how accurate is pic related?
Do we have more like pic related?
how accurate is pic related?
Do we have more like pic related?
Dont forget being a skinny fat faggot and having an Ona-Hole
sure, but all the kek stuff is more a personal decision, less of an imperative.
Needs moar anime, as well as at least 100 GB of lolitentaclefuta hentai
Put this in the pic for nofap, basically pseudo-science for losers who shame themselves for jacking off.
So they live in a Democrat/blue state (AWB compliant Ar)?
hey that's my pc case
red bull is a jew trick though
glow in the dark niggers. shills get the oven first
Alt-right is ded
Masturbation is a gravely disordered act, and is contrary to nature, and hence objectively immoral. You'd know that if you stopped abusing yourself everyday
Take your reddit meme elsewhere faggot
>I've never even tried to nofap the post
Either you haven't attempted it, or you couldn't go more than a few days without snapping one off so you said fuck it and decided to shame those that can.
what about the vape and fedora
crusader kings 2 would have been more appropriate, civ is leftist kafka.
>Masturbation is a gravely disordered act, and is contrary to nature,
What is moderation? Moron. If fapping makes you weak, then you were low test to begin with. Fucking beta bitch.
>omg i touched my dick waaaaah! i relapsed!
pathetic. Get a chastity.
I'd probably get called "alt right" because I'm anti mass immigration, am against a lot of the "progressive" platform, and I'm a uniculturalist.
I have an xbox but I hardly play it, I'm probably going to sell the thing honestly. I haven't really been into vidya since I was like 12.
Feminism is stupid in the 21st century Western world. Women have equal rights and society arguably favors them currently. I don't care about that though there are bigger issues at play, feminism is just a symptom of a greater (((problem))).
I don't identify as alt right or follow spencer because that's fucking gay
Pepe memes were old in 2015
Evola has some interesting ideas but I wouldn't call myself a traditionalist. I like his essay on Americanism.
I use Sup Forums because it's one of the few truly uncensored political boards online
I don't wear suits at all. I just dress casually like a typical college student.
vape maybe, but fedora isn't really an Alt-Right thing.
Get that kinky shit out of here
Damn right I'm assuming. There's only two people who bash NoFap, you are either one or the other.
>nofap retards buttblasted they're not watching hentai for no reason
reminder that there is absolutely zero real science behind nofap having any benefits whatsoever
/lgbt/ is that way you unchaste degenerate.
replace the red bull with a carton of Delicious white MILK
>Typical college student
>politically inclined and right leaning otherwise you wouldn't be here
Prepare to be bullycided until you're full Alt-Right and embrace a LOT of traditionalist view point. That's what I hear is going on in colleges among right leaning politically minded individuals.
>zero real science
>brain scans of your brain on porn and off
pick one
this, ck2 is awesome.
>have huge plague in my country
>pope tells me that the jews did it
>expel the jews from my land and seize all their money
>civ is leftist
excuse me? Pls tell me this isn't true
>doing something productive rather than wasting time watching hentai
add fapping to traps and r/the_donald to that
you're ... trolling right?
you realize there's brain scans between your brain eating food and not eating food or sleeping and not sleeping right?
that doesn't prove or disprove anything you buffoon
you're ... trolling right?
you realize there's brain scans between your brain eating food and not eating food or sleeping and not sleeping right?
that doesn't prove or disprove anything you buffoon
it just means your brain is stimulated when watching porn and not stimulated when you're doing nothing
it's called moderation
i fap like 3-5 times a day sometimes not at all
i watch porn like once a month however
its called moderation and self discipline
neither of those things require going several months without masturbation
>it's called moderation
>i fap like 3-5 times a day
>implying the Alt-Right isn't constantly saying traps are gay and railing on r/the_donald for being basic bitch civnat cucks
>Damn right I'm assuming. There's only two people who bash NoFap, you are either one or the other.
Holy fuck you're stupid, I've done nofap for 2 months and the "benefits" just made me horny all the time and unable to fall asleep at night. I can function fine if i fap once/twice a week. Nofap is pseudo-science, that's why i'm bashing it. You have no citations for your claims other than "ur degenerate" and assumptions like "lol u didnt ever do nofap". Retarded faggot.
I'm done with you
>3-5 times a day
thats alot
Missing mien kamph
Kekistani faggots dont read, get Evola out of this meme image
>bugman starterpack
I like it
what a waste of quads
desu, I got this before Kekistan became what it did
Don't lump charles murray in with this nonsense, the bell curve is a good book
Bell Curve is a solid foundational piece of Alt-Right beliefs and arguments.
>xbox and civ vi
PC master race + crusader kings
>10 round mag
Now I know you're trolling
>no citations
>no arguments
lol, try not to cry yourself to sleep when you fap next time, whip yourself 10 times to make sure you don't do it again cuck.
Why is Evola considered to be for edgelords? I am genuinely interested in his works and am beginning with The Mystery of the Grail after I finish the book I'm on now
One small part of it maybe. It's not a book about race, it's a book about cognitive stratification.
he isn't any more edgy than Nietzsche
>can't form any coherent arguments at all
>call him a jew and leave!
lemme guess you're a no vaxxer too
>civ vi
That's a 4(iv) you dumbass
>no vaxxer
haven't looked too much into it, but wouldn't surprise me to learn (((they))) actually are putting shit into them.
uhuh yep
everything is a lie including polio and smallpox
kys and dont reproduce you tremendous idiot
I'm not saying it's a lie, I'm just saying it'd be fitting for (((their))) MO to do something like that.
Ok. I've seen 'evolafag' thrown around from time to time, and I was wondering if there was some dimension to his works that made it seem deeper than it really is and thus attract people looking to selectively quote it, etc
why does the assualt rifle have such a small magazine? what are we faggots?
well im sure the second you read even one sentence of antivaxx propaganda you'll be convinced
Fail meme
Remove the kek and vidya trash, add Culture of Critique and a merchant meme.
Why must everything I once loved be turned into consumerist trash?
They go out of their way to include irrelevant female leaders instead of their more important, historically relevant male counterparts. Theodora as leader of the Byzantines? She was the wife of Justinian II, arguably the greatest leader of his time. They have that black chick now and a whole slew of diverse characters. 5 was better than 6 personally, but 6 has a lot of the multi-culti propaganda pushed into it.
There's nothing wrong with that hand gun.
A part of me wants to go ahead and assume you meant 3-5 times a week, not a day. But then again, I remember which site I'm on.
usually once or twice during the day and once before im going to sleep
there's zero reason why i shouldn't
This image is both hilarious and pathetic. Please tell me this shit is satire.
>no anime
>no tendies
>no blacked subscription
>no picture of asian chicks
Day 1: Gym, do some arms. If you can't do a gym trip, do some arm workouts at home. Look them up, pushups are fine if you pace yourself correctly. It's going to hurt the first few times. Finish it off with planks or situps.
Day 2: Cardio baby. Run to a (relatively short, no more than a minute) set distance and back, and then do some pushups. Repeat said run and do situps. Then do sprints and burpees. Then finish it off with a bearcrawl to the first set distance and back.
Day 3: Gym. More arms, or chest/shoulders. Your choice pal. Finish it off with planks or situps.
Day 4: Running! Time a mile. Get an app that tracks how far you've run, and track how long it takes to traverse a mile. It will hurt and you will get stitches. Do NOT stop moving, it is okay to walk in between bouts. It WILL tire you out.
Day 5: Gym. Leg day. Look up some leg workouts. Grab some weights and lunge a certain distance. It's good to pick a weight slightly larger than the ones you curl with, as it works out your forearm (girls love forearm). If you curl a 25 lb, lunge walk a certain distance (30 feet or so) and back while holding two 30s at your side. Make sure to work out your calves and thighs, don't focus on one over the others. Thighs will help your running endurance more but calves are more noticeable at face value. There are machines to focus on both but if working at home you'll have to look up some workouts, I've never done legs at home.
Day 6: Your legs are going to hurt if you worked out properly yesterday, so do arms, back, or chest/shoulders at the gym. Whichever you prefer.
Day 7: Rest day, feel free to relax and not eat like a fat fuck. It's important to ingest some protein after each workout, or at least before sleeping. Even if it happens to be fast food, although it's discouraged. Chicken patties are a good source of protein if you're at a college campus, and easily located.
Good luck user, you'll feel less urge to masturbate. Trust me. I was worse at one point
This is by no means definitive, but this is essentially what I did when I became more /fit/. I needed someone to spell it out for me and if anyone here is the same way, this is a decent starting point. You'll learn more as you go on. The most important exercise is beginning to exercise in the first place. Develop a habit and discipline yourself. It's a part of your duty as a man.
>running a mile
What do if my legs giving out was my biggest problem? I was thinking biking for a month then switching over to running after I've built my leg muscles back up
where is the gym membership card?
my wife makes me wear one so i dont cheat on her
I didn't know you guys liked Civ IV, it really is my favorite in the franchise.
Do couch to 5k
Biking is fantastic, especially if you live somewhere where there is an incline present. Here in Florida I'd have to simulate it through a stationary bike at the gym of some sort, and it's not my style. I'd love to be able to bike, it's very relaxing and can be therapeutic depending on the weather. Biking is a good way to build your legs back up if you push yourself, your first mile time should be below ten minutes if you walk in between bouts of exhaustion. Mine was 8:30 or so, I forget the exact time, it's been a while.
And no shame if your mile is over 10 minutes, I was 140 lbs or so when I started running so depending on your weight it may vary. The important part is to feel the burn and to work hard at improving your times and distances. I personally run to my gym until my first bout of exhaustion, and then walk the rest. I repeat when returning. I'd recommend it as an addition to anyone living near a gym or on campus.
>tfw I'm working toward joining the Muhreens and I need to do 1.5 miles in like 13:30
Plenty of inclines around here. I gotta get a new front tire tho. Bitch won't hold air
Good luck mate, anything is possible. Rooting for you user. I wish Sup Forums was more /fit/, it's tough being in good-shape and remaining progressive or postmodern in thought. My normie friends who happen to be buff or fit even comment daily on the flaws of democracy and people can't be trusted to govern themselves or elect representatives because of the sheeple effect. Some lean lolbertarian and some lean right-wing authoritarian, but none lean left - and that's something I'm fine with.
Civ 5 & 6 is garbage fucking 1 unit per turn
I think the Asian wife thing there is a bit of projection on the Alt Rights part.
I just wish the /sig/ threads didn't get shoahed to /bant/ every time...
this is the real alt-right starter pack
>tfw I hear his manifesto is actually WOKE
I can't even make it more than one day. It sucks having a high sex drive.
>tfw I post
I know that feel, user. I've had a problem keeping it down myself for years. I've actually found that not fapping so much actually gave me a bit more control. Also, if you're still a teen relax about it, your shit is super fucked up right now. Don't admit if you are because underage b&
The biggest thing is video porn. Knock that shit off. That's what REALLY fucks with you
nofap is a meme you twat
it unironically is. if you want to get into kaczynski, you should read industrial society and its future first since it's only about 35 pages. after, definitely "anti-tech revolution: why and how", and technological slavery, which combines his manifesto with collected works by him after his imprisonment.
kaczynsi's ideas aren't completely original (draws on ellul and maybe a bit of mcluhan), but he lays out an anti-technology stance in a bare-bones, logical fashion. his basic argument is that technology begins as luxury, evolves into a necessity, becomes addictive, and imposes burdens on society and the individual that no sane person would ever willingly take on
idk, I agree with that premise, but we need technology to leave this planet so we live on after this planet is eaten by the Sun in 500,000 years or whatever