Just finished episode eight.
My mind is full of little fucks.
Just finished episode eight.
My mind is full of little fucks.
Wait until episode 12.
I am looking forward to the ride.
Just on ep 10. Yuzuki (real) just became best girl.
Being Selecta is suffering.
Finished ep 11. My mind is full of even more fuck.
Do yourself a favor and don't watch Spread after you finish.
I need a break from the emotional rollercoaster.
Also Rue the LRIG Christ is awesome.
Hold me Sup Forums.
I finished ep 12.
How can I not do this after going through that journey.
Can I get a Battaru one more time anons?
I don't want off this wild ride.
Have you ever been so much of a lesbian you turned into the card of your beloved?
What is a Battaru?
I just want to hear Tama say Battle one more time. Is that asking too much?
Clueless user here. Please don't tell me grandma is Tama grown up.
I remember when people were speculating it.
What about the current season?
I feel like they're overusing this line a bit.
I want to fuck Piruruk.
Where is she when we need her the most?