Now that the dust has settled. What's the verdict on this man?
Now that the dust has settled. What's the verdict on this man?
My hero. I've been studying politics, economics, and public speaking in order to emulate him. I've also been keeping a book journal for Mein Kampf where I try to fully understand and perhaps modernize some of his plans.
If I can be half of the man he was I will be happy.
He did nothing wrong.
The dust hasn't settled though.
He tried to save us
Would die for tbqh
Full PTSD and shell shock from WW1.
Face distorted from injury, odd mustache.
possible testicle injury.
It's never good to let any angry vet into politics.
Angers from WW1 fueled all of WW2 by vets.
Holy shit, you let a shell shocked trench vet with his nads and face injured from schratmel.
Lead politics. Bad idea.
he was legit
You went full autist man, never go full autist.
>Bad Idea
According to international Jewry and the Bolsheviks
Depends on the truth. We don't know the truth. If Benjamin Freedman was right, Hitler and Germany were mainly justified. Did Germany have WW1 won, and offer
Britain a complete amnesty, only for Zionists to stab them in the back? I would like to know the truth.
If I was teleported back to ww2 I would give Hitler every little insight and detail he would need to win the war
Also would definitely enlist in the SS if I was born around then, though I don't know how many burger volunteers there were but I know there was some.
He was extremely based and I miss him.
he was right on everything
You already know the truth, you just don't want to accept it because it hurts too much.
Outside of Sup Forums everybody still hates him.
If he had succeeded the West would have been a much whiter, less morally corrupt place.
Compare the absolute shithole state of UK (in certain places), and what it would've looked like under Nazi control and policies...
He had some interesting ideas that would have ultimately reduced the crime rate, raised a strong sense of community, there would be no Jews, no blacks, the technological advances would have been monumental, beyond 1st world. If he had won, but he didn't.
Listening to his speeches, he was spot on with a lot. Especially his criticisms of democracy and how it leads to two parties who are basically the same and controlled by Jewish capital.
He could achieve something great, instead he destroyed Europe and let stinking commies rule over half of the continent. Well done asshole
He was right in the end
>Always bad to let angry vet in charge of the country
Guess they should just accept to be the Sweden of 2017 in 1930 then
Yes blame the man that tried to prevent the war, good goy
See Vlad Tepes, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi... and to some extend, Bashar al-Assad, Putin, Trump...
Great men that were turned into monsters by the really dangerous entities. And once they were defeated, the winners rewrote history.
>the guy who invades Poland and starts the war is the one who tried to prevent the war
4d chess
ADHD sociopath British Agent drug-addict.
a tool in hands of the international jewry.
Vlad may have basically saved Christianity from being Muslim...
There is a reason that he was so hard on the mussies, it's because they only understand violence. if he was weak, they win.