Are you enlightened, /pol ?

Are you enlightened, /pol ?

I am The Architect, ask me anything.

concordantly, ergo, vis-a-vis?

I only try to make the world a better place...for me.

why did someone spend his time making this

good bait
how about this

why not? Let's have some fun.

and here we go


Pls gib gud git

This is far more interesting

there is no enlightenment, only ascension



qk and where are gnostics?

Why do I see 6s every time I look at memes.
There is 6 cercles.

Bready gud


> Brits
Litteral soyboys kek.

your image is cute. it may not BE a joke, but it's too full of jokes. a lot of your specifics are overly specific, or you're falling into language definition traps (eg. 'transhumanists'). the entire 'Agents of Destruction' bubble is a joke. AIs seem to be crossing all boundaries, as was always expected.

WTF are Panentheists and Keterians and Mauve Zone Witnesses?
Who comes up with these names?

>"I Am God"
it's good to be heard

nigga it's a meme infographic on a meme politics board
settle down now

letsa rolllllllll

What if I'm an alien abductee but anally probed

>RHP Chaos Magicians
nigga chaos magic exists outside of the left-hand/right-hand dichotomy, get it right

'mauve zone' was just a random term from a very minor thelema branch that some Sup Forumstard repurposed into a very briefly lived forced meme, i don't recall if it had any actual meaning in that context (and would assume not).

This doesn't make sense.

How are feminists not soyboys?





Nazbol Gang ww@ bois?

Time cube :) he he

Nice quads,

What's the mushroom cult?

gief based 774 /744

people who are woke as fuck on mushrooms and are the only spiritual contenders to the monsters who run this planet

These fuckers are epic. Got to find some for x-mas; for tree decorations of course :)

Need to make a point to get off my lazy ass and go pick them.


>"I am God."
>fish oil
>people who think this image is a joke
>"God is real."
>"God is"

What am I lads?

tears in rain


>Living where mario mushrooms grow
Where do you live, I do think they occur naturally near me.

There is some truth to this picture, but it's also full of contradictions

what fraction of church-going people do you figure actually believe in the existence of god?

sounds like enlightenment

I like Evola and practice meditation dose that count?

Also Muslims not the void?

>nazbol gang
I always knew I was enlightened

they grow all over murica and europe