Is white privelage real?
Is white privelage real?
Probably, but bitching about it never helped anyone.
socioeconomically speaking, absolutely. white children on average have a much easier upbringing than blacks.
To an extent, yes, although much of this is self-inflicted.
In a general sense, yes, but the term is attached to a lot of bullshit.
they'd have to define 'white' first and they fail everytime so no.
It what way?
Yes white people are wealthier than black people, but is that white people's fault?
Current events go to Mods pls move
like what?
Im talking white privilege throughout history, my guy and how that history affects the modern world.
>here is this thing that can only be measured on an individual basis
>lets ignore a more important one (social class/wealth) and generalize for shits and giggles
>25 year rule
saged and reported
Victimism doesn't inspire you to overcome your limitations or expand your boundaries.
No. Why do you think people in the Appalachians are poor as shit despite being white? Hell, even white people regularly abuse other with people, as the whole England-Ireland relationship shows. I'm not saying that there isn't inequality in the world. I'm saying that it's more attached to wealth and social status than it is to skin color. It was the rich white people that bought slaves, not your average farmer who lived from paycheck to paycheck essentially, in addition to treat the lower classes like shit in general.
White privilege is a problem that has existed for hundreds of years
*despite being mostly white?
I would say no
But if it is real, that means that there's an asian and a jewish privelage too, and looking at statistics, they seem to have a lot more "privelage" than the average white man.
How do we fix the problem of blacks feeling like second class citizens?
global rule 7, newfag
Well, lets not get ahead of ourselves.
It had to be a swede
No, economic privilege is real, in the context of the states, it has historically been white people in a position to economically benefit, leading to such a misinterpretation of the current cultural dynamic.
Maybe, in certain areas. Though is say black privilege also exists in certain areas e.g. universities. I'd say it's pretty insignificant, though.
Racial privilege absolutely pales in comparison to the one that is far more likely to affect your life wealth and being born in a stable two parent household, but at that point the whole concept is just retarded because it doesn't really serve a purpose. Rich people have it easier than poor people? No fucking shit. That's never going to change.
Fuethermore, a lot of the 'proof' of it (like cop shootings) is entirely thr fault of the individual, and theories like a white supremacist structure being hidden throughout society are beyond retarded and deserve to be mocked relentlessly.
"Is" is a present tense verb, your intent was obvious, you're not getting out of this that easily.
Does Asian privilege exist? Does African born American (actually thr most successful group in the country) exist? Clearly nothing is holding them back. They are a lot richer than African-Americans, though.
Yes and there's literally nothing wrong with it
Lol @ that pic.
Being a women, of any race, makes your life far easier.
You know the phrase standing on the shoulder of giants
It has only bit around 150 years since slavery ended in USA, so as a group whites stand on the shoulders of giants who made their advancements at the cost of blacks who were slaves. Then after slavery you have Jim Crow laws and the such, so blacks stand on the shoulders of people who were exploited and down trodden. So it's kinda hard to reach the same level that whites did at the cost of black progress. So yes there is privilege to being white.
about as real as azn privilege.
that's the most black thing i've read all day.
>ITT Murica wipes its ass
Such an hilarious concept as "white privilege" only exists in your bizarro country, fat anons.
>Is white privelage real?
Kind of, but black culture is also sick and self-hindering.
>some swarthy med
Based mods
That is patently false and wholly unprovable conjecture based off an imaginary conceptulization of how economics and history work. The idea that most Blacks in America are the descendants of slaves is even debatable. The idea that a large portion of American Whites financially benefitted in unique ways from slavery is an absolute farce. 150 years is a long time to lose everything. And if you want to go back 150 years, why not 200? Hell why not 400? Or how about 2000 while we are at it? That seem a little ridiculous? Well that's because it is all ridiculous. You are your own master now, stop begging me to feed you.
The shackle and obstacles, of course, represent her low IQ. Although I pity her stupidity, I feel no sense of obligation to support her.
No its not real, there is simply privelege and it is earned. 14 words.
Winners and losers. Which one are you?
wow this is so fucking stupid.
Dont know. Im to Bush traveling or planing new vacations to give it a thought.
Sometimes i shitpost to in between feeding my cat Salmon and tenderloin.
It's called taking care of your children, supporting them, and leaving the next generation wealth.
>Ball and chain
Low Iq
Black crime
>Barbed Wire Fence
Prison and gang culture
Victim mentality
Illegitimate children, absentee fathers, single mothers
>Spear Pit
Welfare addiction
The problems of the black community are not because of white people. They are because blacks cannot function in a high tech industrial society.
yes isreal
That entire image is fucked up.
First, white privilege wouldnt mean he has less obsticals, rather he'd be better prepared for them.
Second, affirmative action and other such programz, mean the obsticles are actually cleared from the black wimenz path by the state, and allow her better access.
Third, those obsticals are now part of the white persons reality as obsticals don't magically dissappear, if the black wimenz made obsticals, then the state will relocate them into the white mans path since hes better equipped for them.
Its the redistribution of poverty, not wealth.
Black privilege exists in the form of affirmative action and diversity programs
Don't bring this lecuckshit to Sup Forums modz plz remov
Yes, but first generation Asians are able to succeed growing up in the same hood. Stop being lazy dirty niggers
Slavery didn't build the US.
It propped up an export economy for a relatively small part of the country. Much of which was destroyed in the Civil War.
>murica is made o' cotton and sheeiit.
No, it’s a new speak term that describes the in group preference of a civilization or culture.
Try going to Japan as a white person and finding work or citizenship.
So what happens when one of them gets to the finish line? Then what?
Thats another thing thats fucked up about the image.
Each of the two of them has a different goal. If anything, the nogger put the obstacles there on purpose as part of her goal and has no intentions of getting to any finish line.
This. Its not very global if the leftist to claim whites have privilage.
IQ "privilege"
You could probably get an acting gig where you play the part of a ridiculous American stereotype.
Sage for age-old troll image.
Never existed. It's a fabricated excuse to shift blame for us niggers being niggers instead of civilized people.
fucking damnit I saved the thumbnail
no, not in 2017 thats for sure, ''''poc''' are certainly fairing far better than ur average white person atm, but things will change with the 21st century islamic revolution
Holy shit what cuck board was this moved from?
White "Privilege" in majority white or western countries is about as real as
Asian Privilege in China/Japan/Korea etc...
Black privilege in Africa
Arab Privilege in the middle east
Its all bullshit. Any majority ethnicity is going to have an easier time navigating life in a mixed society.
Only is western white countries have people bent over backwards to really include, integrate, and socially elevate minorities.
As a white person GO live in other societies...go live in china or japan or india or saudi arabia or africa, see how welcome you are. Count how many white westerners you actually see in positions of power in these political positions where they have a real say in how these societies should be run.
IT DOESNT EXIST. IT NEVER WILL. White Privilege is a fucking joke when you scale it with any practical or comparative examination of large non-white cultures.
The thing you have to realize is that all these terms and social science horseshit that websites like huffington post, vox, and salon, have normalized are just made up by cat women and 400lb PayPal me sheboons. Its NOT SCIENCE. Its just a result of the dividends that affirmative action and an overall decline (to accommodate 3rd worlders) in educational quality, are paying society.
I got your back leaf.
niggers should not be here anywhere. Fuck all f them
It is real in form of Intelligence and mental strength. White people are also born into actual families
White privilege used to be called White man's burden. Niggers gotta be carried.
If a person is being born smarter than yes if social programs then no.
Even better!
name one reason she doesn’t fall the same, clearly easier and better path the white guy is on
He's wearing a suit and she's also younger than him so its fair
Libtards cant even make analogies
Because they're always victims no matter what because they say so.
>short people can help you with stuff on lower shelves
that's a really good metaphor, jamal can't afford a decent attorney or a down payment on a house but he can help me find a good coke connect no problem.
so being white gives you physical advantage
does that mean that blacks have a physical disadvantage?
are they calling them dumb?
If your country has "White privilege" it isn't a White country.
Because the people who belong to the land own it, it's just normal to be above foreigners.
From my limited time in SE Asia, I think there is more white privilege there than in the West.
right so what if i'm 5'4 and white.
am i in the twilight zone?
No, the correct term is shitskin incompetence.
Thank you mods for displaying the corpse of this cuck thread from one of the lesser cuck boards like a public crucifixion from the good ol days.
If you had it from the other side of the fence, it'd be god tier.
needs an edit where a whole bunch of men are ready to help the woman at every obstacle, including holding the ball-n-chain
then the guy's side is filled with men ready to tackle him
Only if Non Whites are not allowed birth control.
>Is white privelage real?
If it is then I can't understand why Asians and East Indians end up wealthier than both whites and blacks.