TDS (daily shoah) 222 discussion thread

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Why does it cost 40 bucks a month??

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I haven’t listened to today’s, need pol to post a link since I refuse to be a pay cuck. I’m a little miffed at them for Thursday’s episode. They had Morraque on and the episode was super long, yet they hardly let him talk.

$10 per month you lying kike snake.

morrakiu never talks. he's pretty spergy.

>You listened yet?
no im always a few behind as i only listen on the way to work
>Why does it cost 40 bucks a month??
they cant live normie lives since getting doxed, also its $10 a month, literally nothing if youre an adult

>40 bucks a month

New kike shill tactic everyone.

But his Jew voice is so good.
Also, I like Anglin, but he always seems grumpy.

It's actually 40 dollars a show. 4 paywall shows a month. 160 a month

>40 bucks a month??
I love this meme


You can upgrade to a Gold Package for 200$ and get some behind-the-scenes footage. Gold Package is also the only way to get episode 3 of Dr Narcan.

I have been in discord with him and he NEVER talks. Its literally weird that he even does those merchant minutes

yet they let anglin talk for 45 minutes about how 40+ year olds fucking 13-14 years old is okay...

>if theres grass on the field....

fucking pedo.

Because they're suckering you retards out of your cash.

>feed into retarded boogeyman theories
>make listener feel like they're superior to SOMETHING
>collect their money
>laugh all the way to the bank

There's always a fool.

yeah, wtf was that? dudes a creep.

kys shill


Tfw you paid the $4000 a month to get 24/7 svencam

Yeah it seems to me that Anglin has this autistic traditionalist view where anything that was done in the past is automatically superior. I’m a dad and I’d rather not have my daughter going on dates with 30 year old men when she’s 14-18, even if the guy is a Christ cuck gentleman.


Nice dig at Roy Moore.

>DNC shills in charge of being subtle

why would anyone choose white nationalism as a way to make easy money? they lost their jobs, friends, denounced by family to the media, hugely increased chance of being attacked on the street
the sorts you describe are the kosher alt light

We are referencing their discussion of Roy Moore and dating ages you dumpy idiot. And if I was an Alabamian I’d vote for Moore.

I agree. Morracow is my favourite person on the internet.

post it

its really not that offensive when you actually read it
>when it comes to content access there is no difference in which plan
spencer's podcast is okay but i wouldnt pay for it

Because it clearly doesn't impact you all that much. Alex Jones has been suckering insecure in their masculinity right-wingers out of their cash for how many years now with his fake persona?

That ruined the whole thing for me. Seriously wtf why was anglin allowed to advocate fucking little girls for 30 minutes?

>Because it clearly doesn't impact you all that much
not sure what you mean by that
you cant really compare having a tongue in cheek persona where you talk about conspiracies to advocating for whites

Sorry user, I'm retarded.

Sure you can. Both rely on presenting fake data to boost a completely ridiculous and poorly thought out belief system.

link an example from trs

You could literally pick any of their podcasts. They're all just ramblings that they know their audience wants to hear. I don't pay for their crap. And apparently, based on their coordinated shilling effort going on right now, most don't either.

so no example of this thing they so heavily rely on then, got it
the vast majority of their content is free

mike enoch is a fucking retard

And you want me to watch their crap so you can dismiss me? If you actually believe the shit they spout, you're as dumb as they come. A fool and his money.

He said it was normal throughout history, which it was.

Anyone got a link to paywall podcasts?

I feel you, he is consistently funny and is the most likeable person on the alt kike. I hope he knows he's appreciated

youre very opinionated about something you have no examples of that arent entirely vague
very low effort shilling

And you're very defensive of a podcast you seem to really really want people to watch and pay for, mate.

>inb4 link gets "posted" and hundreds of "thanks!" and "wow, based!" posts come up.

does anyone believe this dude is actually white? he looks like a kike.... his wife is or was a kike and he was caught lying about it.

i agree with what he says sometimes, but other times he cuts into other people and talks over them even guests when they seem to start talking about shit he either is autistic about and dont like or when there bringing up real shit.

fucker derails 90% of the episodes every 3 minutes. i liked it better when he was doxed and gone.

Spencer’s podcasts are okay. Generally Spencer is interesting, but am his co-hosts come across as Model UN Club high school nerds. They just seem like these pampered haughty faggots, and not even in a virile Lacrosse WASP sort of way.

spencer is way too up his own ass and his cohosts sound like beta soyboy cucks who just stoke his ego all episode

it was normal to do human sacrifices, desnt make it right. also it was normal for 13-14 to fuck similar ages, much older has always been frowned upon.... unless your a muslim and think muhammad and aiyasha or whatever is a cool thing you sick fuck

and that's just for the audio. If you get the platinum edition, that has svencam, it costs almost $500 a month. Idk why people fall for their kike shlomo bullshit. Running a fucking goldmine.

Yes I agree. I do like Spencer overall, and I think he has pretty good ideas. He’s also very well read. He is however too overtly conceited.

>claim they use fake data
>ask which data you mean
>w-why are you so defensive
the absolute state
if i cared that much i wouldnt be bumping a thread with a link to get their paid content for free

There it is.

I agree spencer has great substance but i dislike his style

Uh huh. Whatever you say.


Quit being a sperg, you know what he meant. Nobody wants Muhammed fucking their daughter but the idea that a 16 year old can't have a relationship with a man even up to 30 is a new thing. Nobody outside of America until like 10-20 years ago even gave a shit about "Muh 18" because they knew that "kids" are not kids at even 15. Age of consent laws were litterally written so old women could cut off men from younger prospects with less baggage so they could get a mate with higher SMV.

Pic related is like 14 and nobody would give a fuck about "Muh mental immaturity" as long as it weren't socially stigmatized.

my assessment is true and you know it

If you want to think so. Keep watching and shilling them, dude.

found the fed

>Pic related is like 14 and nobody would give a fuck about "Muh mental immaturity" as long as it weren't socially stigmatized.

>wanting to fuck a tranny jew wigger
you literally invalidated any point you were trying to make

Not within the Hajnal Line, which separates white people from non-whites. Within the Hajnal Line the average age of first marriage for women was between 21 and 23, and very, very few married under the age of 18. The whole "there were no age of consent laws" thing? That was because there was no problem at the time. Fathers protected their daughters and single mothers barely existed.

>anything I say is true

Fuck off, even if what you say is true (which is easy if you provide proof), it still doesn't matter. They bloom at age 14-15 and trying to forcibly suppress the idea that it's "evil" or "literally child rape" just creates weird social behavior. Just calling it immoral or "pedophilia" to avoid feeling uncomfortable is fucking stupid, nobody gives a shit about some manufactured morality that will disappear when social stigma is taken away.

so if i wanted to fuck your 14 year old and im 45 your cool with that if she is? your fucking sick.

>so if i wanted to fuck your 14 year old and im 45 your cool with that if she is? your fucking sick

First of all like I said just saying "you sick fuck" isn't an argument it's a childish emotional response to something that upsets your faggy fake morality. Calm down and act like a fucking adult and try and separate your feelings from your thoughts.
Now then, if your like Roy Moore who had his life together and was a real marriage prospect and tell me about your intentions, yes. Why would a rational and intelligent father not marry his daughter off to a successful man who has his life together? Should I just let her be a normal teenage retard and let her "find her way" which just means suck a bunch of dicks in college, fuck no. I can still see where your coming from though, if I had a daughter and she was just banging older men I would get upset but I couldn't blame them, all men want prime pussy it's just in the DNA.

>implying you’re separating your feelings of lust for teenie waifus from your thought processes.


[spoiler]your also a kike most likely[/spoiler]


No, it's picking a well put together marriage partner who isn't going to pump and dump my "daughter". Grow up. Even if there were no Jews putting out degenerate smut men would still try to fuck young girls because that's just nature (fertility and youth is the #1 sexual desire men have for woman), calling some a monster or some other label (wow isn't that tactic surprisingly Jewish) does not change this. Deal with the fucking manufatcured fake morality you have and come to terms witht the fact that the only reason it is considered wrong is because old women had age of consent laws drafted to corner the markets on men with high smv, nobody gives a fuck about the actual morality if your a serious adult because it's silly

>cant even quote me right

Did anyone post the show yet?

nope, unfortunately. Pretty sure that it's just spergs sperging in this thread.

If you can't afford 10$ a month, you do not belong on the alt right, because you don't have your priorities straight in the slightest. Pretend all you want that it has to do with you having more important things to spend money on, but we all know that's not the case. It's absolutely pathetic to not have 10$ a month. That's 30 minutes of work for anyone with an actual adult job.

I searched the archive no one has posted it yet. Someone POST IT please

Yeah but here's the thing; I'm cheap. That's all it is really. I don't WANT to have to pay 10 per month to get content that I know that I can get from here for FREE. So, for all of us who are either too cheap or in some cases, I assume too poor to afford; GIB LINK PLS!!!111!!!!11!!1!

theres a fucking link in this threa retards. wtf. people cant be this stupid. at this point i think its just mike "the jew" enoch trying to find more sites to serve a dmca too so they stop posting his stuff.. fucking kike rat jew bastard.

Actually have $10 but in trying to actually save up for a piece of land maybe after I've done that ill chip it. I mean before I did donate to some of the altright guys but I'd rather not stay living in the city anymore.

Perhaps I'm blind, but I have found no links. Now, if you could be a dear and provide the said link it would be much appreciated.



Anyone listen to any other TRS podcasts?

>This content requires an alt-right gold account

Thanks you friend.

His point was that post-pubescent sex is literally not pedophilia and was the norm throughout history.
On the Stormer he later clarified that he was not advocating to a return to that time, but rather that it simply be borne in mind that this is not intrinsically abusive, it's just something that we have culturally decided is sub-optimal and dangerous. He advocates for a late-teens age of marriage for women.

I think he's right essentially.

>$250 a month
Wow even Ben Shapiro or Crowder doesn't charge that much for his stupid mug premium shit or whatever it's called. Pretty sad that the alt right podcast of podcasts is out jewing jews.

Alex Jones is the kosher alt light, doofus. Nobody attacks Alex Jones or PJW because they aren't actually dangerous to the narrative, but if Antifa and other faggots knew where to find the TRS guys they'd be trying to kill them.

>fake data
[citation needed]

[citation not provided]

[goalposts moved, citation not provided, ad hominem deployed]

Argument over, you lost here.

[Loses argument decisively, switches tactics]

This is actually embarrassing.


my original post was once upon a time human sacrifices were considered normal, as was other things. doesnt make it right. i even agreed that its acceptable for 14 years olds to fuck each other, but at that age 30+ is just taking advantage of a non fully emotionally and mentally developed being.
