low, such as anons who browse /r9k/, or Sup Forums, or Sup Forums masturbate to loli. Shows that you don't have an actual argument and are only going by shitty associations to prove your point.
If anything, you could argue that porn has no place on a discussion board like Sup Forums and would be better suited for various red boards, but like that'll ever happen.
Eli Gray
>Amelia Cuck
Adrian Campbell
That it does.
Christopher Taylor
Don't know, but we can always get dubs to derail this thread.
Xavier Cooper
>American writers try to add homo stuff to their works for the sake of political correctness, fail. >Japanese add homo stuff to their work if they think they can cash in on that, make lots of money. What is their secret!?
Noah Rodriguez
Loli thread, post loli.
Cooper Howard
I agree loli should be banned on this board I hate that shut give it its own separate board.
Jeremiah Mitchell
just post some redditgahara
Alexander Martinez
Can I finally cure my fear of dykes?
Austin Gonzalez
meh, script isn't picking up full image on one click.
Christopher White
Jace Garcia
Fear and panic is fun that's why they subconsciously partake in it, thinking that a bunch of tourists are going to change the financial situation of anime which is the one and only criteria of the direction it goes is pretty insane.
Jonathan Bell
the reddit button gets me everytime
Caleb Bailey
Not really. Western women see empowering as slutting it up with a dozen different guys and then shaking their ass on instagram because they're strong or something. Love Live holds girls in a nice ideal where they're cute maidens and femnazis hate this because its exactly what they aren't.
Jordan Scott
>Loli is simply awful. wrong >It's misogynistic and pedophilic. wrong >Why is this shit still allowed on Sup Forums? who knows >I know that most of Sup Forums agrees; wrong >Loli is bringing the board down as a whole. wrong >Only the lowest of the low, such as anons who browse /r9k/, or Sup Forums, or Sup Forums masturbate to loli. possibly correct >By allowing Loli on this board, you are not only letting an outdated, misogynistic, and borderline illegal practice to continue, but you are bringing these filth from other boards onto Sup Forums. wrong >There is simply no reason to allow Loli on Sup Forums. Delete it- I, and many other female 4channers will be much safer with it gone. the concept of safety does not exist on an imageboard
this is terrible bait is this copypasted or did you actually waste time writing this out
Bentley Foster
Keep crying, manbaby. Making women/girls equal is higher up on the list than protecting your sexist anime.
That's a nice sexist attitude you got there, asshole.
More and more people are going against loli. Fuck off.
I've been here for 15 years.
Allowing this shit to go on in the 2D world will only allow it to spill into the 3D world.
>Cuck Fuck off.
Jordan Rodriguez
What makes the gay feel so shitty on western works but so right on japanese works?
Kayden Brooks
Samuel Williams
Jonathan Cox
Western third wave feminism needs to fucking try to stop influencing anime already. It's already been proven that creators and producers don't give a fuck and the only way their opinions will matter is if they actually become consumers on the same level as Japanese males, which they won't. At a certain point, they need to come to terms with the fact that people don't give a shit about their sensibilities because their opinions don't influence the market in the slightest.
Dominic Cooper
That's just gross. Why would you even save something disgusting and hairy like that.
Also, you're only making yourself look bad. Spamming to spite someone is about as animalistic behavior as you can get.
Easton Torres
One is done because the author wants it and he keeps the mentality of "how can I make this marketable".
Other is done for political reasons and is often full of mary sues.
Hudson Ramirez
Alexander Miller
There needs to be more dragons in anime. And don't give me that shape shifting crap. I mean real D R A G O N S in all it's legendary glory.
Jason Nguyen
Tell me how the loli attacked you.
Matthew Stewart
Considering you didn't post anything gay and literally just two females near each other, your point is pretty moot.
Caleb Carter
Nathan Martinez
Try harder, Haruhi.
Carter Turner
most things don't try to be especially marketable and both sales and production costs are low
Josiah Kelly
>getting banned because someone decided to shitpost. ill just post some Sup Forums appropriate lolis
Gavin Hughes
>moot who
Ryan Adams
Isaiah Jackson
and I'm really waiting for this. It's time to stop the mental illness that is moeshit and other autistic manchild "genres"