How much more can we take, Sup Forums?
How much more can we take, Sup Forums?
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She'll hang on the day of the rope. Unless the camel raper kills her first.
Jeez pol.
Why can't you accept the love of two people?
Why are you people so sad?
It's just a lovely pair, nothing more.
And he seems like a cool dude to hang around with
Who is she talking about? Interpol?
Sweden is considered dead at least a year.
Dunno how can you take it anymore
sweden did almost nothing to progress white society, they are a pretty backward people, granted, well behaved when taught to be, but not much more.
it was mostly britain france germany and italy that made whites great.
No surprise that they just lie down and take their own genocide in the ass when the kikes tell them to.
>whites males become timid and feminized
>white females find males of their races more attractive.
Better than a black guy. Sand nigger genes arent as strong and their kids might look like the hadid sisters, but from the looks of this guy he's probably a paki so it might ened up lookin like tara mccarthy or some zayn malik shit.
Yeah lets not forget about the Dutch
He's accused of rape, I know that much. Was revealed a few days ago
can i get the quick rundown?
What do you have against Greeks Sven?
>inb4 inb4 butthurt whitebois reply to this shit
>inb4 butthurt niggerbois start posting cuck shit
>inb4 someone says "mods"
>inb4 someone says "this is your future whiteboi"
>inb4 butthurt whiteboi says "cherrypicking bs"
>inb4 178 replies and 40 images ommited
And she's in the Swedish congress I think
Εγο ειμαι ελλινιkι
>inb4 mudslime flinging whatever to hide the fact they'll be killing each other for centuries in tribal conflicts.
>inb4 roastie finds out how Islam treats women and tries to leave him.
>inb4 roastie is shot in the back of the head for not wearing the hijab.
I thought you would know better
White women are the statiscally least likely demographic to date outside their race.
Maybe grow the fuck up and you could get one.
eh, not bad for google translate. Since there are a few Swedes on this thread I'll ask. Any more of this? I love this song, the video too, you guys have some awesome tunes.
I actually do have a greek mother but dont really speak greek unfortunately
Can’t help you mate, never listened to any swedish folk music
Gas all women. Replace them with clones. Mod their DNA to hate anything but white men.
ah, shame. So half Greek, half Swedish? Ever been to Greece?
Maybe he's a cool, well adjusted guy. And you're a fat beta cuck?
Yup that's why I have it saved. Northerners have some of the most beautiful women on earth. Here's another one, my american man of culture.
Likely as not she was raised in a middle class liberal home by the type of people who voted for leftist parties who have allowed Ali and Jamal to feast on western girls
Day of the rope will never happen
She won't be hanged
Even in some large scale white riot, she'll be forgiven because she's a girl
Get a fucking grip on reality
Here's one from my tiddies folder, Greekanon
He sure is Tyrone Hernadez.
Yes, almost every summer, except for when I was 15-20 yr old and had my edgelord phase and started hating on Greece for some reason. I went for almost a month the last three summers though, I like it very much :) My mum is from epirus
You ever been to Sweden?
They're both white (the guy is southern European white), what's the problem again? I thought we were only against race mixing
Ha, looks surprisingly like my cousin. Ok, one more, an American one this time. I know she's a hippie, but damn, how she manages to have more class than 90% of modern women in those clothes while selling flowers, I do not know.
Eh, we all go through our edgelord phase. Never been to Sweden myself I am afraid. The closer I have been to was Finland. I would imagine it is not too different? Outside Sup Forums memes ofc. And the saunas :D And yeah, Epirus is preety great, most mountainous area in Europe after Switzerland, great for winter sports. There are some fantastic hotels and ski resorts there I can highly recommend. Me and the wife go hunting for deer and boar there almost every year.
Haha we have saunas here too! But yeah it’s kinda similar, only more immigrants I guess
Yeah it is a great region! Villages in the mountainsides that look like central european almost, and not too far to go to igoumenitsa or perdika or somewhere to swim, I like it a lot! I remember being surprised to hear there were so much wildlife cause I kinda just figured there only were dogs with no masters in Greece as a kid... That’s cool you hunt with your wife! I can imagine it’s pretty hard in such rugged conditions, not like here when you can just waltz out into the woods and have the time of your life and shoot an elk while you’re at it
Gotta get back to my studies, nice to meet you greekbro
lol this was taken on the set of Dazed and Confused. Not old at all.
wait really? Shit, all this time I thought it was a photo from the 70s. Cheers, I'll go look for her name.
Well, if he is, Sup Forums always says Meds arent white
if you take Mediterraneans out of "white" then whites would barley be better than niggers, take a look at what civilizations did what and see how none are nordic
>Not white
>pissing away top-tier genes on third world genetic waste
How is this not categorized as a literal mental illness?
Perfect body
I cannot wait to have my own pregnant nord
>This debilitated historically.
She looks thirty. No loss. She settled right before she hit the wall. Roasties know their time is up.
She's ugly and the body is shopped.
Prove it
She's Czech.
Swedish girls are pretty average. They may be blonde but they are comparable to blonde variety of English girls if you have any experience with that.
Damn, got a pic of your cousin?
why are white women so dumb?
the age old question.
I mean, Nordics did make their contributions certainly, but if we are to be honest they are not really that grand when compared with the nations that actually built the concept of the West. The Anglo is right.
Trolls. Trolls everywhere.
I am from Corfu mate, I have plenty of experience with English girls. I didn't think she was Slav. Nothing wrong with them, don't get me wrong, she just didn't strike me as such.
I don't know if it's shopped, but how on earth can you call her ugly?
Can't expect me to post family on Sup Forums @_@
I am so thankful that women in the USA have free speech and call out these ugly sand niggers for what they are
a horribly mediocre white woman with big gums spamming social media to fill her fragile ego and a brown man that needs a dentist
i'm devastated how will i ever recover?
This is why war is necessary in Europe
Those traitors will never learn in our contemporary cucked west. I bet some of her white friends even support it... we are fckg done.
Sure, but in that sense Italy and France did what exactly? The idea of the west is entirely Anglish and German in regards to the reformation.
What did France and Italy do?
Yes some philosophers were French but there's also been a lot of Swedish scientists. What did the countries, as he suggested, do for Western Civilization?
>White women are the statiscally least likely demographic to date outside their race.
Citation needed
Changing the tone of the thread here and I am a little too sleepy to go into depth, but depends on how you define the Western Civilization. If we go with the rather mainstream opinion, that it is the merging of the Grecoroman and Anglogermanic (Franks included here) world, which includes, both science and culture, while being satellited by the Slavs and Iberians, then France most certainly played its part for the entrance of Europe into modernity. If anything France was instrumental in the concept of the ideas of a kingless democratic system that has been a unique achievement of the West.
I guess Italy has Rome. Romans spread Greek ideas and western governments are based on the Roman Republic and Greek philosophies.
So that leaves France then, what did France do that Sweden didn't?
come on dude, its nothing more than lust and lust fueled by propaganda of non-whites being somehow more virile than them for some unknown reason.
I just came back from a lovely family evening where my white grandma got us all round for drinks, we had takeaway fish & chips, with my white aunt+uncle, my white mum+dad, my white sister+husband, my white cousin+wife, my white cousin+wife+white baby, and me and my white girlfriend.
Fucking niggers taking over the world.
You're reaching though to explain France going back all the way to ancient times while disregarding the influence of the nordics.
The people you call "Germanic" were all Nordic anyway, you're nullifying your point
But yeah pretty off topic. But he brought it up.
yeah, Rome is kind of a big one. Renaissance too, largely because of Byzantines leaving Greece because of the Turks, but still.
I guess Charles Martel essentially saved the west at one point. Eh fuck me.
Still there's something Sweden did for Western Civilization.
this guy is below average by turkish standards
kek european women are so stupid
I don't think I am reaching, France was a center of several concepts that evolved and merged into European culture, from Rousseau and Derrida to Foucault.
Also, I am quite confident that Nordics had separated from Germanics during the time the Germans had actually formed any sort of noteworthy civilization. I am no expert on Germanic genetics btw, just the history of Europe in general.
>we had takeaway fish & chips
No, you had takeout fish & fries. Stop using retarded fucking terms for everything.
lmao how fucking dumb
Sweden has most certainly contributed, only a fool or a a meme spouting Sup Forumsack would say otherwise. For a country of your size, you have made both significant scientific and literature related contributions the last two to three hundred years.
The latter of the two you mentioned can be argued to have harmed western civilization, than advanced it
I did concede philosophy, but as I said, Sweden has had a lot of notable people as well. So if we're counting individual citizens, they didn't necessarily represent the French government.
There was a lot of achievements that came from Sweden as well.
There's a reason the west has the Nobel peace prize when it comes to science. The names of all plants, trees, biological families were coined by a Swede.
There is a lot. Swede's have done a lot. But I thought he was talking about "Sweden", not "Swedes", and "France", not "the French". So I have no idea what France has done for Western Civilization that Sweden hasn't.
Anyway I think he's too long gone to respond at this point that anglo
Why is there such a massive sk/wf shilling effort going on here the last couple of weeks? First the proxy faggot constantly spamming polish women and black men threads now I keep seeing these. This isn't just your standard blacked posting either it's more autistic than that.
>The latter of the two you mentioned can be argued to have harmed western civilization, than advanced it
Eh, who knows. Maybe in that case Germanics would be too strong and overwhelm Rome too fast without absorbing its lessons and we would go into shit again.
I can't say that I agree with you on the French part, but I get what you are saying and respect the opinion. But yeah, don't let Sup Forums affect you, Sweden has plenty to be proud of.
>woman blames all men for sexual violence against women
>smilingly defends her boyfriend who has likely committed actual sexual crimes against women
theres no need for that
we will just deport them along with the sandniggers back to their shitstained deserts and they can truly experience their culture
France IS Western Civilization. With its output in historical processes, philosophical thought, and artistic output it is a socio/cultural hegemon that Sweden simply never was. Not even close. And I don't even like the French.
Western Civilization =
1. Christianity/Papacy
2. Rome/Greece (interchangable)
3. France/Italian city states
4. Spain
5. Austria/HRE/England (interchangable)
6. Netherlands/Portugal
most everything else is not relevant historically.
This is the cold hard truth.
Are you smoking? What city states were in France?
It seems like you're just cherrypicking things.
HRE what?
Not once did you mention Germany in regards to Western Civilization. Bismarck did far more than the Netherlands did for Western Civilization. Only thing I can think of that the Netherlands did was innovations in finance. Nothing else.
What, having a colony makes you special? Having a strong military makes you special? What on God's green earth did the Netherlands do that Sweden hasn't?
We don't have a single Muslim in my whole county.
What country?
Where do you live i'm from Louisiana and I need to go to a nigger free environment
mate, the city states was obviously for Italy, not France. Also allow me to question your understanding and knowledge of history when you don't know what HRE stands for. It's the Holy Roman Empire, basically a Union of sorts between several petty German states.
County not country.
I'm not sure what I exhibited where you think I don't know what HRE stands for. I'm asking what HRE did for Western Civilization.
The reformation took place in HRE, that's it. And it was a man with a lot of financial backers, it was not the Holy Roman Empire that did something.
What did the HRE do for Western Civilization?
How about being specific?
Holy shit I'm losing my mind. So much misreading
Well then, dont you think its high time you had some then? invite some Somalis to come settle in your county bro..
I'm enjoying watching Europe burn
I'll take the 56% meme any day over your situation
No one cares about your dilated ass and boipusseh Nordicuck. You are dooomed to a life of drinking goat fucker semen and piss.
Daily reminder that none of this would exist without the Russian Empires slaughter of tatar, Turkish, and mongol hordes.
OP, the guy in your pic isnt actually a terrible looking dude...try getting on this Dudes Level
It's in Montana.
They'd be intimidated away instantly.
who is this?
You seem to have your terms confused. When we refer to Western Civilization, do we think of Sweden or HRE? Nations don't have agency in itself, therefore no nation can do anything for "Western civilization". We can only measure what a nation did for Western civilization through the actions its populace from peasants and regular soldiers to learned men and aristocracy or nobility enacted. Nations in themselves only compose Western Civilzation certainly not contribute to it. And in both of these instances it's clear HRE is deserving of its position. Surely anybody can tell you that HRE as a nation is a bigger constituent of Western civilization than Sweden. And even more obviously, its' populace has had a bigger impact on Western civilization as well, whether that is serving as a barrier against Turks or through sheer amount of notable individuals which I hope we don't have to argue is greater than Sweden's. Bottom line, HRE is Western Civilization more than Sweden is, I'm not sure how this is arguable.
It's OK, many of our counties are actually larger than actual countries.
what do you want now? it's what your people voted for
you're like Venezuelans you voted for this crazy shit, fuck you
seriously, what is this about? Anything on it?