can someone explain this le 56 meme to me , i don't understand it ?
Can someone explain this le 56 meme to me , i don't understand it ?
America is 56% white.
I'ts funny because they still act like true and honest defenders of white European culture while being mutts that barely have any European ancestry.
Russian disinfo campaign
what do you mean disinfo ?
Americans are 56% white, they had their chance to deport darkies after freeing them but they didn't now they claim to be the savior of the white race while being a proxy for degeneracy.
Almost every single cancerous trends comes from America.
Yeah if you have been following pol for a while most of us know its some sort of psyop with money behind it.
The speed at which these memes were created and then adoped is very suspicious. Not to mention the wide variety of this meme, while having the same artstyle, probably from the same artist.
But that would mean the majority of the country is white.
It do you not know your percentages?
Pretty funny meme that got overdone a week or two ago. Now its just shitposting that nobody finds humor in, but you already knew that. Didn't you?
Americans are not white and therefore free from the responsibility of perpetuating the white race. They can now fuck whoever they want. We spit on the grave of George Lincoln Rockwell.
Americans are shitskins.
i saw it but i didnt get the joke (not that it is really a joke )
You only qualify as a white country if the (pure) white population is over 95% of the total population.
It may be used by people, who are not individual agents, to cause strife within the board. It honestly gets more believable every day seeing as no American reacts to it anymore and nobody finds it that funny after the last 2 weeks or so. Most forced pol meme there is.
It was pretty funny to begin with. No OC with it anymore though.
I’m 50% Dutch and 50% Anglo. That good enough for you faggot? Actually don’t answer that you wouldn’t know about having pride for your heritage because you’re probably a stupid nigger.
Why do you faggots still get angry about this shit? They know that we're white. They're fucking baiting you.
I don't care if it's a white country.
I just care that I'm a white person.
Hey same here 50% Dutch 50% Anglo.
No one needs the mongoloids to talk about whiteness, thanks Chang.
Butthurt euros simply cant stand the fact thar there are more whites in America than any other nation on this planet. But with these effeminate faggots, it's going to be up to us to do any damn thing about saving the white race before they ever find the courage to follow.
>over 150 million white people in America alone
it's simple really: """""white""""" americans only are 56% white. the rest of their genes comes from race mixing of their ancestors.
Brazil has more "whites" than any Euro country too, mutt
It`s satiric, because they support Israel anti-civic agenda, while larping as the saviors of democracy in the world. With motivation being mostly the Evangelicals, whose shamans somehow memorized every line of the Talmud, but do not know a single line from Evangelion aka gospel. Where the name of the cult supposedly comes from.
It`s like if nazi (nationalistic socialists) party would act on Adam Smith premise, instead of Karl Marx.
Ancaps are worse than leafs
Being baited this hard. Could you let this forced meme die already.
Sure leftists supported the meme, because they think everyone is a thin skinned faggot, just like they are. But it changes nothing.
This is phase two of the [multiculturalism is already happening] arc. Phase one was all the white wymn and nigger dic threads.
The narrative is that America is only 56% white but even that white half is mixed and only white nazis are against the inevitable.
In reality things are only getting worse as this mixing is NOT happening. The more "diverse" we get the more divided we are as a country. Where is the unum now in E pluribus unum?
The target of these memes is not actually Americans although it plays off their annoyance, it's always fun to post triggering memes. The target is the European nations that have not yet been split. They need to keep you guys unsure and voting against your own interests until its too late to go back.
> forced
Fuck off Buzzfeed nigger
Our greatest mistake. We'll have our chance if niggers, degenerates, or kikes try to (((shut it down))) and inevitably fuck up in 2020.
The powder keg needs a little more explosives right now and the media and the libtards on the left keep adding more.
Yeah, it is Jews. After being under siege for decades, being labeled the root of all evils by jews/minorities/progressives, whites are finally banding together as an identity to defend themselves and ignoring all the attempts to guilt and shame them.
This has Jews terrified, so now Jews are pretending like Whites aren't really White. Standard double think from Jews.
>You can't have a White identity because you aren't really white
>But we're still gonna blame you for being white anyway
Just ignore it. Jews will get tired of posting it eventually.
Meanwhile, look at this ugly Jew. Pure mongrel.
>White Americans
>Most handsome
It's bantz. It describes our target rich environment. Unlike eurofags we have the means of fighting the war when it comes.
The real target of current memeing is really americans.
Currently USA is on the stage, where they want to built pan-american (south and north) union-state. With more direct control over locals, instead of using diplomatic, intelligence and military proxies.
Latest Trump activities on undermining cartels shows that vector clearly.
You can turn that meme either way, so it`s hard to say who has prepared the next step better - EU, Anglo, jews or freemasons and who is even playing right now.
Of course basic premise is
> i do not want to be a mongrel, fuck off with beaners
and is directed at american mongrels. Pretty powerful message.
But it`s also directed at latinos
> see, these mutts are just like us, they are part of la ratza, it`s not like neocolonialism at all, herp derp kumbaya
That are the two major messages behind this.
That project defining the politics of the continent, if not of the world, wont use any forced memes. They will use only long existing memes, that had no hype, so normies had not ruined them. And also everlasting natural human memes like "white skin = better" instinct.
>African Americans separately
America is now 58% we need a new face
Pretty good analysis. You Russian bots are good at this. Whatever it is the recent push has a psyop feel to it, it felt unnatural and forced.
>Averaging of the faces of men in the United States that call themselves 'white' turns out to be the most attractive in the world and the most 'white' looking
>Chink gets super insecure that his narrative has been destroyed
>B-b-but I-I...A-America still i-i-isn't w-white!
Purity spiraling chromosome sorters.
It felt for you like cognitive dissonance.
And seamlessly incited reaction in you. You wanted to resolve it and you chose your usual - denial. But denial does not resolves it.
The psyop probe clearly shows, that mutts are offended and can not form a coherent response to resolve the dissonance.
I could`ve helped, but you`ve called me a bot. Which is not as offensive, as ungrateful. And it`s not even entertaining. For too long Russians have helped and entertained the world for free.
Take it easy user. The Russia bot reference is a joke about our left wing media blaming everything and anything on "Russian bots" including Hillary's loss despite rigging the system. Even Putin has commented on it when questioned by the press. I thought Russian posters on Sup Forums would get the joke.
Happy to hear anything else you have to add although your last comment was difficult to understand, perhaps lost in translation.
The Russians have been punching above their weight for some time now, nobody can deny that.
However, Russia is ultimately a shithole compared to the US. It's a sad fact.