It's time.
Flip Flappers
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>[Cocona] Flip Flappers - 07 [720p].mkv
Fuck. Is horrible subs broken again?
What did they mean by this?
I want to commit a crime.
>that sound
Holy fuck I did not expect that.
haha what the fuck
please someone tells me Flip Flapper is just pure friendship between schoolgirls
Mimi = girl in white dress confirmed
Did Yayaka decide to stop being so amai?
The cutest
Delinquent girls are the best.
Webm with sound when?
Remember to get Absolutely Flapped this Saturday.
Ikemen Ikemen!
Any gif/webm with laughting gokigenyous from the 5th episode?
Hieronymus Bosch, eat your heart out.
what do you guys like about this show?
Only watched the 1st episode and it looks more like a le randum xDDD lesbo romance than sci-fi comedy.
So the kid in the OP was actually Toto?
>Only watched the 1st episode
>what do you guys like about this show?
it's fun
That's because you have to watch 3 episodes before saying anything. That's how it always works.
Not sure, show was very mediocre so far. But it has some nice yuri fanservice, so guess I will watch it
Doesn't help how soulless and shallow they feel, it's like the 'omg im quirky so happy~!!' personality is just there to hide the lack of something else.
It's funny you mention that, the last episode implied Papika might have some gaps in her memory.
Why do people do this constantly?
Why did you even watch it in the first place? How did you seriously think it was a sci-fi comedy?
What's the significance of this nail clipper?
So the 2ch "leak" was right?
Check archive.
with only 1 episode you don't get to say anything about the characters, not like you're being serious or anything
What leak?
It's... okay. Not Drifters good, but good.
Would you say it is in between Drifters?
New writer. Get ready for the old recurring motifs to fall by the wayside.
Cocona and Salt are Papika's parents or something along those lines.
Cocona and Papika's mothers at the end?
Papika was so cute here.
Same nose, I guess this is Salt.
Why is this anime lewding children?
good job
So the different forms of Papika this episode were obviously formed by Cocona's mind in PI, vut what significance does each have, what were they each representing?
I think some are obvious, like imouto Papika representing the desire for a familial relationship, the ikemen representing a desire for a relationship with a boy, etc.
But what about curly-haired Papika or gloomy Papika?
or/and the guy shooting Mimi.
>yfw she kept her promise.
Why not?
I hate this bait shit since we only get a few seconds of it.
Cocona looking like Satsuki from KLK god damn.
Preservation of beauty.
Okay, let's see here.
The adults are Salt and Mimi, the baby is Cocona. I don't know who the other kid could be, though. She looks kinda like Papika, but she's already teenaged while the baby Mimi is holding is, well, a baby. Maybe it's the coat-wearing white haired person in the preview?
Just a heads up, anons rwposting nip stuff claim any speculation are "leaks" just to sound more legitimate. There haven't been any flifla leaks and that speculah is probably just based on ghe OPs motifs, since "Mimi" has similar hair to Cocona.
The fuck are you talking about retard?
Is Flip Flappers breaking the record for most references within a single episode?
I saw curly as a more assertive friend that breaks you out of your shell and gloomy as the type of friend you'd have to take care of.
Well Hida gave us this bit of exposition. I'm pretty sure he literally meant only girls can enter pure illusion. So Toto might just be a reverse trap.
It's the male equivalent of nail polish.
Mimi is also Cocona's reflection in the OP.
Looks like Papika to me. She's the one remembering it, and also the first one to speak there.
I'd say Papika's mom or Papika herself. We don't know enough about Papika at this point.
It wouldn't make sense, though. Unless Papika is a robot, but we don't know that (yet).
Maybe they landed in his memory/Hell.
>4 bath scenes in a row
Is this the most wonderful sound in the entire world?
>5 more episodes
I don't know guys.
Some say 26 would be dragging it out,
but I have this feeling it really needs at least 7 more.
>it wasn't a haircut
I am so mad.
Weren't those "leaks" just a joke?
Like "Cocona and Papika are the same person, you can trust me my father is Nintendo"
Possibly just accidently right.
Could be a Rei clone or some other shenanigans.
Oh, and also, we know PI time is weird. So maybe it's some Gunbuster stuff.
Now here's the million dollar question: is the PI they've just entered a flashback?
Did Mimi take Cocona into PI and leave Salt in the real world? This would mean the Salt in the PI at the end of the episode is a copy produced by that PI world, which must be a flashbsck to the time of that incident. This would have pretty far-reaching implications with regard to the "normal" world Cocona lives in.
Or did Mimi take Cocona into the real world and leave Salt in PI? This wouls imply that the Salt at the end of the episode is the real one, and the one in the real world is an impostor. Maybe Flip Flap's goal from the beginning has been to rescue (or capture ) him.
Everything is going to be fine.
Papika isn't actually there. She is reliving Salt's memory just like the Sensei adventure last time.
In that memory, the actors are Salt, Salt's wife Mimi, and an unknown child.
The show is 13 episodes, so only 6 left.
What's up with the hole? Do you get automatically sucked into the deeper level of PI when you're depressed?
>This would mean the Salt in the PI at the end of the episode is a copy produced by that PI world, which must be a flashbsck to the time of that incident.
That'd actually explain the funky clothing.
How do you find it deconfirming? Cocona said that these Papikas aren't Papika she knows (original girl Papika)
I knew this had to be a real place. It's Fukushima just like the cream box.
>You have zero reason to watch this pretentious filth
The girls are cute and I like the art style, that's enough of a reason to watch it.
Dude don't, that cunt has been spamming that shit from the last thread
cocona clearly had the hots for the ikemen version. She's straight
Maybe it collapsed because Yayaka took the fragment out.
I forget if that's a thing or not though.
>replying to shitposters
That is definitely Salt.
And Salt wants to use PI to revive/bring back his dead wife and daughter.
This show is shit :^)
The PI was crumbling, because the Yayaka squad found the amorphous of the week.
Its still contains yuri. What you mean is no "yuri end" characters can be hetro and still be yuri. This is the reason we get so many yuri and anti-yuri shitposting.
It's a sign of kindness
Papika had the crystal after they escaped, and last week the hole opened up way after they found it.