Doo doo doo
Another one bites the dust
Doo doo doo
Another one bites the dust
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Shueisha should've canceled Toriko in 2008.
Reminder that until the end, it was ranked higher because WSJ readers rightfully liked it more than Sup Forumsleach.
>HxH poster greyed out
Who's next? I also like how they kind of put HxH in the background.
Souma is next in line on the chopping block
Is jump dead?
No, Gintama is next. WT should be greyed out if you wantto play hiatus games
The sooner we end the shit with the evil dad the better
Gintama. Then Souma at the rate it's going
>Haikyuu third longest running now
Give us Beelzebub back and take any series in return pls
WT doesn't have hiatus arcs like HxH
Holy shit, Toriko is over? I completely forgot about it; I have ~20 chapters to catch up with.
Gintama has been in its final arc since early 2015.
Still nowhere near done, I could see another 60 chapters milked out of it.
There's literally a thread up right now about it
I'll go there once I catch up.
>Being Luffy is Suffering
He just recently became the senpai. Let him enjoy his seniority for a while.
Didn't his brother die a few years ago?
He's still got another one. But we're discussing WSJ, aren't we?
This is fucking depressing.
Oh I thought you meant in-narrative.
Are Kochikame, AssClass and Kuroko the only manga in there that's greyed out that actually reached their conclusion naturally and weren't obviously told to finish
Well damn, what else is worth reading that's currently alive?
Lots of stuff that isn't WSJ.
In there? I like OP, WT, Gintama and HQ
Not in there, I like HeroAca and Neverland
If anyone wants on the Isobee ride, I just started it
W-where's HxH?
In the corner
In the background, greyed out.
black out World Trigger. ITS FINALY GONE YES! My idial shonen jump will soon be true!
>Souma and WT getting axed
>Fujoshit getting axed
Finally Jump is going to get good again. I'm glad that nips are starting to have a good taste.
The day saiki ends is the day I end my life
Nice pasta
WT isn't getting axed and the creator isn't dying
Pretty sure WT will come back in december
>One piece isn't even inside one piece universe.
>One piece is about making WJS a piece of only one manga
At least he hasn't been alone as long as Ryo-san was.
Who said immortality was a blessing?
>TFW Kochikame probably felt like this when all of its contemporaries stopped running and the new blood started pouring in
hope so too. especially that cliffhanger.
does the original image have the black in white characters too? where did image first appeared?
I think naruto was actually extended far beyond its natural conclusion and THEN had to rush the ending of the innatural conclusion
You can shill it and pretend it deserved to be placed next to DB and OP but that didn't actually make it good and popular in the end
Final arc has began this summer
Why do you hate World Trigger?
This, that manga was always fucking garbage.
>6% average TV ranking, higher than db super
>not popular
I just checked, and KochiKame became the oldest surviving series in WSJ in 1980.
If it were that popular, the anime would still be around today.
Or at the very least, they would have done a second season adapting the Gourmet World.
Toriko was a worse manga than both, but he was a more likable protagonist.
all around me are familiar faces
worn out places, worn out faces
>it will never be the year 2000 again
>so many brand new manga series in WSJ
>the anime scene in the west is booming, both on TV and in fansubbing and manga scanlation
>so many great titles coming out, so many eager people translating and distributing
What I would give to relive 2000 - 2007 again, truly a new golden age of anime and manga we will likely never see again.
>the anime scene in the west is booming
pick one
It was close to the manga when it ended, maybe when db super ends.
>Another one [N I B B L E S O N T H E D I R T] on the dirt you say?
>It was close to the manga when it ended,
No it wasn't and do you really think Toei gives two fucking shits about that given how One Piece is treated?
Its boring and there better mangaka out there. Wt dosen't deserve to be in jump! Mark my word even better take a sceenshoot cos this manga will end in the summer of 2017! There is no way around it now. Ashihara had its chance. Let him die now!
>tfw Luffy will be all alone in the cover in 10 years time.
How come no other adventure mango comes close to being as good as One Piece ? What is Oda secret ?
>'Nobody can touch my manlet boipucci Komatsu' Toriko
>Likable protagonist
Nigger please. He a below average Shonen Jump protagonist at best. The last good SJ protagonist was Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
>what is HxH, JoJo, YYH
>wanpissfag being this delusional
Being a Hack
In all seriousness, it came out at the right time and was given enough leeway to expand it's universe. Something most Jump authors aren't given nowadays. Since Jump axes anything that isn't instant hit.
Also, it has a pretty unique world/artstyle which was appealing to me at least.
i don't understand why people are sharing this image as if the magazine was in a big phase two years ago. naruto was a mess. bleach was no longer respected for years. toriko was starting to lose track. nisekoi was never good. beel was average. kuroko was crap. assclass was boring from beginning to end. And kochikame no one ever read.
if the point is sales, the difference is also minimal. bleach was no longer selling as before. toriko never sold big portions. nisekoi still did not have anime. haikyuu had not yet reached the fujos. kuroko, op, naruto and assclass were the only ones that stood out in that sense.
nostalgia is a bitch.
Hiatus x Hiatus aka 'Needless Exposition the Manga', has like 2 arcs which are objectively good. The rest of the manga is all over the fucking place.
Parts 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are 10/10. The other are shit.
Another overrated manga by the worlds laziest Mangaka. Had one good arc, which was the amazing Dark Tournament. The rest of the manga was mediocre as fuck. Also, the ending was rushed shit. Level E was miles better than YYH.
Different strokes for different folks. I think One Piece when it comes to the 'adventure' department delvers much more than those you posted.
>assclass was boring from beginning to end.
I feel this isn't said enough. I never understood how that manga got even half the chapters it got. It was bad. My guess is that the fujobait MC was 99% of the reason that manga lasted as long as it did.
Jojo is super shit though, part 4 is the one that manages to be decent for the entire run, part 6 is really inconsistent and part 7 from half to the ending is incredibly bad, the others are so bad that they are not even worth mentioning
Hiatusxhiatus went to shit with the amount of asspulls
I enjoyed YYH but OP is still better, fuck that ending
>My guess is that the fujobait MC was 99% of the reason that manga lasted as long as it did.
this and
>school issues
the children there should feel some identification, i don't know.
I don't even know why he mentioned YYH. It's not even an adventure manga. It's a fighting manga from beginning to end.
>Sup Forums will never not be passive aggressive against the existence of assclass
The idea is fucking great, but the writing is lazy.
>soon to be Gintama and Souma is sinking like a rock as well
>Boruto is failing to gain traction, as is literally every other newcomer aside from ghost tits
Did Jump bite off more than they could chew? What the fuck is going on there? Are they in full panic mode yet?
Kubo confirms that he rushed Bleach due to his declining health.
It's okay, but does it even have any hardcore fans like big shounen?
He said he drew what he wanted to draw, I wouldn't call that rushing it.
He admitted that he didn't get to explain some things, so obviously he had to cut it short, but this is how he intended that Bleach would end.
I never read it actually
Except we knew that it was the final arc ever since it started and there were clearly things that could have been cut out.
I personally, if I wasn't feeling well, would not make 26 antagonists, I'm just saying. Seems a bit much.
Like 12 or 13 is enough
is this a legit cover? that's sad
I liked Torikos endings desu
>One Piece becomes the "One Piece" of WSJ
>"The only one who can beat me is me"-One Piece manga, 2016
No, it was colored in. I think someone on the Nip boards greyed out the missing ones
>Are they in full panic mode yet?
Jump has the best-selling manga of all time with at least another decade of material in the wings, and the magazine itself is still selling more than twice as much as any other. Why the fuck would they be panicking?
Pretty sure Beezelbub ended because the author ran out of ideas.
Not to mention that Haikyuu and BnHA are both top ten selling manga at the moment, too.
It's because we're living in a post-Naruto world, really, we're living a post-manga that started in the early-mid 00s which is when most teens of this gen got into manga and anime so nobody really knows how to handle it when so many of the manga they essentially lived with end.
Gintama's ending is going to hit especially hard because when that finishes, there won't be a single manga at all from the 00s in the manga and the oldest will be OP. That has to feel very weird.
Frankly I think most people that got into anime/manga via WSJ in the 00s have now stopped following WSJ because they're no longer 13.
>author comments
Wow, nobody gives a shit about Toriko
The shitposter comments only make Ashihara recover faster
yeah and than he made like 10 more chapters to finish some loose ends
sure he had no ideas
fuck off
thread theme
the author is a convicted pedophile
oc nobody likes him
thank you for demonstrating the idea that time passes
>being this retarded
Pretty sure there is a huge difference between doing weekly manga and putting out a few gaiden chapters monthly.
yeah and that it was constantly at rock bottom rankings and every nip hated it had nothing to do with it