She has done so much good for your country, you should be ashamed. She would have been so good president. I hope you learn the next years that only liberals are the real future! Hillary cares! Trump does not.
Hillary for president 2020
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
One could say its her turn
Joke right? Would Sup Forums actually fight for her or do the Russian hit job again?
You do not understand how capable the woman is!
Fuck off, Hillary is too right wing. Bernie 2020
>City people all voted for Hillary.
She is smart, Bernie is not!
Sorry, I thought this was the shitter
*Slowly walks out*
Democrats hate Hillary now
You have no compassion at all for these poor people. You should help them!
Can't run while incarcerated
Hillary Clinton is the worst human being in American history. She should fucking hang, and with any luck she will. If you voted for her, you should kill yourself for the betterment of society
They are heartless, I'm with her!
You must hate women!
Obvious shill is obvious.
But I'll reply anyway to thank you anyway for the laugh. Can't wait to see this smug, evil cunt finally frogmarched into a cell.
President? She can't even get out of a fucking car on her own anymore.
LOL, first one to see it though. Just playing around with you guys. I'm going to sleep now. Keep it going and MAGA! Trump is the best!
were u the country being influenced about diversity by america
Were you the one who would read one line above ... damn these people ...
By the way trolling seems to be nice way to find out if we have any bots here ....
Hahahha Trump 2020 fuck this also Sage
she will succeed without any effort because trump voters regret what they have done, 2020 vision all that.
hillary 2020. if she's dead, her daughter 2020.
In a big picture of universe and eternity, our problems are pretty much meaningless.
President of the equal rights for ugly women?
Nice leap there, your brain seizing again?
What a coincidence that cities are exactly where all the illegal hordes, degenerate genital-butcherers, enormous black crime, and general purple haired freaks all tend to live.
High crime rates, high costs of living, and just all around general shit holes.
i live in city and i voted trump, so fuck off nigger
I'm not sure if here are even any real people posting when looking at these posts ...
this is a hoax thread ffs!
>She has done so much good for your country
Like what? Name something. Anything.
Impeach drumpffff....
So you really are fucking bots?
type " human " if you are human. But actually type " dog "
Passing the test?
Human here, I see that you're the dog.
Who let the dogs out?
Hhhmmm let me review the choices we had.
A.) Trump with 0 (zero) trail of dead bodies.
B.) Clinton who broke 100 count, of dead bodies with seth rich.
I'll take option A.
I see fake news goys!
I voted for her. No regrets. =]