What's Sup Forums's opinion on the current environment in American High Schools?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on the current environment in American High Schools?
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Good. They sort out the weak.
Needs more 'Gun free zone' signs
Our K-12 education is lousy at best.
terrible! all high schools should be free and controlled by the government!!!
As someone who works in a school, I think it's fine.
they are completely shit
a national disgrace
it's mostly white girls drooling for big black cock
It does nothing but tell you that you need college or you will be worthless. It barely teaches you anything beyond remedial basics these days.
Good enough if you study hard, read a lot, and do extra curriculars. These three things are quite cheap endeavors btw.
I'm sure you do.
You're a public sector employee. You couldn't make it in the private sector so you work for government, guys do the bare minimum required to get by and that's it.
No knowledge whatsoever. Why do you ask?
>You couldn't make it in the private sector so you work for government
can you even get a job in a private school with zero teaching experience?
too unsafe for my liking
we need bulletproof textbooks
>the current environment in American®™ High Schools©?
>public education is education communism
>public fire departments are fire safety communism
>you're communism
>everything is communism unless laws are made by trial by ordeals
le ebil progressives are the REAL regressives
For the population of the US, its not bad by any standard.
quality shitpost
t. self hating autist
like you should talk
*tips fedora with le ebin angry snake flag patch*
it's misappropriated tax dollars
dun worry DeVos will fix
Education isn't the worst, but the kids and their culture are absolutely degenerate.
Its absolute shit.privatization is the Only way to correct
US whites are in the top 5 in all subjects (second highest of all white countries). It’s our (((diversity))) that drops the average and makes us look retarded
The photograph more or less encapsulates my experiences in the 1990's.
It's likely even worse now.
I had a lot of bad thoughts when I was going to high school. A lot of them, the worst thoughts. Thought crime in fact. If they could scan my brain they would arrest and execute me my thoughts were so bad. I'm doing better now.
I don't know, I'm not some underage faggot (shouldn't you be getting sodomized by a man like me?). That makes me want to wander the halls of one of those meat markets, though, a recurring fantasy. I'm young enough to get by, and if I'm not, well, fucking kill all who disagree. I'm sure those GMO braphogs are being grown extra thick nowadays and I will get mine. I'm talking sexual assault all day in crowded hallways, I fingered my first girl in 8th grade by a locker but that was the height of my sexual experience with prime meat. You shouldn't even be around girls your own age, underage faggot, they are for grown men like me to molest and marry ONLY. Now fuck off.
Same here, graduated 2 years ago and haven't looked back since.
A fucking mess. We're not even taught where all of our states are. I implore all burgers to learn where all of our states are (and then preferably the rest of the world), to better your geography.
If you don't get a literal 100% on your state locations you may as well kill yourself: online.seterra.com
I hate the lack of uniforms there. Here in Puerto Rico I only saw toes like 8 or 9 times max during all my 12 years in school. Look at that lazy bitch in your pic, just gross
A total fucking mess of gross people, std infected thots, and the few amongst the plebs who will rise to the top to abuse us all via economic strength a few years down the road.
The situation is untenable. The niggers and beaners are extremely low IQ and this is genetic and can never be changed, and they are extremely disruptive and destroy the classroom environment completely. The only possible recourse is to pull the Whites out of the classes and into their own classes. Further, almost all the subject matter being taught is Leftist propaganda that aims for Communism. The student body appears as a third world country with a minority of Whites.
it's perfect
Last year the gays at my former high school told a lie that got the theater director (friend of mine, dated his daughter) fired and cost him $5,000 in lawyer fees
So I wouldn't say my opinion is very high
Yeah, they use the string on that diploma to tie it on.
>mfw I went to high school during the MTV and early MySpace era
It was absolute hell.
High schools are day care before the kids go off to county prison or community college.