continuation of the previous thread, come here Bulgarlads
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how is the fertility rate doing in bulgaria nowadays
well thats from 2011 and it isnt that low actually.
>thats from 2011
its probably even worse the more years pass, people simply dont want kids, woman now are all about >muh career and most young families have 1, or max 2 kids
hello im the hunbro from the other thread
Good country, good people.
i doubt it, its been rising since 2001 i think. dont have such bad visions vro. it might be like 1.65 now
do u know any bulgars in hungary?
wew lad
Keep beating those fuckers until they go back to their sandboxes.
is eastern europe as nationalist as they say it is?
eastern europe is a very big place. you cant generalize it like that. bulgaria is more nationalist than slovenia or something yes
Half-bulgarian accountant from last thread.
Few more questions:
1. Apparently Vratsa is a shitty area lol. What's wrong with it? My family owns like a country house there I'm supposed to inherit, it's not meant to be a permanent residence I don't think. They're from Sofia but just own a residence there.
2. How easy are your women? I'm fit and have decent looks and get a lot of girls here. The non darker ones that don't have gypsy blood are pretty fucking hot from what I've seen. I had an online penpal that was a Bulgarian girl when I was like 17 and she was qt. Do they have a thing for American/English speaking guys or no?
3. Is the political corruption and gypsy crime overblown or is it noticeable issue?
4. Where can I find this movie with English subtitles? It apparently exists according to amazon dvd description.
5. Do older people tend to feel more or less sympathetic towards communism? Do you have a problem with young college-aged marxists trying to bring that shit back like we do here?
>tfw growing up figured that having 1-2 kids was fine
>take the red pill
>have a smoking hot 10/10 serbian wife
>realize how important it is to have babies
>planning on 5+ children now
Am I in the wrong Sup Forums?
i dont care about the reffos, they arent that many and they fuck off to rich countries in the west with gibs after a few months, dunno why bydlo retards pay so much attention to them
beating gypsies on other hand, thats a patrician pastime
Women of Bulgaria are notorious whores, they will fuck anything and everything from Gypsies to Anglos. The so called "traditional" ones like in the pic related are the worst ones.
i dont meet many foreigners sadly, i rarely leave my city and tourists dont come here
it's an industrial city with large factories that spew black smoke into the air, looks awfully depressing especially now in winter/autumn
2. well my mother is english speaking. say some things about bulgaria in bulgarian, they would be impressed
3. noticeable issue. some places are ok though
5. they dont like it
yeah say that to my face you faggot bitch. my dad is bulgarian. all the 'bulgarian' prostitutes you see are gypsies or some other subhuman. eat shit
You are correct.
Keep her healthy, I knew a woman who wanted 5 kids but stopped after 3 because she didn’t keep herself up.
>gypo mutt detected
How is Uk treating you? Got enough gibs?
wtf what ethnicity are you? and how did you get a serb wife? they are rly hard. are you bulgarian?
yeah im ok. how about you low test faggot?
>hides flag
>talks shit
checks out
>Apparently Vratsa is a shitty
its terrible, the poorest region in the country, lots of gypos in the small villages, and pretty much everyone from the northwest migrates to Sofia since its near.
Vratsa is a comfy city, but good luck finding a good paying job there unless you have your own business.
depends, you can always go to some turbo-folk ngihtclub and smash some drunk thot.
in the same time, lots of the girls here have "daddy's princess" mentality and think their shit doesnt smell so they are a huge pain in the lass
3.corruption is bad, but its as bad as everywhere in eastern europe, its not latin america tier
the gypo crime id say is really overblown.
not that they dont do it, dont get me wrong, those subhumans live for crime, but they can pickpocket you or steal some copper from your yard at worse, its not nigger-tier where they will shoot you just for walking in the wrong neighborhood.also, its quite locational, i've never had a single problem with a gypsy in my 25 years of being alive.they tend to stick to their ghettos and just go downton to beg now and then infront of a supermarket or a restaurant, kek
4. dunno
5. depends on the old people, the ones that were you average Ivan worker love it, the once that were part of the "intellectual group" hate it
Not a 10/10 myself but fairly attractive and don't look like indio as fuck native
Apparently serbians love mexican novelas
I have those adidas, this guy don't look like a gypsie to me, more likely a turk.
you are pure spanish right? not at all indío subhuman?
and most serb-mexican couples ive heard of have a serb man and a mexican woman, like most couples with the word serb in them. see 'mexicans of serbian descent'
>se*rbian wife
>Am I in the wrong Sup Forums?
Would it be worth coming to Sofia in February for the Lukov March? Might it be like the recent Polish event?
>this guy don't look like a gypsie to me
nigga what, how the fuck you think gypos look like, hes as gypo as they get
t*rks look way whiter
yh this, gyppos look like indian level dark
I heard Bulgaria has Europe's largest population of brown bears (around 6,000), is quite sparsely populated (large areas of forest) and Gladstone is a respected politician
Are these things true?
>pic partly related
>british milf tv presenter whose mum is bulgarian
Not pure pure spanish, never took a DNA test shit so not exactly sure.
Definitely don't look like an indian native subhuman though for sure
>Might it be like the recent Polish event?
no way, i dont think this is that big.
it was mainly butthurt russian media that blew it out of proportion cos they love to use the "we are fucking nazis reeee" narrative since we entered the EU
Turkroaches are the scum of the earth, the only reason why they look whiter was the slavery that happened since the 9th century until now, much like the slavery that happened in Tripoli, reason why their skin looks lighter.
why do you guys hate indians??? i get the gyppo and the nigger hate because they truly have been proven to have lower IQs than normal people but indians are just victims, no?
cool, i respect spaniards and ppl of spanish descent, and mexicans like that too i guess
i think its in romania (brown bears) bulgaria has like 1000 and idk yeah to population. ive heard about her, looks qt.
bit tanned tho, but it might be fake
yeah, there's a street and a school in Sofia named after Gladstone
>Turkroaches are the scum of the earth
not wrong, but trust me, gypos are million times worst
there are decent turks, there is not a single gyps in existence with redeeming qualities
>Why do you guys hate indians
Put a frog in your lawn and the gypos will get away from it, they do that in Portugal.
All of my friends are getting married and having kids. But we are kinda konservative group to be honest. I have almost forgotten the sound of chalga by now.
not INDIAN indians, i meant american natives
i hate pooinloos aswell
can one of you sweeties give me a quick rundown on the main parties in your cuntry
its correct i think, i remember that old actress Brigitte Bardot coming here and working in some brown bear national park for some reason, lmao
>Put a frog in your lawn and the gypos will get away from it, they do that in Portugal.
kek what
which country's parties are you interested in
they are all shit
vmro is the least shit but still shit
They are afraid of frog statues and whatnot, they avoid shops that have them.
You're right, Romania is bearville. My mistake.
Also Natalie is 38 so I can forgive a bit of fake tan
What exactly did Gladstone do? I know he publicly denounced Ottoman rule, but how much did he really do for Bulgaria?
also, pic related(aside for Karakachanov in the previous post) is our most "right-wing" leader
our parliament is a fucking meme
>American natives
The ones that we got here in our country are basically foreigners from Venezuela or Bolivia that claim to be indians in our land to receive welfare money.
The real ones, I don't think they even exist.
bulgaria rarely had any contact with native americans
yh maybe
this imo
1. My wife is from Lom which is near Vratsa. The problem is that the industry in the area had all but collapsed and is generally considered poor region. But its very beautiful.
2. Depends. Compared to Western Europe not at all.
3. Depends where you live, I don't notice it but my business is on the net so I don't deal with local economics much.
4. Pass
5. More. Because they were young and healthy then and had shit load of money. Now they are old and poor and look back to the glory times. Not all though.
havent read that much about him, so i might be wrong, but iirc he was one of our biggest supporters when we fought the turks and started shilling for us across europe and even formed some supporter groups in UK
other famous anglo here
I feel bad for the gipo. he didn't seem like a threat.
WTF? Where were those women when I was single!!!!! I feel cheated now!
well memed lad, I already know about Slovak politics though
what makes them all shit, I'm curious
also it says that your socialist party is pro-russia, is that common in Bulgarian politics
this was for
sorry for coming through as mildly autistic, its 1am and im not used to staying up till this late
Why don't you guys change your name to Burlglaria?
u dont
why respond
The only people bulgarians hate are gypos and turks. And turks not always seeing how I had some good friends who were bulgarian turks. All other "subhuman" talk is pol projection. We just don't care.
>what makes them all shit, I'm curious
the socalists(BSP) are socalists, thats enough
also, they are quite literally the communist party that ruled during the communist regime with just a changed name.
their leader and our ex-prime minister became the leader of the Party of European Socialists after his term here, aka the biggest socialist party in whole of europe so yeah, they are hardcore commie shits as much as they tell you they arent
the right wing parites are a meme, everytime they get some momentum, some retard like Volen Siderov makes something aboslutely fucking retarded and people just shit on them.
GERB, the current ruling party, which has a second term now, despite all their flaws and all the hate people give them are probably the best option right now and the necessary good.They are "centrists", they do some retarded shit and ten to suck EU cock a bit too much, but yet they do good things like shitting on refugees, building a wall on the border, and most importantly, keeping good developement for the economy, we have 3-4% growth pretty much every year and things are improving relatively fast.I think if there wasnt so many turmoils with their governemnt in the last 5-6 years(they resigned and go re-elected twice, kek)the situation would be eveb better.Yeah, they do dumb shit now and then, but people trying to impeach them every other year only stops whatever good work they are doing and its fucking up all the developement, just let them finish their mandate and thats it, but thats just my 2 cents
You should.
so what is considered white in brazil? are you white?
>And turks not always seeing how I had some good friends who were bulgarian turks
i have the opposite impression, the "real" Turkey t*rks are usually way better and normal people.
The t*rks here that i've met were always cancerous subhumans, had that "minority" mentality, hanged with gypos and half of them migrated to Belgium and Netherlands to become pimps, drug dealers or whores
Well we do but based on culture not on race. Keeping it real with no SJW shit.
Maybe. My friends family were doctors.
>Considered white
The dutch, italians, japanese, germans, ukrainians and russians
>Are you white
Get rid of muslims, they are no good, we have 500 thousand Churches and only 80 Mosques.
so turks who assimilate into bulgaria r ok to you? idc about turks but thats too much
Also the poles.
>that random guy getting out of his car to join the melee
This is why as a shitskin you never roam street level even a group. Too many gankers.
thanks honey, sorry about that whole treaty of berlin thing
oh yeah, for some reason the good part of them ALWAYS becomes doctors or vets, no idea why.
there was this t*rk girl in my class, she was fucking insane.she was absolute outsider, never talked with anyone had only excellent marks in every subject and every single break she used to stay on her desk and study for the next class instead of going to get some food or hang out with friends...she went to the medical uni in Varna of course, that uni is full with turks, no idea why
what about ethnic brazilians? i heard the term "white" is very confusing there
>Ethnic brazilians
That would be portuguese that mixed with other portuguese, otherwise, they're not.
Well if they assimilate they are most definitely OK. because then there is no problem and the culture is homogenous. Even if they are still muslim if their day to day lives are basically like the everyday lives of Bulgarians I see no problem. All of this radicalization became fashionable the last 10 years. We had no problems with muslims before that. I don't know if we have now to be honest (for Bulgaria I mean).
>treaty of berlin
I worked in rural Bulgaria for a month and a half:
Bulgaria is what happens when you superimpose a modern capitalist society over infrastructure that hasn't been maintained since 1987. Everything looks stalker-ish. Barns, towns, cars. It's all top stuff.
If you have any degree of money you could move to the Bulgarian countryside and live like a king for the rest of your days.
The only reason why I haven't already done so is because I don't have enough money yet and Turkey is probably going to attempt to retake it in my lifetime and I don't really want to die defending another person's country.
What are some good food dishes native to Bulgaria?
Does Bulgaria have a national futbol team?
at least brazil has the hottest women
It wouldn't do not wary.
I'm gonna fucking kill you if you mention the berlin treaty infront of me
I guess it is hard to be an ethno nationalist when the eastern portion of your population are Turkish tape babies.
The edge!
That's a lie.
I said I was sorry!
>retaking anything
>going to a war with another NATO country
not that there isnt chance of them trying with that insane Sultan wannabe president they have, they tried it with Greece/Cyprus, but they are in a such a shitty position, they have no allies and the chance of kurds actually separating from them are way bigger than turkey trying to go to war with anyone, lmao
Erdogan is hanging in a thin line
>Does Bulgaria have a national futbol team?
>american questions
Ok fuck off
it does
What do you bulgars think of western expats like me who buy up your land? My family owns about 8 pieces of prime property in the best district of Varna. It truly feels good.
well... erdogan is kind of turning turkey into an islamic shithole...
English women are hideous, thank God for bulgarian women
I'm sorry mate, but Turkey is worth more to Germany than Bulgaria. You're expendable. If Turkey wanted your land Germany would give you up.
Put secret nukes on your border, that's what I would do!
Well they are not exactly rape babies. They converted to islam for convenience during ottoman rule and are muslim ever since. (All of the actual rape babies were killed after birth actually.) They are Bulgarian all be it muslim. We can't just fuck them over because of their faith. It will be better to work toward a common goal with a low ethnic tension. This is the true nationalistic way in my mind.
are there burgers were you are too?
Pretty sure nobody gives a shit . Nice for you tho
Are you a libertarian/ancap? Check this out
If you develop it you are OK. It is an open market.