>Flip Fappers
Flip Fappers
This anime reminds me of Phantom World.
When will the bait end
>tfw no creepika under your desk
Rank the episodes
1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7
Meanwhile in Cyberpunk Pure Illusion
>show does episode that addresses the plot for once
>story becomes twice as confusing
Wait, that guy and this guy are different.
Fuck, more questions.
This wasn't really as fun as the premise warranted.
Papika seems like she went some crazy-ass adventure that would've been more in line with the energy of the previous episodes.
There wasn't even that sense of melancholy we got with the previous one.
I know we were all concerned about the change in writers and stuff but I hope this isn't indicative of what the show will be like going into endgame.
The high levels of yuri-bate made up for all of that.
10/10 episode
So Sup Forums, did they fuq?
this style could potentially make the best looking epsiode so far...
really hyped.
The doujins are going to write themselves.
>P: No matter how much you change, I'll always love you.
>P: What about you?
>C: Do I love you?
>C: I don't know.
>P: Why not?
>C: Because you're not the Papika I know.
>P: Does it have to be the Papika you know?
>C: That's not what I mean...
>P: Do you love me, then?
>C: You mean as a friend, right?
>P: Why would you ask that?
>C: I mean, love is...
This is subtle as fuck.
Does Cocona love the Papika she knows?
>Senpai becoming normie
Papika school shooter epsiode when?
So what are the most noteworthy theories so far?
Oh boy.
Someone should edit the regular papika in this.
If she didn't, she would've answered no right away.
Papika and Corona aren't real and this whole thing is one big illusion.
Cocona and Papika need to pay for their crimes. I want the quirky and reclusive Iroha back.
no. because Cocona knew that was not her true Papika and rejected her.
Is it really that subtle? The mere fact that Cocona had to ask if she meant "as a friend" means she does at least entertain the notion of loving her as a girl.
This anime gets more atrocious and retarded as the episodes come.
I'd flap the flip out of them if you know what I mean.
Anyone think this PI is similar to episode 5 PI, in that it tries to trap Cocona in a world where everyone is Papika?
Mimi = girl white address = Cocona's mother = Salt's wife
Mimi & Salt were KKK's ex-scientists.
Mimi was "killed" during experiments and became Fragments used by KKK for world conquest.
Salt formed Flip Flap to bring back Mimi and fight against KKK.
Papika raided KKK HQ in ep 1 and failed and her ex-partner died.
>just realized Nanoha is one of the less yuri mahou shoujo airing this season, alongside Magical Slayer Yuma-chin
Something has gone very strange!
it's always faceless fat men
That Vivid Strike trash is not Nanoha, get your shit out of here.
That and the fact she kept encountering boy Papika.
>faceless fat Papika
Yeah, and she blushed at the indirect kiss too.
vivid strike is a spin off of a spin off of a spin off
you seem to be mistaken, there is no nanoha this season
Can't wait for explanation for broken or amputated arm.
Every other show airing is gayer than Strike.
>lots of series this season about magical girls getting into cool, colorful adventures or engaging in high flying aerial dogfights, while being gay
>mfw trying to get through Vivid Strike
Matoi is a very heterosexual show overall, it's kind of fresh.
Strike is not Nanoha. Go back to your general.
This is a Flip Flappers thread.
Episode was so-so but looks like it could be really good. I'm thinking it will be a Yayaka focused episode.
Also people being upset that the show's not gonna be as episodic anymore should have seen that coming since episode 1. It still seems to be trying to tell somewhat self-contained stories/ideas even if the overarching plot has to become a much bigger focus.
Guys, I can't take this anymore. Such amounts of lewd shouldn't be allowed.
This is homoforsure
Vivid Strike is fucking awful.
But yeah, like user said, this is enough off-topic chat.
All the Papikas have names but which name goes to which Papika?
Every alter ego Papika was better than the real one.
The boyish Papikas sucked, though. As well as the one in the booth making funny faces.
I wonder where we will go from here.
Is it possible we will have some super avant garde anime about a girl coming to terms with her homosexuality?
That was her robotic side ?
as you described this show is far worse than Gay Bears
I'm guessing it's just order of appearence.
Strike is complete shit in the yuri department. Rinne and Fuuka makes no sense. I can't see why they should give a fuck about each other.
Complete fail on the main characters. Seven Arcs should just fucking die already.
This guy is the one from the PV on the white coat.
He looks straight out of Gurren Lagann in this shot
this episode was the worst of them all by far
What is he doing? Doesn't look like hacking, more like story writing
>Salt hacking KKK
It has to be. Its the left arm which is used to play with the bow. I forgot its normal here. Its just odd how she has a robotic arm in the OP while playing a string instrument.
he shares Salt's eyes
My only beef with this episode was the out-of-fucking-nowhere Papika in a submarine thing. The ending in the field was downright weird, too. Everything fell apart in the last couple minutes, flashback notwithstanding.
I enjoyed the rest of the episode, though, if only to find out what would happen next.
So Cocona went to a love hotel hoping to draw out a stupid sexy Papika, but then couldn't follow through?
do you think she was relieved when it wasn't male papika
Is he the KKK leader?
7 episodes in, still making no sense.
Cocona Sayuri fanfiction.
Vivid Strike is barely Nanoha anymore.
I hope there's no befriending for Rinne, just an early grave.
who /papito/ here
Unfortunately I agree. It isn't terrible but it's not quite up to par with the other episodes. It wasn't as focused and raised some more questions without answering much if anything. There's a chance for some clarity or follow up in the coming episodes though.
Reminder that she wanted to kiss a boy but not a girl.
/u/ got told.
It will be like that until the last episode. Its going to be one of those "wtf did I just watch" shows.
>in a submarine thing
It's the Pure Illusion version of her pipe house.
Watamote Papika?
>Strike is complete shit
Condensed your post.
And also,
I'm believing more and more that the real world Cocona lives in isn't actually the real world. Too much inception shit going on here for me to take it at face value at this point.
what did they mean by this
So what was Yayaka up to?
The pink ribbon one (Papiko?) was more like a mojo like Tomoko
>cocona tries to go through her basic daily routine
>papika gets to work modifying their home
>cocona wastes time goofing off with every papika imaginable but her own
>papika searches up and down PI for her cocona
steam hurts like a bitch
There was never any doubt that Papika is the best. She even plays best girl in Street Fighter.
Yayaka is a refreshing take on the "best friend is actually a bad guy." So far it looks like they're still friends, Yayaka even goes out of her way to help Cocona a little and worries for her safety, at least when she's off the clock. Then this episode set up the "Yayaka will defect and join the good guys" plot which will probably involve Yayaka learning she can get what she was wanting/protecting with Cocona and Papika's help without the moral dilemma of working for the bad guys.
The road to hell is paved with pure intentions.
>Nobody mentions fake incest
Sup Forums, you have failed this city.
can they just get together already?
I like how all the Papikas kept her 3 ahoges, like that is her defining appearance trait to Cocona.
It's the "most" real world in all PI worlds as the basis of narrative if it is not real-real.
the best time of the week has finally arrived
>1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7
Nanda .. omai
Why are you posting this in a Flip Flap thread? This has nothing to do with the series. If you don't actually like Flip Flap there are tons of other shows to watch this season.
These threads move too fast, you can't even keep up.
Cocona was lost trying to answer what is it about Papika that she's attracted to while Papika just go "fuck this, gimme my Cocona back" and built a spaceship.