Are there any other news on FLCL2 apart from the fact that the Pillows are coming back for the OST?
Are there any other news on FLCL2 apart from the fact that the Pillows are coming back for the OST?
Breaking News:
It's gonna suck and not live up to the original
I was about to post that!
Great minds think alike user.
Well that's the general consensus.
I am styll hyped anyways just to see more from the life of Naota and everybody else.
You're the target audience and the reason why every series gets excavated nowadays.
i'd eat all the eggs if the new seasons are good enough.
Sadamoto is doing the character designs even though he said he doesn't feel artistic passion for making an FLCL sequel.
Isn't the story following a girl this time and not Naota, or am I just retarded?
No, I read that too. Only Haruko will be returning apparently.
Fucking Toonami kiddies and nostalgia normalfaggots ruin everything.
so it will be yuri?
What makes you so special, mate?
What gives you the right to talk down to people who want a fond show back?
I don't even like FLCL that much but your post just irks me. That typical one liner write off that you could find in any thread on this board. Any point of discussion or examination is immediately destroyed by the "no its just shit its ruined" kind of attitude that you displayed there.
NO, I'm not angry or salty about any other issue at hand but plainly irritated by your flat response.
If it's Hibike levels of yuri bait then I'm expecting an even bigger shitshow, but if it's an actual relationship developing instead of "oh look, we have 2 girls let's make'em fuck" development, then I think it could go over pretty well.
I liked the straight shota in the first one. Rarely do we get something like that.
I really hope its not yuri.
>In the new season of FLCL, many years have passed since Naota and Haruhara Haruko shared their adventure together. Meanwhile, the war between the two entities known as Medical Mechanica and Fraternity rages across the galaxy. Enter Hidomi, a young teenaged girl who believes there is nothing amazing to expect from her average life, until one day when a new teacher named Haruko arrives at her school. Soon enough, Medical Mechanica is attacking her town and Hidomi discovers a secret within her that could save everyone, a secret that only Haruko can unlock.
But why did Haruko return to Earth? What happened to her Rickenbacker 4001 she left with Naota? And where did the human-type robot ‘Canti’ go?
So far for S2 of Hibike I don't see too much of /u/ vs Sup Forums meltdown on the board that happened during the first season. Only dedicated shitposters in the general do that now.
I want to assume that maybe Canti stayed with Naota. Oh ok, I guess I got rused. Still though, I hope they don't just take the yuri route because it's easy, I hope that if they do take the yuri route it makes sense and it isn't forced.
>Haruko realized that the reason she wasn't able to find her true love among her adventures was because she isn't a shotacon but lolicon
I'll accept this
She's not looking for love. I mean her character as depicted in the first sic episodes is just power hungry, sadistic, a prankster and sometimes a bit kind.
She's in pursuit Atomsk and she uses Naota only because he has the most N.O. or whatever ie he is the basically the best option to get her the power of Atomsk.
Its like you guys didn't even watch the first one.
If for some reason they suddenly decide to turn her into
>Haruko realized that the reason she wasn't able to find her true love among her adventures was because she isn't a shotacon but lolicon
then I suppose this guy was right after all.
I agree with you completely, but I'm saying that IF they do take the yuri route, I'd rather not have it be forced and shitty. If this was their reasoning for it, I would be somewhat ok with it, but definitely not thrilled.
I hope it can be close to what the first one gave us, but I don't think it will happen.
FLCL doesn't need a sequel. It misses the point.
I like FLCL that's why I'm mad. It's gonna turn to shit because they want to pander to the Sup Forums-tier anime "fans".
If the sequel is good then everything needs a sequel.
By that I mean if it even by complete accident manages to capture the spirit of the original while expanding on the premise without diluting it and maintaining the very appropriate visuals and soundtrack then I think it is a well deserved sequel. This is tough but it can be doable. It may be doable. It would be a miracle.
It would save anime.
Or not
Who cares? Everyone knows it's a cashgrab i.e. will suck hairy nigger balls
They're only bringing it back to make money off of nostalgiafags who'll throw money at it because "member Haruko? Member the pillows? Member toonami?"
It's pandering.
>But why did Haruko return to Earth?
To make money off of twenty-somethings who jerked off to her as kids
>If the sequel is good then everything needs a sequel.
This is bullshit logic that relies on a very mechanical sense of "good".
As expected.
>the Pillows are coming back for the OST
Did not know about that. S2 saved.
See this
What do.
FLCL was just a funky music video for the Pillows
Them returning means it can live up to the original
Actually, I think their presence makes it even more likely to suck. Instead of being something as wild and inventive as the original FLCL, this just confirms that it'll be a soulless regurgitation with no identity of its own.
You should rewatch it as well
yes, her motivation was being power hungry, BUT she genuiely cared for Noata as a love interest in the end, after he was willing to give up Atomsk and saving the world in exchange for her love. But she turned him down because in the end, he was still just a kid
No,\she could have stayed with him on earth if she loved him. Instead she chose to chase atomsk.
She grew to like him but not as muuch as she loved Atomsk's power
Im honestly just looking forward to a brand new pillows album that is actually produced well.
>No,\she could have stayed with him on earth if she loved him
It seems like you have some kind of memory problem, so i will refresh it once again:
>But she turned him down because in the end, he was still just a kid
Whether she stayed or he went along with her it wouldn't have mattered, he was still a kid, his love wasn't genuine and just a crush. She realized that when he hesitated after she offered to take him along with her
Yes,but Haruko does not view him as a love interest.