>this kills the Sup Forums
Seems like you guys were wrong. Again.
>this kills the Sup Forums
Seems like you guys were wrong. Again.
Take our immigrants, please!
Fuck off, Ahmed. Nobody even wants you here.
>Best Global reputation
But thats never been a thing?
Nice try Hans
>Majority white nation takes the lead from a majority white nation
Congrats! Wake me up when subhumans take first
Basically whenever there's a Republican president, the foreign press goes into deranged spasms, when it's a Democrat, they start with puff pieces then settle back to normal coverage. The bluepilled masses obediently follow their lead.
Generally Iceland has the best reputation. Germany just has resentment of being the bad guys historically so they have essentially rigged the system with the help of their banking firms to their favour just to be liked without really earning it therefore still aren't liked, CNN isn't a reputable source and libshits are using Germany just like they use everything else to virtue signal and trying to be hip, America lost it's reputation, but Germany has and probably never will have it. Fact is they have invested so much into the European project that they are in debt to it, basically Germany is retarded which their general ethic cannot redeem.
I want the rest of the world to hate us after we continually beat them at everything.
Among shitskins maybe.
another cucked kraut bending over and spreading his ass cheeks for some approval.
stfu u puppet state cant even legally read mein kampf
Fact is if other countries hate your country, you have done something right. Rather otherwise your country has been set up to be divided and sold.
Not even meming but how the US ever have the worlds best reputation?
Yeah Goys, Germany is absolutely for Je---- oops i mean You.
This shit is laughable. Its Europes Terror Hub. Poverty is increasing every Year. People locked up for wrongthink.
Yeah Great Reputation
Ahhh, firstly, America never had the best global reputation, in fact they've had one of the worst. Secondly, Germany is a depressing shithole, and not just cos of the shitskins, but because of their depraved culture and low quality of life. I have been there, and after spending time all over Europe I realised the GDP meme means nothing, fucking Italy is x10 better off than Germany. If you got a hard-on for German culture go to Austria, it is literally way way WAYYYYY better than Doucheland.
Germany seems to be controlled by spooks, can you confirm Germans are mostly ignorant or are paid shills just trying to sway online opinion because really you can expose them.
>the globe percieves Germany to be best country
that's why they're flooding it, especially due to welfare and benefits
>pol btfo, since they're one person with one belief
Imageboard culture is about critique and getting towards objective truth, not perception and upboats faggot
Pro-German government opinion seems to be promoted by Sup Forums mods, had a thread shut down for exposing EU infiltration and propaganda on Sup Forums.
I always read of counterspeech Initiatives. So surely there have to be Merkelbots on here as well.
On the other hand - some germans definetly are totally ignorant of the situation.
Though HTF did Amerimutt memes get industrially produced, most of them you can't find on the internet, some agency is trying to push an agenda and it isn't American.
It works the same way as any other meme. Some people found it funny so they drew their own variation. I myself have made at least 3 Amerimutts
>best global reputation
>becoming a Muslim caliphate by the day
Well describe in detail what these initiatives are because they might be stopped, technically propaganda is illegal under German law in most cases right? Though I could be wrong.
Most people are functionally retarded, I'm not worried about what they think.
I have no idea how. Merkel is hilariously corrupt and lies constantly. It's crazy how no one calls her out on this shit.
Honestly I found them funny but was perturbed the amount spilling out on each thread.
Basically uses blackmail to silence dissident from her own party and opposition and uses domestic spying on the population in contravention of German law.
Too bad Germany won't exist in fifty years
why does Merkel need to advertise in third world countries for more doctors and engineers?
Who comes up with this shit? Who do they ask? Do they do a (((poll)))?
I read an article that describes that they just slander and libel any opposition and label their slogans and positions as "hate speech". Very much like whats happening in the U.S. and I presume most other western countries.
to be fair neither will the US
will there be a decent country still left by then at all?
>best global reputation
>ruining Europe with refugees
>full of Syrian niggers
>destroying the continent
>technically propaganda is illegal under German law
It depends. You cant spread Nazi Propaganda. And having extreme right wing views are banned too.
But its all manageable if you know how to word things. And counterspeech simply does not work as Leftists here are unable to have a proper debate
>best reputation
Of course now that a women runs the country their goals are on par with high school students.
Beat them at their own game. Technically Nazism is Socialist, denouncing Socialism as Nazism or East German Socialism or vice versa is completely legal and probably full-proof and denounce political state child kidnapping as a failure in denazification.
Lmao reputation...
Most rapes by islamic rapefugees
Best reputation
Das lugenpresse
Because people are actually great dont need to lie about it
watch out Germany. if the jew media is praising you, it means they have plans for you...
Doesnt bother me at all. Germany can pay for all of NATO and the UN and can feed all of Africa while they are at it.
>Destroyed Europe twice in one century
>Destroying Europe once again.
So this is the power of German engineering...
Germany continually mocks the US because Trump would not allow us in to the TPP nor will Trump allow us to be governed by a bunch of unelected asshats in Brussels!
>best global reputation
Al-Hans tries to shitpost Sup Forums while ignoring the Muslims raping his country to death before his very eyes.
Inthe words of the God Emperor, sad
>best global reputation
fbpb. All minorities should go to German Paradise.
How the fuck do you even measure global reputation? Is there some reputation index? Is it as bullshit as the happiness or wellness indexes?
Sociology was a mistake.
Haha Germanistan
Best reputation among liberal media = Most cucked
>Loses two world wars
>Back to back
>Still a beacon of modern civilization
Germans are a resilient bunch.
Doesn't mean shit.
We could wipe the entire European Union off the map in a matter of hours. Your global "reputation" means fuck all; truly.
>best reputation
It has literally been a meme for DECADES that everyone hates the US, but they have no choice except to do what we say because the alternative is being steamrolled by the Russians.
Anyway, this clearly doesn't matter as Trump is doing wonders for our relations with, you know, actual global powers, like China and Russia. Why do we need Europe's favor? We require at most their obedience--which we will have so long as our soldiers occupy their nations.
>Local cucks vote for chief cuck in popularity contest
>global reputation
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
No one ever asked my opinion on which country has the best reputation, so I'm not sure how valid the title is.
>The bluepilled masses obediently follow their lead.
Or maybe its the fact that Republicans suck at running the country every single time, while Dems are hit or miss.
You are the bluepilled one, friend. You have a right-wing bias which makes you blind to much your party sucks.
inb4 butthurt posts calling me a cuck, etc. You're all delirious.
>No one ever asked my opinion on which country has the best reputation
Okay... I'll bite.
Which one in your opinion has the best reputation?
Fucks me. It depends what you want, I guess. I just wonder who decides these things. I assume it was the German government.
So says the negro, on behalf of the Jew.