Which button, Sup Forums?
Which button, Sup Forums?
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Fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of.
Harem if I could fuck the girls
I want to find a way.
>there are people that wouldn't pick number 4
you guys need help.
Either the harem or the KyoAni one.
Either way, all I'd be doing is having sex all the time.
>Look at how new I am
Definitely harem
>live on your own with no expenses to pay
You had me at hello
Harem but only for the free living
>leader of a crew in One Piece
No way, we're only 3 fuckers and no matter what my power is there's a matter of time for a big name player to fuck over me, I could end up dead, a slave or worse. Only if the power were really cool but I can't think of one, maybe the Op Op if I knew how it makes you immortal.
>MC of a harem
Sounds cool but
>You can't choose what they look like
That's too risky for me
>You magically live on your own with no expenses to pay.
Interesting, living for free is neat, but it doesn't offset the possibility of them being all ugly or me being unable to fuck them.
>Main character of a mecha series. Genius, with a best bro, idol gf and can't die in a fight.
By far the best, I could make a better living than with the previous option, best bro and idol gf seems a sweeter deal than a random harem.
>Being a little girl in a KyoAni show, for the rest of my life
Eternal youth as a little girl, and a guaranteed long life since I won't have a violent death in a KyoAni show. Very tempting, though my adult life could be shitty even with a teenage girl body.
Nah, too much work
I'm going to the Grand Line with the fucking President.
Kyoani, obviously. How is that a choice?
i wanna be the little girl
1 or 4
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
First button, give me the Ecchi Ecchi superpower and my crewmates will be users of Loli Loli, Futa Futa and Debu Debu no mi (don't know the japanese thicc meme). We'll travel the world and rape shota marines.
The fuck is the federation. I don't care for one piece. I'll go with 4.
I'm very /m/, give me 3
Dammit, I want to meme for real.
>Which button
I'll take number 4 and join the Survival club.
harem and ignore all the girls because I'm gay and just enjoy an easy neet life
My one and only nigga.
You on the Federation, and me on the rival Coalition.
that won't work, something will happen where you have to pretend to be in a couple in order to keep the sweepstakes prizes coming, have you never read a harem before?
> button 2 includes free living expenses forever
I will tolerate the entire mess for this.
i've read jitsu wa and monster musume, and UQ if you count that as harem
pretend to go out with the kuudere then
I want to meme for real with the billion-yen hit movie.
Bring it on, my worthy opponent.
wasted potential. I want to make zeon great again.
Which button kills you, OP?
>cancer memes
Easy choice.
>no expenses to pay
button 2 = win
I'm a harem protagonist. That automatically means that i won't get a girl. Or will be too dumb to get a girl.
Can you choose which Kyoani girl to be?
I want to be Shinka or Kumiko
Look I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, but if any of you don't pick the 4th option, you can get right the fuck outta Sup Forums
loli>harem mc (if fug)>pirate>mecha>cellphone>harem mc (if not fug)
Keitai is tempting but I'll take Macross.
>I'm a harem protagonist. That automatically means that i won't get a girl
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
so i can just choose a superpower that grant me 1 piece and that will be the end of my story and adventure. no.
i'll take my chances, 1 out of 4 might be ok looking. at least i have food and home.
fkin feddies. SIEG ZEON!!!!
who doesnt want to be a little girl? at least i'll make some lolicons happy.
Threadly reminder that you should stop posting that because it's a thing.
Second from the left that way i have no bills to pay and i get a few girls for sex.
3, and it isn't even close.
Number 4, let me pilot my mechafu and I am golden.
I choose to fall in love... Kidding. Harem, pls.
I would pick 4 if it was a a little girl and not high school slut. So my choice rests on 2
2 if odd
4 if even
>i'll take my chances, 1 out of 4 might be ok looking. at least i have food and home.
These goyims get it!
it all depends if you want a girl or not, the gay guy earlier would have the girls throwing themselves at him while most of us would get the shit kicked out of us
Pt. 2
picking Udine is the little girl option
Has anyone actually read the Keit-ai webcomic?
It's bretty gud.
Mecha, no contest.
Definitely Neo-Venezia to become an Undine.
the second one. Being a sage is better than getting into superpower and harem shenaringans
Harem, I can drown in pussy with all my living expenses. I'd pick mech but that would mean having to deal with more Lacus. Unless I am a Char, if I was a Char I would pick 3
4 into 2
Harem so I won't be lonely anymore.
I'll show those pesky protagonists what it's like to face a boss who actually interrupts channeling spells and doesn't get fazed by the hayai meme.
I didn't look at the buttons, but I want the one that makes me a little girl
Harem option is trash
Mecha option will have my bros killed
I don't even like KyoAni
Can the AU self be a rule 63 version of me if not a particular girl? if so I can choose that if not I guess One Piece wins by default (as it usually does)
5, I'll team up with the hero to defeat God because the church is evil he's always the final bad guy for some reason.
I mean he DID create the middle ages
>Harem option is trash
Why? Uggos?
>mecha will have my bro killed
Thought this too as well
>one piece usually wins
Hahahaha, good one.
by default
the first panel already looks like shit, the head looksquished
5. I want to be part of meme magic.
>Can the AU self be a rule 63 version of me if not a particular girl?
I like how you think.
Didn't one of them become dudeweed and the other became an insufferable douchebag
>risen to kill you
They don't make'em like this anymore, user.
Torn between Harem and Mecha. I guess I'll go with Harem because I want to watch Animu and not have my best bro take a bullet for me. I just hope the artstyle is alright, wouldn't want to live in a world where everyone looks like thei're from Mitsudomoe.
Neo-Venezia, as a salamander. As much as I'd love to be an Undine, I'm not cut out for that line of work.
Obvious choice is harem. mainly for this part
>Also, you magically live on your own with no expenses to pay
Fuck being a pirate or a mech pilot, you could actually die. Would rather become a NEET with all expenses paid and girls falling at my feet
KyoAni cast but they have Keit-ai powers.
also Gnome is the shota option
i'd like to be a cute girl
That would only end up as Kumo desu ga end, where everyone is fucked just because you're tried to fuck with D.
5. I transform into a little girl, seduce the shero ,then go for NTR mindbreak ending.
3. Literally no downsides.
I dig giant robots
2nd one bec its less restricting on what you do + can be a neet
>sister must be blood related
Even better.
I didn't know highschoolers counted as loli these days
But best bro'll take a bullet for you, maybe literally, could end up killing him. If he can live and I can choose my bro, I'd pick this without a problem.
All of them
Or you can just pick the third button, which guarantees you a profitable and easy (for you at least, apparently you become a genius) job which would give you a way better standard of life. And the popstar love interest is guaranteed to be cute, there are no ugly popstars.
Also, it's not 1 out of 4, at least for me, the blood related sister will be similar to me and thus very likely to be ugly.
Being the main character of a mecha series is lame though.
Also you don't have to fuck them, just ignore them, and if you have to pretend to fuck one of them just pick the friend or the kuudere or something.
I refuse to believe he actually said that
How piloting big fucking robot could posibly be lame?
because every mecha series is dumb politics bullshit that are heavy-handed metaphors for WW2 or some related conflict
Kyoani button.
Yeah, but with Big Fucking Robots!
Also, you are basicaly Richthofen or Wittman minus dying.
obviously mecha, what kind of fucking question is this?
Middle, because who doesn't want to pilot a mecha and have a smoking hot GF and total bro who'll take a bullet for you
what if you're gay
The mecha one. The haremo one isn't bad either.
It's good, but I can't take it seriously because memes
the red one
These days I might still get a mecha out of it that me and glassesbro can pilot while telling everything to fuck off
I hate the story, but the worldbuilding and setting of One Piece is just too fucking fun.
I don't care for a harem, women are fucking annoying
I don't want to be a soldier, fuck that gay shit
Highschool is shit and I do not want to relive it in any body or time period
Keit-Ai doesn't sound that interesting to me
Fuck, all of these except 1 sound fucking amazing
I'd have to go with Gainax though, they make the best things.
Harem if I can fuck the sister otherwise kyoani I want to be my waifu mio.
One Piece.
I'd be a cute loli priate with a crew of other cute lolis. We'd be cute pirate girls pillaging cute things.
I'm taking mecha every time one of these is posted, unless One Piece is involved. Gimmie dat smoker fruit