After the left inevitably ends up getting culled, who will come out on top: the fascists or the ancaps?

After the left inevitably ends up getting culled, who will come out on top: the fascists or the ancaps?

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The Fascists. Ancaps rely on the delusion a state won't just form anyway; which is why you should be trying to push Minarchism. Everything else in the Libertarian camp is a fantasy comparable to Communist Utopian idealism. The individual will never be free from the collective because the majority of lower IQ individuals or lower skilled individuals find meaning through the collective. And let's be honest none of you are actually super soldiers, you would just get zerg'd by the socialists anyway. And your way of life creates a degenerate hellscape where all but theft is permitted.


>(((Civic Nationalism)))

Bismarck Germany > Nazi Germany

>Ancaps rely on the delusion a state won't just form anyway

No we know it is a natural tendency of evil to attempt to re-serge. But anyway lets not give a second to non-arguments

>which is why you should be trying to push Minarchism

You can suck his cock too

>Everything else in the Libertarian camp is a fantasy comparable to Communist Utopian idealism

Not an argument

>The individual will never be free from the collective because the majority of lower IQ individuals or lower skilled individuals find meaning through the collective

The collective does not exist and humans are inherently free. Funny enough, lower IQ people around me tend to be more critical of the collective.

Either you give me statistics or you are judging out of your ass and preferences.

>And let's be honest none of you are actually super soldiers

Lets be honest, your not very bright are you?

>you would just get zerg'd by the socialists anyway

What is physical removal?

> And your way of life creates a degenerate hellscape where all but theft is permitted

What? one of the most prominent modern arguments AnCap bring to the table is that theft should be properly outlawed to all including those who take part in State activities.

Have you ever taken a minute to inquire and read a bit on stuff before saying anything on this board?

Capitalists cannot be nationalists. If China will buy your product and make you rich a capitalist will take it.
They're individualsists by nature. Cucks

>Civic nationalism

Hahaha You have me convinced. Good refutes.

We will need the fascists to work the factories + raise our children after we breed with their wives.

implying fascism is not leftist

Hoppean snek would produce ubermensches. Anything with socialism in the name promotes untermensches of all races

>Civic Nationalism

Ancaps sound like the corpus

Also when will you cucks realize that when there's no government, big corporations become the government.. they control the products they control the money and the people.
Look at Google and facebook, coke etc.. all working alongside white genocide policies.
Naive as fuck.

>man I could make some sweet profit
>but I won't because of muh race/nation
_this_ is cucked

Yes I love my race more than lining my pockets. That's what nationalism is you retard. You just proved my point.

just don't buy their products

wow you sound like a superb cuck

Guys, you do realize this is nothing more than a way for the VIA, the JIDF, the alphabet organizations to divide us?

>mutually beneficial trade between 2 independent nations is bad

>divide me from collectivist scum
wtf I love JIDF now

this is relevant to my interest

>Lets sell literal useless and toxic garbage to our people and make them eat it all up with our brilliant marketing campaign
>Who cares as long as i get that sweet profit, money is all that matters after all!
Ratfaced kike, go kill yourself.

>capitalist materialist soulless slave
>civic nationalism

Are you still in highschool? How can you think things are this simple?
You'll grow out of it

Fascists I'd hope, an ancap "state"(?) would seemingly be a nightmare.


>civic nationalism
> hurr durr we are all equal, and nig nogs and spice are just like us
>if we give them the same opportunity they'll behave

>civic nationalism

> ((((((((((((((((((socialist)))))))))))))))))
Probably a faggot as well, judging by the tught pants and the faggot flag.


STFU cow guy!

stopped reading right there


I can't believe this is the mindset of ameritards. Half of your country has been brainwashed into retarded SJWs and the other half into dumb cuckservatives who spout dumb shit like "Obama is a communist" and get triggered by the word socialism.

If you actually think Nazi germany was socialist (economically) pick up a fucking book or even just read a few Wikipedia articles. Most actual socialists who cared about economic socialism and not just the collectivist (Volksgemeinschaft) part got kicked out in the mid 30s. What was left was an authotorian, capitalist state aka fascism.

It doesn't said he wanted to abolish private property or the single capitalist, instead he wanted to create a perfect society.

Fascists. Their ideology wants collectivization which is what you need to formalize a powerbase.


I used to think that these ancaps were starting to become a real trouble, but then i remembered that literally no one takes them seriously (except other ancaps, obviously).

>wipes Hitler's cum off lip

>Wipes black cum off lips.

I know that part. I'd prefer it to what we have now, but early America was ethnic ancap. Why would I trade freedom for authoritarianism when I can have the best of both worlds?

National capitalism sounds kind of cool and pure, but how will anyone assure corruption/greediness/kikes/impulsive human nature/sociopaths-seeking-power won’t fuck it right back up back into the capitalist system we have now?

Yeah, while you get blacked and blacked again your i.q. drop dramatically.

If you don't have a somewhat fascist/authoritarian state liberals and leftists will always take over and destroy it. The only option is restriction of freedom or creating a society where everyone is pro-white nationalism. Both only works by using authoritarinism.

Or in other words

> sell all gold you can steal to finance the party cronies you installed
> that’s capitalism

The group always beats the individual
That how the kikes beat us for the last century
An caps will prolly be happy though fascism will adopt whatever works best.
It is science and nature applied to politics

>fascists or the ancaps?

Classic Liberalism of course, With a limited voting franchise. Fascists are intolerable spastics like Marxists.

Can you adress my arguement or are you just too fucking stupid, Kike? I'll take the bait though.
Goebbels was a Marxist/Socialist too at some point who switched sides. People who already believe in collectives are more likely to convince to switch to the other side, this is nothing new. Hitler needed everyone he could, wether its Christians, Commies, Socialist or whatever the fuck else exists. This is also the reason the Naziflag is red.

NatCap is not Civic Nationalism you kike shill.

NatCap physically removes niggers, kikes, mudslimes and commies.

>what are economic systems
Sure, it wasn't ultra ancap but still capitalism since private owners had the means of production and not workers. Capitalism with a touch of social welfare (like we have in most european countries today) and a more controlled economy due to war. And still no controlled economy as in the Soviet Union.

Also they stole gold from jews and conquered territory only. It's not like they took everything german citizens had.

These American mongrels are so historically ignorant it hurts. Hitler's 'National Socialism' was simply a continuation of Bismarck's 'Prussian Socialism'.

>nationalism is never trading with any other nation
What is import vs. export?
What is having more exports than imports?
What is leaf?

> private owners had the means of production and not workers
Yes, installing party cronies technically isn’t the same as state ownership. It’s not capitalism either.
>It's not like they took everything german citizens had.
Not everything, but most of it.

I'm not a pedophile, but I'm hoping the ancaps win. I simply think that the ancaps have a better philosophy regarding live and let live, regardless of any (ALLEGED) attraction to children that a hypothetical person (not me) might have.
I'll conclude by saying, again, that I am not a pedophile.


Why are you posting that picture? I'm not a pedophile, just a libertarian. I value free association, free trade, and free markets. Sometimes there's markets that you disagree with, but it doesn't affect you.


Thanks Hans

What do you expect? Ancaps are always either 15-20 yo shit-for-brains rebelling against their daddy's authority, who don't understand that literally everyone is influenced by the people around them and the only way they can truly become autonymous individuals is by wandering into the wilderness and living like a hermit, or they're pedophiles or other degenerates rationalizing their sick perversions through economic policy.

A capitalist society works until oligarchs with no reason to uphold capitalist principles rise to power, hence we are controlled by the Jews.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as pedophilia, is in fact, hebephilia/ephebephilia, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, hebephilia plus ephebephilia. Hebephilia is not an sexual orientation unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning child prostitution system made useful by the NAP, DROs and Gadsden Flag components comprising a full libertarian social order as defined by Rothbard. Many libertarians are attracted to a modified version of teenagers every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of hebephilia which is widely felt today is often called “pedophilia”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically hebephilia, developed by my autism. There really is a pedophilia, and these people are feeling it, but it is just a part of their sexual orientation. Pedophilia is the kernel: the feeling in the libertarian that allocates the person’s resources to the other child brothels that you visit. The kernel is an essential part of a sexual orientation, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a free and open society. Pedophilia is normally used in combination with libertarianism: the whole philosophy is basically hebephilia with ephebephilia added, or hebephilia/ephebephilia. All the so-called “pedophiles” are really distributions of hebephilia/ephebephilia.

i have respect for libreterrians they understand the need for individual rights but at the same time individual rights is what made the world degenerate you need rules to control degeneracy besides democracy is a competition of who can tell the biggest lie

What a fucking autistic waste of quads

This has to be an ironic shitpost

>Radical individualists that hate roads
>fascists who recognize the value of both self improvement and group action

Ancaps would get wrecked. Everyone should just work together though. I'm totally fine with small covenant communities that are limited to white american traditionalists. Eventually that would grow into a state.


Individual rights have caused all of the world's problems? Get real. Most of the horrible behavior of today are thanks to bolshevik/commie cultural subversion and by the welfare state subsidizing behavior like joblessness and single motherhood. You are confusing the monopoly of force of the state with the right of individuals to make poor choices. Without a welfare state, these poor choices would have been met with negative repercussions, esp social ostracism.

Or ya know, race race race, le 56% face, shill, jew etc.

facists because they have a functioning governmental apparatus at least, whereas ancaps are literally just fuck you got mines

>nat cap civic nationalism

>Insert rick and morty pasta about understanding pedos
I'm pedoriiiiiiiiiiick

explain to me how an ethnostate can be achieved in today's america without making me laugh.


That's the wrong arm u bigot.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand hebephilia. The difference is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of libertarianism most of the arguments will go over a typical reader’s head. There’s also my liberty-minded outlook, which is deftly woven into my politics- my personal philosophy draws heavily from Frederic Bastiat, for instance. The ancaps understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of hebephilia, to realise that they’re not just attractive- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike hebephiles truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in my existential catchphrase “What if the child consents tho,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Rothbard’s Jewish epic Egalitarianism as a Revolt against Nature. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hans Herman Hoppe’s genius wit unfolds itself on their book pages. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Bitcoin tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 15 years of my age (definitely lower) beforehand.

Capitalism is kosher

Anarchy cannot solve chaos, rather enforces it. People will look for security and peace of mind, which a fascist authoritarian state can provide.

It will be time for children to grow up and stop playing.

Ok that one got me

>tfw libertarianism is indistinguishable from Satanism