Syria General /sg/- When You See It.... Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad
>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>Bukamal/S DeZ Nov 17
>NE Hama Nov 17
>S Syria Nov 17
>Random Nov11
>N Hama Nov8

Devs Nov 17
>Report: SAA have liberated most of Albukamal, leaving only the E. suburbs left to capture.
>With airbase liberated, SAA impose fire control over main road leading to Albukamal, likely to cross Euphrates soon
>Iraq announces full liberation of Al-Rawa in Al-Anbar after a short op against ISIS
>Hama; Qasr ‘Ali and Sarha Al-Shmaliyah captured by SAA after they launch assault from 2 axes
>Russian draft of Syria gas probe extension fails at UNSC
>E. Damas; SAA launch missiles/artillery at suburbs of Jobar/Ayn Tarma, inflicting heavy damage on Faylaq Al-Rahman/HTS positions
>Erdogan accuses Washington of sponsoring ISIS as well as failing to fulfill promise to withdraw Kurdish forces from region
>SAA fend off Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham’s infiltration attempt at Regiment 46 base last night
>Peskov; Russia, Turkey and Iran will discuss all aspects of Syrian reconciliation during upcoming meeting in Sochi
>Lebanese FM tells Ru govt Hariri’s excuses invalid because he knew Leb was going to maintain ties with Syria/Hezbollah
>Leb FM said that there is currently anti-Lebanon campaign aimed at "intimidating" his country and forcing it to give up joint gas project with Ru

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CBTS boomers stay out

Fuck I can’t post the emergency bread because I used the same image as you


Faggots here should watch President Assad last meeting.
It was all about Arab Baathism and Arab Nationalism. Fuckers here dont understand that without this philosophy, Syria would fall.
Remember, if you dont support ARAB BAATHISM then you dont support President Assad.

If you had to choose one, would you pick a successful ba'athist union or kurd genocide?

don't do it . no need to split breads on purpose
we did . me and algeribro and sourybro translated it you roach

kys mossadroach

What will the atmosphere be in post ISIS middle east if the resistance axis wins.
Do you think cucked countries like Sudan will switch alliances any time soon considering the Israel/Gulf alliance is losing in all fronts and lost its strongest allies (Turkey, Qatar)

i would like to know your opinion

on already exists and the other will happen soon no need to only have one

ASS*d kills his own people though.

Baathist union of course. Kurds are only acting like this because arabs are weak and divided.
Theyre like gypsies, they dont come near you if youre strong.

News and SAA interesting appearance for any who may have missed or just showing up.




ahh, i remember when i was younger, how i belived in all these diffirent conspiracy theories, all that illuminati and tiriangles and shit. Masons and Bohemian grove were cool back than. How autistic it seems when i look back at it now. I must have been 14-15-16 back then. Guess all these cbts fags are no older than that

> calls for Arab Baathism
> supports President Assad and only him in Syria
> gets called Mossad by some slav
Lay off the vodka

What were you going to call it?

Is Lanka here?

>Faggots here should watch President Assad last meeting.
>It was all about Arab Baathism and Arab Nationalism. Fuckers here dont understand that without this philosophy, Syria would fall.
>Remember, if you dont support ARAB BAATHISM then you dont support President Assad.

suhiles new boitoy

nice, I wonder how long this can get

Huh...never seen this before.

See , but replace “boitoy” with “gloryhole”

T. mossad roach

Lanka's fast asleep lad, it's like 4 in the morning over there and I don't think he's a garment worker

T. Rhodesian reject

>brings up irrelevant meme state out of nowhere

Glad you notice your retardation in bringing up the Mossad

>implying he sleeps

Ba'athist union presupposes (proto-)k*rd genocide

I didn''t, some other user did responding to some of your autism, nice reading comprehension lad

why you and arab baathist have to fight in every bread, go easy m-16's, lets have a comfy bread

Are you the bosnian that i had a comfy conversation about the balkan situation with a while ago?

I wish turks would wake up and help us with the kurdish infestation.
Wont be the first time arabs and kurds fight together.

m*j**s* subhumans get triggered at the slightest mention of arab nationalism

He’s a literal fucking retard m√64, don’t expect him to have an IQ above room temperature.

Because he acts like a obnoxious cunt all the time?

I think so

Nice to see that there are still some regulars here who aren't namefags/anime sri lanka

These cucks have their autism triggered whenever Arab Nationalism is mentioned. They think President Assad is some random faggot with no ideology or some shit Eurocuck liberalism. They cant make sense on Arab baathism as a concept so they attack it.

Boomers were a mistake.

I understand arab nationalism and ba'athism, i in fact think it is what's best for the region.
You're just very autistic and obnoxious


This is you faggot
Are you drunk? Or just inbred?

it's totally not because of my own behaviour, i dindu nuffin
t. bongroach

Could someone help me find the houthi song ''Flame of war'' or something along those lines, it was on youtube but it somehow got deleted and i cant find it anymore

>this user says mossadroach to you first
>think it's funny so in a light banter way use it after him as a joke
>immediately causes sperg out and anger
You really are the worst regular poster in this thread

I honestly think the less you get involved you get in the region the better it is for the Arab World.
And by "you" I mean armchair experts that think they understand baathism because they read an or two article about it on reddit.

>And by "you" I mean armchair experts that think they understand baathism because they read an or two article about it on reddit.
t. diaspora subhuman
unless you've held office in a baathist government, which as far as i'm aware you haven't you're just as armchair as anyone else here

>These cucks have their autism triggered whenever Arab Nationalism is mentioned. They think President Assad is some random faggot with no ideology or some shit Eurocuck liberalism. They cant make sense on Arab baathism as a concept so they attack it.

Apart from replying to my shitposting what else do you do on /sg/?
Ive never seen your kurdish ass post anything useful here.

So, at the very least, you admit you're an armchair expert too.

Now go eat some bangers and dream of how you'd fix every country but your own.

>t. diaspora subhuman
you just summed up the purposelessness of mossadroach in /sg/

>talks about the Arab world
>Spends most of his time in the European world
Mossadroach is a turbo cuck

Everyone in this thread is armchair mate

>hurr durr kurd
I actually post updates (if they havent been posted before) but as you might have noticed, it's 0;15 and fuck all is happening right now and ofcourse
>muh diplomatic analysis
The amount of hypocrisy tho,wew

what have you done to contribute to /sg/ ?
1 unsourced piece of news out 50 sperges ?

Damn son

to be fair he does provide sauce when asked.
but the ratio seems accurate

He is the worst namefag this general has

tfw forget pic

Real talk
Has there been 1 diaspora that wasn't either cancer or an attention whore cringelord that never contributes?

Quick rundown on baathism? What is it? The most nationalistic ideology i know is stalinism

What does the Mossadroach do ITT besides fighting and shitting on everyone?
Never anything useful, always a week or at least several days behind on news.
He literally just watched the last Assad speech, which is old news by now.
Turbo cuck Arab Baathist

kek, I called him that because I knew he'll react like this

Im already registered with the Baathist party, vote for them in Lebanon (we consider President Assad our leader), we're not talking about the Tories or Labour here or British politics.
If you dont read arabic, you dont even have access to Arab Baathist literature, most of it isnt translated to English.

thanks i guess, new development is that Soros wants to buy one of our supermarket chains, cant be good, he'd easily be able to buy the rest of the relevant ones, establish sort of monopoly and have politicians in his pockets
common mate, i actually devised an comprehensive politicall system that's unlike anything else that exists, or has existed in my dream to fix my country

The Iranian in Canada

>registered with the baathist party and votes
>This means i'm not armchair!
You're actually retarded

The state of the balkans saddens me, you deserved better as a region than what happened

I actually met the guy in the picture, his name is wiam wahhab- he'd call you faggot a retard.

>402 threads of useless larping
how long will they keep going for ?
it's getting annoying at this point

Boutef (he was kind of an attention seeker because he namefagged but he was still bearable) and most of the other ”””French””” Algerians. Also, all burger, leaf, aussie, NZ, SA (and to some extent almost all posters in /sg/) are diaspora.
>Arman Alizad (born 12 January 1971) is an Iranian-Finnish master tailor, fashion columnist and a TV-personality. He is best known for the martial arts series Kill Arman, which is currently airing in over 100 countries around the world. Alizad has also hosted several other Finnish TV-series, such as Dresscode, Unisex, Loman Tarpeessa and Arman Reilaa.

>"I-I vote for the Baathist party in Lebanon"
>Doesn't live there


>tfw this exists but the high res version still doesn't.

you dont understand that they really do think that they are unearthing some great conspiracy or whatever. They really do belive it, they will go at it untill they either get bored, get shut down, or the posters surpass the age of 16

he looks like a actor can some filmophile help ?
is it al pacino ?



Whats wrong with working in Kuwait? Its an arab country, it doesnt go against my ideology fucker.

Wiam was Pretty Based.
Phalange Shoah when..

>it's getting annoying at this point
Are you lurking those threads my dude?
Can't be good for you sanity

you'd have to bring me up to speed, i dont understand

Apparently she’s one of the middle aged women who posts there. But I saved her image because she’s a milf


Wiam is still based, I just wish he's join the arab baathist party instead of this Tawhid Party he made up.

Damn, seems like a really tough, final battle.
>Just returned from #Albukamal, it’s one of the most dificult battles against #IS, all foreigners fighters gathered there, all Shia forces from around the region+#Syria|n army+Russia|n forces trying to advance, but couldn’t yet.

ohh, i should have guessed

she drinks from the can and W O K E

I have the higher res version, but can't upload it here because filesize

Too process...

This is how i thought this battle was about to go down, last stands are a bitch


Syrian Alikhbaria Syria News TV Reporter inside Deir Ez Zor City said all reports about Kati Island being “Surrendered by ISIS is completely false and as of 15 Minutes Ago he hears clashes on the island North of the city.