Guns are made to kill people and serve no use in modern society.
Turn in your guns like Mexico and Brazil did, don't you want to enjoy the peace and security that gun-control brings Sup Forums?
Lets talk guns. Prove me wrong
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Those that revoke their freedoms for the promise of security deserve to be enslaved.
Eurofags are useless and serve no use in modern society.
Go get raped by a sand nigger and go to jail for tweeting about it.
Thanks, Abe.
Your issue is you assume having the ability to kill people is useless.
Have a redpill, memeflag.
>He thinks an Europeon made this thread
Of course, in the USA. Niggers cause 90+% of all crime....
wait a second, 4500 killed by cops?
i think he just means justifiable homicide, numbers are still corect.
Of course, most are still waiting to get wok...
Those that surrender freedom for peace deserve neither.
>Guns are made to kill people and serve no use in modern society.
They can also be used to protect people.
If there were no guns they would not need protection.
>Guns are made to kill people and serve no use in modern society.
Incorrect! Twice!
You mean if your culture isn't full of violent subhumans than that may be the case. You could give every Japanese person a gun but crime wouldn't go up other than prehaps suicide.
I actually might have to turn mine in soon. our new president is making the process to renew a license even more difficult and expensive. I could report them as stolen but without the license I can't buy ammunition. I could buy 100s of rounds and THEN report them as stolen but storing ammunition here is very difficult, the weather is too hot & humid and they go bad after a few months unless you buy a special container
Slide thread
Youre a fucking idiot
Taped and raped, but raped with boolets
>Guns are made to kill people and serve no use in modern society.
Argument refutes itself.
>guns used to kill people
>guns have no use
>kill people
>serve no use
Contradicting yourself there user. If a gaggle of niggers break into your house to rape and kill your family you will be happy you have them.
Liberty for security
>Don't make me pick up this phone user.
Guns are made to effeciently kill other sentient beings.
White people are not allowed to own guns for hunting any sea Mammals on North America.
Only Asians can own guns for that.
Guns can be restricted by race obviously.
Banning any black or latino militias from owning guns would be common sense control.
If white people are banned from owning firearms from sea mammal hunting on North America today.
It is no different to ban blacks from full fire arm rights.
>Guns are made to kill people
So some people need killin
op how fucking retarded are you, my gosh. this HAS to be a jew bot
Both Liberty and security can only be made possible with guns.
>Lots and lots of 'em
Mexico and Brazil are gun-control Utopias user. They listened to the "enlightened Liberals" and banned the guns, and turned in their guns. Don't you want America to be safe like these stellars examples of gun-control success?
Give me Liberty, or give me death.
>Guns are made to kill people and serve no use in modern society.
That's exactly the reason they belong in modern society. How the fuck is someone in a wheelchair or a woman supposed to stand up against a pack of wild nogs? Do you really just want rule in numbers or violence?
Guns are the great equalizer. Remember that grandma that shot the nogs dead that were going to play the knockout game on her? That's why.
On a side note I'm a machinist and can make a shitty zip gun in a few hours. They have illiterate tacomen in South American jungle hand filing ghost 1911s to run to Cali from scrap steel right now. They aren't hard to make.
>Guns are made to kill people
>and serve no use in modern society.
no, when a shooting /happens/ its fun to get /comfy/ and watch the /happening/
If criminals have guns,then citizens should also have guns to protect themselves from said criminals
>inb4 muh police is for protecting citizens
That's like saying we don't need fire extinguishers because we have the firefighters
Also a well armed population makes the likelihood of tyrannical dictatorships drop significantly
Do you think the last military junta we had would be hable to get away with the shit they did if half our population was armed?
>why do people need swords in our medieval society? Swords are made just to kill people
Especially when they are all false flags anyway and never even happened.
well if its a false flag then no one dies so no need to ban guns nigger
>Being a trained machinist and metalsmith
>Not spending his freetime crafting high-quality 1911s, Mausers and reproduction Lugers by hand.
>Thinks I support gun-control
Here is exactly what happens to fools that give up their guns in hopes that the gov will come an save them when the bad guys come to town....
Obama error gun control experiment in Iraq gone wrong...
MSM is forbidden to talk of shit like this.....
your a shit larper
>How the fuck is someone in a wheelchair or a woman supposed to stand up against a pack of wild nogs
link me ese
No you..
(Actually I am trying to make pro-gun message, by mimicing the rhetoric of the gun-grabbers, but illustrating how retarded the gun-grabbers message is, by showcasing the real world gun-control results, which is Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, South Africa etc etc)
Don't have to if you ordered ghost gunner through a friend. Laws can't even keep up with the loopholes.
A sten or a mac10 or a 1911 wouldn't be bad, but a luger or a mauser might be a problem.
People die, one way or another.
/k/ to the rescue:
>Guns are made to kill people
Guns are made so gun manufacturers can make money. They are designed to cycle cartridges, and meet various other requirements such as light weight, durability reliability, aesthetics, etc,
> and serve no use in modern society.
They've plenty of uses. Self defense, hunting, recreation, taking pictures of to post on the internet, etc. In a free society a man wouldn't need to prove a use, he'd be free to own whatever he chooses as a right of existence.
>Turn in your guns
No thank you I am having a blast with mine.
>How the fuck is someone in a wheelchair or a woman supposed to stand up against a pack of wild nogs
Their are ZERO restrictions form blind or handicapped people from owning guns in America.
Link what? The guys in the jungle filing 1911s (skip to 5:30):
If you want examples of mothers or the disabled or the outnumbered using CCWs or home defense weapons to protect themselves just get on liveleak or google some news articles, there are thousands. I'm 220lbs and can scrap and I still carry a .357
>Guns are made to kill people
>serve no use in modern society.
"Kill people" is a use. And often times a legitimate one.
What now faggot?
IC but if I had some skill along those lines I would come up with something unique and fun. If things go south your skills will be in demand KEK
Yup that's a worst case scenario. You turn in your guns, or you have no guns to begin with, and the CIA ships ISIS into your neighborhood. If you are the wrong sect or religion (like Christian) you're fucking toast. Never listen to the gun-grabbers.
Genocide and you have no guns
> If criminals have guns,then citizens should also have guns to protect themselves from said criminals
In fact, the most vulnerable are really the most highly armed to protect themselves from those nigger scum criminals...
knives are made to kill people and serve no use in modern society.
This is a pro-gun thread that you didn't get user. Thats what's now.
>Examples of gun-control success.
i want people to be able to shove these pro-gun messages and memes down the throats of the gun-grabbers any chance they get.
1.) Guns are made to kil people.
Criminals have them and want to kill me.
Which is why I want one.
2.) Guns serve no purpose in modern society.
Criminals have guns and will use them to kill me.
I want a gun to defend myelf against criminals.
3.) Tyrants have always confiscated guns before announcing dictatorship.
I want a gun to defend myself against tyrants.
4.) OP can guzzle all the cum he wants, but I'm not relinquishing my rights on account of a some anonymous coward faggot.
>on Sup Forums in significant numbers
no, this is definitely a pro gun-grabber thread seeing as brainlets like yourself can easily access firearms
That really IS Obama's greatest failure...
Obama totally started ISIS...
ISIS stands for "Islamic State In Syria".
The reason Obama and Hillary don't like the term is bacause they started and supported ISIS. And now they wish the whole world would forget it was they who did it all...
June 14, 2013
U.S. Military Aid To Rebels In Syria To Include Automatic Weapons, Mortars, And Rocket-Propelled Grenades
WASHINGTON, June 14 (2013) (Reuters) - The United States is likely to send weaponry like rocket-propelled grenades and mortars to Syria's rebels after President Barack Obama approved arming the insurgents, sources said on Friday.
June 26, 2014
Obama asks for authorization to provide direct military training to Syrian rebels
The Obama administration asked Congress on Thursday to authorize $500 million in direct U.S. military training and equipment for Syrian opposition fighters, a move that could significantly escalate U.S. involvement in Syria’s civil war.
Money for the assistance, which would expand a CIA covert training program, is included in a $65.8billion request for the Pentagon’s Overseas Contingency Operations, or OCO.
If you had rights you'd be able to buy a gun too.
I don't feel bad for you.
Hopefully a Muslim will run you over with a truck.
>Guns are made to kill people and serve no use in modern society.
THAT IS STUPID. No society can exist if people could not defend themselves or KILL their enemies. "If you want peace, prepare for war."
So long as there those who believe they are righteous and other must be evil, there will be guns. So long as there are those who think might makes right, there will be guns. So long as there are those who believe the poor should be left to accident and force, there will be guns.
No user, we need to teach the young generation of fashy goys how to win any debate on gun-control, so they can preserve our rights going forward.
>We need to ban guns to become a safe and peaceful modern nation
>You mean like Mexico?
>Why don't you fucking move to Mexico you commie bitch if you want gun-control so bad??
Argument won. Arm our meme warriors with the weapons of truth they will need user.
I see what you did there, OP.
Yessss goyim, give up your firearms and become peaceful like Brazil
Thanks and saved, but Obama does not consider that a failure, it moved the (((greater Israel project))) in the direction (((they))) want for sure and destroyed Syria, and Iraq and Libya.
Syria was barely saved, with a complete physical destruction of the country.
Serve no use? What if you have to kill someone?
Sorry I have to make a meme of your country and Mexico lad.
>The following is a list of what not to do
1. What Brazil did.
Send them to Rio
Adios Vanderley and good luck!
Hasta luego Achmed
My dear departed old dad once turned a Bren Gun on a line of surrendered Krauts after they found out what the bastards had done to some civilians. The beauty of the Bren was it was very controllable due to a relatively low rate of fire so he just lined it up with one. The big .303 rounds did the rest and went through the hole line.
Nothing of any value was lost and all for the cost of one magazine.
Germany non white in one generation.
I guess she doesn't really need that scope.
Guns are made to spit out phallic pieces of metal at a high speed usually around 900 meters per second and not kill people, guns dindunuffin.
>defending your life is of no use in modern society
as far as your communist ass is concerned, I perfectly agree
top kek
I fucking hate the british. You fuck toothed bug eyed motherfuckers fucked the fucking white world over. Death to royaltee.
ok so you're in mexico and you are armed. does that actually protect you from the cartels? I don't think so. They will bring bigger guns, and ambush you when you least expect it, with overwhelming force.
The best defense against a breakdown of law and order is eugenics, specifically, sperm donation eugenics. if everyone is selectively bred to be highly intelligent, there will be no crime, and come to think of it, guns could be legal without any problems, actually.
God damn the queen. You powdered wig wearing faggots.
Die nigger
obvious b8, euro flag is there for troll purposes, you state the most utilitarian use of guns as your very first point, then say that guns have no use, you then immediately negate that premise by posting a counterpoint to the idea that gun control leads to a safer society. Your post was designed to generate replies and I daresay it's worked. You've even gotten me to reply by commenting on and analyzing your b8. I know exactly what you're up to, but I can't help but hit that post button. Well done sir.
The day I hear about a cop that can actually prevent crimes is the day i'll consider it
At what point in the Earths history was killing niggers and sand people not needed?
>if everyone is selectively bred to be highly intelligent, there will be no crime
WRONG! Obeying laws and creating just laws is also a function of morality. You can be very smart and still be a piece of shit.
in the future, let's hope
>WRONG! Obeying laws and creating just laws is also a function of morality.
While I don't agree with that
>You can be very smart and still be a piece of shit.
This is objectively true. There is a direct relationship between sociopathy and intelligence, and their crimes tend to do much greater damage than some dindu robbing a liquor store.
U can literally go to a Walmart and buy endless amount of ammunition and nobody bats an eye
Detroit is rated as one of the most dangerous cities in US...oh wait guys there is a city just across the river...What's it's name? Windsor
Well look at this: Windsor only had a single murder case in 2011 (0,30 cases per 100.000 people according to statistics)
Hey but Americans have this weapon and murder thing cause they had a revolutionary and bloody history: Well desu the German History looks much more bloodier to me tho