A Knightâs Day Off is up, Translator-kun is too good for us.
Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku
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Damn, Melville's Clamberry-fagness is so cute.
A direct link for everyone
that was a pretty cute side story and yeah I'm not gonna lie I find Melville;s Clamberry-faggotry kinda cute in this one and who knew Clamberry could be so supportive?
So, I guess Melville did have a speech impediment, and it wasn't just some weird accent. I still wonder about her backstory though, how she met Cranberry in the first place
Magical Daisy!
Yeah, that letter was pretty funny; she sounds like a very pleasant senpai.
I'm contemplating now. In one sides, I've known the outline of vol.1 and curious about the continuity of snow white's fate. On the other one, I didn't feels to spoil myself greatly by reading the novels.
Wait out the rest of this season at least, and then you can read the next novels.
Daisy Beamu
I've only read Vol.1 and I'm gonna wait until the anime is over, before moving onto the next parts. Its only 5 more weeks now.
A few chapters into Restart and Not seeing why people loves Pechika, she seems the least interesting of anyone even in her own team. Also if she doesn't use her ability to cannibalize someone I will be severely disappointed
You'll see why everyone loves Pechika by the endWho's your favorite so far?
She's not the best but she tried her best.
Man Team Daisy and Team Clantail worked so well together as 4
So, what do you guys think of the Pure Elements as characters and the whole man-made magical girl thing, I have no idea where that's going right now?
Also 7753 punching Pythie in the face and her not being able to do anything about that was super satisfying, and I hope 7753 realizes that Pfle is the same type of POS that Pythie is soon
I love magical Daisy design.
So far Pfle, Nokko and @NYAN NYAN. I'm liking pretty much all the girls though, the cast is much better than arc 1.
I'd hang out with Souta anytime to talk about magical girls.
Not necessarily better but there are more likable girls in Arc2 then Arc1 for me.
Quake>Inferno=Prism Cherry=Deluge>Tempest
I wonder why he hasn't prostitute himself as La Pucelle.
I know I would do it for fun.
yeah there are only 2 unlikable girls for me one is a spoiler and the other is Cherna Mouse
Do you think Souta and Koyuki would think I'm a pleb if I tell them that all my magical girl knowledge is from Madoka?
We are talking about those Slutty Elements?
The leader is a pedo. Watch out for her.
That was pretty nice, Genopsycho and La Pucelle getting along was something I expected but not them being friends for real, also Melville was pretty cute.
She gets better.
I hope 7753 resignates her job, but she's too much of a wage slave to do that.
Same, it seen he has good taste.
Probably yes.
Delet This. Princess Quake just wants to protect the children from pedos, I honestly feel really bad for her though, it sucks to like kids but be constantly shit on like that because you aren't a teacher yet
Translator-kun must be a magical girl.
There is no way he can pump out translation like that as a normal human.
Maybe one day she'll resign, I believe in her, also its cool to know that she and Mei are living together now and Mei is trying to get smarter
It make sense because these girls in Arc 1 are chosen for a death game.
Snow, Nemurin, Nana were the minority, probably because they were chosen as sacrificial lambs to die first to get the game moving. I meant the rest are willing to fight in a way.
>Magical skill is being insanely fast at translating light novels
We already have had more specific than this, so might as well
He is a Cyber fairy, you should notice "pon" tic in his blog.
user, do you know how pedo operate?
They pretend to protect children.
Quake is without a doubt a pedo.
Worse than Pythie hairfag.
That part warms my heart.
>Cyber Fairy are so hated that they must get new jobs in order to feel themselves useful
Damn, they have it hard.
She's still shit until the end but it's because of Nokko-chan manipulating her emotion to be cowardly
closet pedo
Lazuline a cute.
I forgot how she detect Melville.
I just want to hug Fal why does he have to suffer?
Come on, don't spoil the still reading user.
Vote Fal.
He's a junk picked up by Keek, who knows if that little shit will go crazy like his brethren sometimes.
He doesn't have physical body, user.
Cyber Fairy are not trustworthy anyway.
It was just instinct
Don't be mean to princess Quake, she's just trying to protect everyone, she's had a hard life, leave her alone.
I honestly think Fal has had the worst suffering of any character in the franchise thus far, also I;m really looking forward to the 7753, Mana, and Mei side story
They are user, and they also are beings with feelings and will.
this is what happens when you let elves and race traitors work together, they ruin reputations
>Believing Cyber Fairy when one of them proven to be a psycho
I forget about the shit show Mana mentioned.What happens to the rest of Cyber Fairy other than being rejected?
>Judging a whole race based on one fucking race traitor
I don't think anything specific, she just said that they cracked down on mascots, so maybe some NSA type shit with 24/7 monitoring something like that, but thats just speculation
Yet, Fal is probably one of the most moral and genial characters in the series. At least Translator-kun consider him so.
They are jobless now.
The thing is they are actually capable of emotion and that's bad. Should have made them all as emotionless AI afterall.
I don't believe that's bad at all since with emotions they can support their magical girls better than an emotionless being, empathy is important user.
Hey at least Fal got some of Keek's power.
It's something.
I want to marry her.
don't we all user, RIP best Limited girl I'm happy she's still useful past Limited thanks to her power
That's what they say about niggers until they start stealing and raping.
K, just remember that you literally can't fap to another girl or anything like that.
No literally, you can't
Is there an expanded material chapter with Snow White and La Pucella?
She has to agree with me having sex with her everyday whenever I want before I accept.
They made a cameo in @NyanNyan side story.
Fal is still a good guy.
A lone knight battles in Peaceful days.
Is Melville actually retarded in real life what's with her impaired speech in A Knight's Day Off?
I think she just has a speech issue, so she's pretty shy around anyone thats not her senpai
Prism Cherry magical skill and her personality and life connection is plain to see.
Do you guys figure out the other girls' connection from other arcs?
She has speech issues with damage her self-steem, at least Cramberry is a supportive mentor.
I bet she got bullied in school for it too and Cranberry easily manipulate her lonely ass.
>I know you can do it! Good luck, fight hard.
That was really unexpected.
Nemurin slacking off again PV. For episode 8 btw if that was not clear.
What are you guys' speculations on the girls in JOKERS that haven't been revealed yet, I wonder?
Also I wonder how Mana is doing.
I doubt is just manipulation since Melville based her Mahou Shoujo design on her which means she knew about Cramberry before she became a MS.
Well most of them are LOM, so they'll probably be drawn into the city due to rumors about extra strong man-made magical girls, and Mana is recovering I believe
Really curious about the other gang of magical girls. Are they in a similar situation as the Pure Elements, or what?
I am waiting for the crazy ones to appear and why they come there.
I have nothing on speculations though.
According to some spoilers, a fair few of them are freelancers. So, maybe LoM calls in a few people to deal with this man-made MG situation and to be discreet about it?
Asked Translator-Kun for a sneak peek of Chap 2.
He says it focuses a lot on LoM and the fallout from Limited
Probably about Mao Pam dying. That one outta have big consequences.
Btw what do you guys think about what is pythie currently doing? I don't think she will let herself be pushed and ordered around by pfle. She still has a hidden card by the name of Ripple.
Fished the first half of Restart...Why did best girl die in the stupidest fucking way imaginable? Really, a murder suicide?
It'll make way more sense by the end
Is that translated yet?
Why is Cranberry so best?
All she has are legs, face, and attitude. Cranberry has no chest or ass.
It's not what it seems.
I like her hair.
Are there any subs for the episode previews with Nemurin? Seems cute and comfy.
Her hair is nice, but even Pythie tossed it away eventually.
I never really paid attention to the previews, but do they not do a video preview on these weeks where Nemurin is lazy?
Well snow's hair is more soft and perfect.
not as perfect as Ripple's desu
No, it's mostly just Nemurin sleep talking and slacking off, she only works properly for episode 7. She said she was tired after that and spend the current episode pv sleeping.
Well I guess thats pretty cute and she saves Lerche the trouble of having to put together an episode PV, so it makes sense
Plus Nemurin's VA gets more work so she doesn't have to imagine Snow White dying in her fantasies
>imagine Snow White dying
Wait, what? Does she think Snow White will die, or does she want Snow White to die?
Nemurin's VA was joking about wanting SW to die because she was "upset" Nemurin got killed first
I assume that lead to a lot of art with Nemurin going Freddy Krueger on SW, right?
So apparently the ideal versions of characters from drama CDs are how other people imagine them
Ideal Pukin is how Sonia imagines her to be ideally and she is a giant who has an acidic body and can breathe fire among other things
Ideal Ruler is how Swim Swim imagines Ruler to be ideally and she is a giant whose body is made of super alloy and can breathe ice
Ideal Winterprison is how Sister Nana imagines her to be ideally and she is exactly the same as normal Winterprison
Ideal Sister Nana is how Winterprison imagines her to be ideally and she is slightly "bigger" than her original self
Ideal Postarie is how Rain Pou imagines her to be ideally and she knows martial arts and is more talkative and brave
Ideal Rain Pou is how Postarie imagines her to be ideally she is gentle noble and sincere and fights for justice
Ideal Lapis Lazuline is how Detick Bell imagines her to be ideally and she is the same as the normal Lazuline
Ideal Detick Bell is how Lazuline imagines her to be ideally and she is also exactly the same
Ideal Marika Fukuroi is her own ideal version of herself and she is the same but even stronger which is ridiculous since she has max combat stats
Ideal Shadow Gale is how Pfle imagines her to be ideally and she idealized too many things and she ended up becoming Mecha Gale, Pfle still a cunt, nothing new here
Ideal Pfle is how Shadow Gale imagines her to be ideally she is kind and honest and a skilled boxer, even Shadow Gale knows
Oh and La Pucelle's ideal SW is basically arc 1 SW
>a skilled boxer
Have you never met a handicapped person that just so happens to be a skilled boxer user?
Well she isn't really handicapped as the end of Restart shows, so Shadow Gale wants her to be more active and she also wants her to stop being an awful person
>Detick Bell and Lapis
Please, no. Too cute.
Detick Bell and Lapis best Mother-Daughter duo