some of the chants in the channel are not available online
and the thing that is for sure those that are SUBTITLED AND TRANSALATED ARE THE ONLY ONES ON YOUTUBE FOR SURE because i had to read a shitload of from the new testiment to find the right subtitles
orthodox music is coming up soon
Other urls found in this thread:
No thanks, I'm white.
who hurt you
(((You))), with your faggotry.
that's a pic of a closeted pedo fag who owns many cats
Mike "Allergic to women" Pence
Christian HBK activated!!!
this. which would be fine. but. memes did a number on the "collective 'psychology'". much like freud
The "Jews" (better known as Israelites in that time) were split into two factions. The "Jews" went south into Egypt and were enslaved, and "Israel" went up north unto Assyria and were enslaved. This happened because the Jews and "Israel" began warring against each other over various reasons. The Jews eventually returned, but one never found out what happened to Israel up north. It's funny because when Israel went north, this was also around the same time whites migrated from the Caucasus mountains (next to the traditional Assyrian empire) and into Europe.
> tfw Jews have had it out for white people because we have been warring for over 2,000 years.
> mfw we (white people) forgot about it and they never did (which is why they've been ruining our societies purposefully for the past 2,000 years.)
We all have wanted to know why Loxism existed, well there you go.
Thread already polluted by garbage.
Jesus is Lord, and suffered the cross to wash us from our sins.
Do not give into religion or any man-made doctrine, the only thing you need is Jesus Christ in your heart/soul/life. He loves you more than anyone will ever love you, He can forgive you any sin and mold you into a new person.
God loved us so much that He sent the Word incarnate, His Son, so He could die, go through the Father's wrath, in order to pay our karmic debt.
Do not dismiss His sacrifice, or He will do the same thing to you once you face judgment.
Bump. We need more daily christian threads. it would also help clean up the board if mods deleted all religious threads execpt for a few
>He said hiding behind his meme flag.
Bump for god.
thanks for bumping you 2
this is a great honor
I Will listen to it tomorrow. Bump.
For the most part I agree with you, the accepting Jesus Christ into your heart for the most part. But Europe achieved its greatest feats while under the guiding hand of the Catholic Church, who were under the guiding hand of God, we need a revival of Catholicism in the world, imagine what we could achieve with another Urban II. But before that can happen we need to get rid of the current pope, he is ruining the Catholic Church, we need to have the fire and brimstone brought back to Catholicism and Christianity in general.
But pretty much everyone claims to be descended from the lost 10 tribes.
The anglos, the japanese, tribes in africa, some indian cultures...
It's unlikely that any of them are right